11 Tips: How to Win Monopoly The Board Game - zigjogos.com

11 Tips: How to Win Monopoly The Board Game

Board Game Sanctuary
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Board Game Sanctuary Presents:
11 Tips For Winning & Not Sucking At Monopoly The Board Game

Since its early inception in the early 1930’s, Monopoly is a board game that has brought millions of families and friends, young and old together admist a rainy day or during a family day out. Memories of collecting cash, building houses and sending your friends bankrupt over the course of 2+ hours on house rules that simply didn’t actually exist, but rather were passed down is what people remember.

This video aims to give players some strategies to help them win or at least gain an advantage in their next game of Monopoly. Knowing these 11 tips should put you in a better stance for understanding the mechanics of Monopoly and how it works as well as how to take control back over the game and use it to your advantage and hopefully win.

Is there a clear defined strategy to win Monopoly or is it simply a game of pure chance? Is there a mathematical way to understand the game? Why is there Free Parking or a Go to Jail Space and importantly why do we always have to move clockwise around the board?

Whether you love or hate Monopoly or simply a fan of the competition and economics involved, it is a game that last lasted the test of time and its one that still causes great debate, frustration and discussion to date. Enjoy!


The Board Game Sanctuary is a family friendly board game channel that aims to introduce the board gaming hobby to new and seasoned players in a light, fun and humourous way.

How to Play Monopoly

Please check out my other Monopoly video

11 Rules You’re Playing Wrong in Monopoly The Board Game


  1. I won like 70% of the games with 2 friends by buying only Blue, Pink and Orange

  2. I always win with light blues and pinks

  3. Browns and light blues are so u undervalued by most ppl and you can load them up with hotels for 500 and 750. To me they are the best to own because they won’t break the bank to develop and you can hurt players who try to go for the orange red or dark blues. All the rest are garbage. Railroads are nice but I find they are better as bargaining chips as ppl way overpay for them as well.

  4. 00:04 I’m keen on investing in some properties do you have any good suggestions

  5. Can anyone please explain the 11 tip? How do I save money when I have to pay 200 bucks anyway?

  6. I wiped out all players by owning dark blue set with hotels today. I ended up taking 2 players sets after they added houses because they couldn't afford to pay me and then I owned all except for 2 sets. I negotiated well and because of capital attained through early investments, I was able to add houses providing me with a strong and steady stream of income which was slowly reinvested into properties. I also made sure I bought one property of each colour and gradually negotiated my way to having 3 sets (1 was brown, 1 light blue and 1 set being dark blue). I had leverage and sold the idea of short term and long term gains to other players. One example of this is saying I don't have enough capital to invest into my dark blue set so it's of no real danger right now, whereas, I can offer 300 for your dark blue card so I have a set and you have more cash to invest in the set you already have. It buys time for you, you have 3 properties within a set which is better odds than my 2 spaces and you can add houses right now while everyone else are still bargaining. This atleast is somewhat balanced especially considering your set has only slightly less earning potential and increased odds of landing to offer safe passage around the board. It gets so tactical haha

  7. POV : i own every train cards water and electricity and behide and forward half

  8. You can also sell stock in your property’s

  9. Woah… my monopoly board does not have the same street names. They must have a different version outside of the US. Super interesting!

  10. 07:15 You may have monopolized me in this time but you see I’ll be back with the bigger and better top hat I mean strategy

  11. not me taking this game very seriously

  12. 00:0407:16 I’m keen on investing in some properties do you have any good suggestions you may have monopolized me in this time but see I’ll be back with the bigger and better top hat i mean strategy that’s it I’m off

  13. 02:49 This map is terrible it only goes around in 1 direction

  14. is there a Monopoly Mega video

  15. You can win every time by flipping the board over in a blind rage if things arent going your way.!

  16. Pretty sure you don't get rental income in jail… or is this just how our family plays the game?

  17. I am a Scorpio and I love monopoly. My mother is a Scorpio and she loves monopoly. Wish me luck.

  18. Bro I swear down this is the snakiest game I've ever played

  19. never fear smart player, but beware of those stupid.

  20. Congratulations on a great video! 💣 I know where you can get more than 151 free spins.Best choice.Thanks for the content. Great video! Its fun to watch. Good job.

  21. I love the use of probability to show why the reasons are valid, this game really is a work of art

  22. Ive always felt like light blues are the building blocks for the bigger ones like a 600 payout on Pentonville can help you build on the yellows and reds same goes for Pinks or Oranges

    I still feel like oranges are the best set to get in the game but if you have one of the bigger ones such as the green or a dark blue those are the ones that can kill a game instantly.

    So my advice would be hundred percent try and get the oranges but always try and get one of the yellows reds or even dark green if you have to as a back up because but orange is pink and the light blues are the building blocks for you to pay for the other colour sets.

  23. Thank you, I got absolutely obliterated by my friends & now I have to clap back

  24. Does anny one plays Monopoly on playstation? 😁

  25. Pls someone listen: I think just visiting and go to jail spaces should be removed. You should just stay in jail if you land on it and not be on just visiting. This would open up another space on the other side of the map for another cool feature instead of go to jail.

  26. I buy only the dark blue and pink ones and max them.
    The opponent will eventually step on pink, or even better blue and gain more than the money you spent.

  27. This explains why I won yesterday I owned the red propertys and all the railwaystations

  28. Thanks, got a 5 man monopoly game tonight…Wish me luck 🍀

    Update: No joke a power cut happened at my brothers house during the endgame…I had only pink street with houses

  29. I buy the greens and yellows and win 80 percent of the time

  30. Railways always were my favourite. Today i played with my homies and i got like 2k just from railway fees

  31. I have verloren door you!!

  32. That stay on jail tip is game changing honestly…like of course..you can just /stay there/

  33. Buy Boardwalk and park place, build a hotel. You will bankrupt everyone in no time

  34. Buy property between Jail and Go to Jail? No. That would leave out the two cheapest streets – the browns and the light blues. Those are the cheapest and the easiest to develop. No one wants them. Aim to buy these first and put houses on them asap. The Pink and Orange streets will follow. It does not matter which streets you have, if you cannot develop, they are effectively worthless. If you can keep at least one property per street you will stop anyone else developing, therefore I aim to have one Brown, one Light Blue, one Pink, one Orange and if possible one Red property. Inevitably my first two streets will be either the Brown's or the light Blues. Let the others fight over the expensive streets. They might well end up paying vastly over inflated prices for the Greens or the Yellow's and then they will not have enough money left to develop. The other thing I think is a must is to have at least one Railway Station. The player who controls all four Stations is difficult to beat. Buy the Utilities if you can because they can be exchanged for something more useful like a Station or a cheap property.

  35. Some tips:
    The light blues are one of the bests cards in my opinion. When you wanna buy some house it’s only 50 dollars for each house .-


    Brown is like the light blues it cost 50 each .

  36. My strategy is simple block trade and make my buddy mad😂

  37. Orange and Light Blue are your only focus. Pick up Utilities and the two railroads on the left. Everything else should be traded, including full sets. Let the other players waste their money. Use the Auction to drain others money or scoop up properties for cheap.

    Also in-direct trading is key to not letting people on to what your doing. (I also like to mortgage my properties and try and trade them that way, timing is key)

  38. I have an extra tip about when to save cash:
    Maybe from mid game to late game. Let's imagine you recently completed a color group. You have the capacity for starting to immediately build some houses. Don't use your money yet to buy the houses if all your opponents are still pretty far from your color group. Retain your money until your opponents are approaching your color group ( from 10 to 6 squares away ). If one of those opponents has the next turn, tell him to wait before throwing the dice ( As you said in your video, you can build houses even if it's not during your turn ). Buy the houses and then let him know when you're done. It is likely he will land there because 7 is the most likely number followed by 6 and 8.
    Another case when to save money is when you already bought some houses and there is also at least one opponent who has a complete color group with some houses. You have money to buy more houses but you are approaching his color group. Don't rush. First try to bypass all his properties of the complete color group he has. If you are from 6 to 10 squares away, it is highly risky to spend your money specially if you wouldn't be able to pay the rent without having to sell your houses to the bank. Hold the cash you have in order to protect your houses in case you get an unlucky roll. In case you get to bypass his color group after rolling the dice, then you can spend money to add more houses in your color group and specially if there is at least one opponent approaching your color group.
    The idea ( from the moment you have houses in your color group ) is to try to gradually create a cash buffer in order to protect your houses so that you never have to sell your houses to the bank for paying a rent.

  39. Did you know that even if you land on another person's property you are not obligated to pay rent unless the owner asks for it?

  40. I disagree with maintaining four houses on each property. It is a good strategy if you can afford it and want to block your opponents but there are two cards out there that will make you pay for houses and having 12 could break your bank. Plus there's lost income if you could afford a hotel and make more. I would only do that if several other properties on the board had houses and it could block someone. If there are plenty of houses left in the bank, it's really not worth it.

  41. Selling houses and hotels instead of mortgaging is actually not good advice. Paying off a mortgage only incurs a 10% tax. Even on Boardwalk/Mayfair, to lift a Mortgage is to pay back the original $200, plus $20, the highest charge in the game. Selling a single house from that same space is to LOSE $100 on the house that you'll never get back.

    Otherwise great video.

  42. Tip 9 is complete crap, it's good to mortgage the properties that you don't have a colour set for.

  43. 1:00 what is it in mega monopoly, with extra dice?

  44. I’ve had most luck on pink and orange, light blue then red. If anything get pink as soon as possible and get three / four houses on their asap while getting trades to orange or red.

    With a good bunch of players, you’re probably getting one set. And either way you’re getting either the best 4. Orange, Red, light blue or pink.

    Keep rolling to make trades, if you’re ending up with other set cards, trade to give up that card to someone else to set them up with a colder set such as yellow, green and blue. Even if you’re trading a 1:1 green / blue for orange or pink, do this asap otherwise you’ll be the one developing colder positions.

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