★ The Game Replay: Monopoly Part 1 - zigjogos.com

★ The Game Replay: Monopoly Part 1

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Monopoly Game Replay


  1. Yes, but if it's all just computers, no

  2. Skorrrch!
    Jeez, you never know what to expect here.

  3. 🙁 i have no clue what monopoly is hmmm….. ima more computer dude then board game dude XD and if you know computer dudes you know im totaly lyin about not know what it is XD

  4. this is not a reply to this comment but…

    hey do you think you and me could play vs?

  5. I love how the online version of monopoly doesn't take 2 hours to play through one game, most times xD.

  6. Hey Dave why do you call it the game replay.

  7. @freedam5 If it was anything else, I'd have to call it "Crap"

  8. The browns are the projects

  9. hey i am the commenter in breath of fire 2. i see you have lots of replays that i cannot finish them all! keep up the hard work! we wil appreciate ur vids. =)

  10. And a random internet person. We don't know who this guy is. You crack me up Dave with your videos.

  11. Dam board walk and palace park are the 2 pain in the asses! One u landed and they have hotels….GAME OVER YEAHHH!!!!. haha:)

  12. I L-O-V-E playing online Monopoly. Still no substitute for playing in person, but on the Internet you can play whenever you like.

  13. I like the real life one more.

  14. that and….EVERYBODY HAS AIDS!!

  15. Did I hear somebody burp?! Gross!

  16. Who is random internet guy ya now ELSErfg67

  17. I love playing monopoly on pogo

  18. How do u do fullscreen for this game?

  19. LOL @ 5:10 "Wow, what a horrible trade, looks like we're dealing with a dumbass" 

  20. Do you need to pay to play this game?

  21. Video was amazing 7 years ago

  22. I played this game in high school

  23. I can't believe I found this again. I watched this video series SO MANY TIMES in the early days of YouTube. You probably don't even remember making this, but I certainly remember watching it. So thank you for making me smile.

  24. So glad this is still up! I remember watching it as a kid when my brother and sister didn't want to play Monopoly with me lol. Your "looks like we're dealing with a dumbass line" has stuck with me all these years and become a bit of a mantra lmao.

    Much love to you and your family Dave, from South Korea – thanks for the fond memories <3

  25. Legit one of the best videos of all time.

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