A “Friendly” Game of Monopoly
Good thing it never ends with your sister tackling the guy beating everyone up… oh wait.
Huge thanks to Huion for sponsoring this and sending me a sick tablet to use! Check them out:
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Big thanks to AdamMakesAnimations for voicing the obnoxious brother (I thought he fit the part):
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Commonly asked questions:
“Hey Noah, what do you use to animate your videos?”
Good question! I use Toon Boom Harmony! ( )
“What do you edit your animations with?”
Adobe Premiere Pro! ( )
“I want to start my own animation channel, but I don’t know how to record my voice!”
Here, try Audacity! (IT’S FREE) (( ))
“I’m looking for cheap drawing tablets; any recommendations?”
Why, yes! Try the Wacom Intuos! It’s SORT OF cheap… ( )
Thanks for watching my animation! It means a lot to me 🙂
Your hair gets bigger every episode :V
Bakersfield Monopoly = Bonopoly
I and my family used free parking as a jackpot place.
If we ever had to pay something to the bank we put the money onto the middle of the board, the money on the middle of the board was the jackpot
too short but liked it
got a sister? oh~ well don’t mind if I do~
all hail the king airoah
I always win monopoly
The way we used free parking was that it had a 500 on it, in the middle, and when you had to pay into the middle it went on to free parking. The most money I’ve ever gotten was 3500k from free parking.
i had free parking give 501
I got a Monopoly ad
yes the jackpot. also known as… LETS PLAY ALL DAM DAY
guess what.
free parking is supposed to be a jackpot space
Free parking? What no that the Jackpot spot. no joke my family actually used that spot the same way yours did, we actually crossed out free parking and wrote jackpot on it with marker.
Monopoly games take sooo long
K first off, I love Monopoly!!
My family would always put the tax in the middle to make it more interesting, it makes the percentage of a healthy family relationship go down 👍
1:22 what is that music
human money play with me online i swear im not evil
Bro this tablet is bigger than my computer.
This reminds me of the time it took two days for me to finish a monopoly game with my siblings. Well, I mean my sister. My brother got out pretty early.
If you went to jail you would pay 50 to the center of the board same thing with tax and whoever lands on free parking gets the money in the center
monopoly would always end with a lost friendship but thats a worthy sacrifice 😎
I don't know what it is but that feeling of finally being better than your older brothers at a game is just wonderful, for me it was Monster Hunter. What was it for you if you were ever in that situation?
i also have the jakpot rule
For our family we used free parking as a kind of jackpot where any money paid in taxes or other payments to anything that is not other players or the bank goes in the middle of the board and if you land if free parking you get all the money put in the middle, so it could be anywhere from 25 dollars to thousands
Oh no
Epic fam
Yay monopoly
There’s no such thing as a friendly game of monopoly
Hey I love your videos
Holo 🤗
fAmIlY fRiENdlY pG clEAn
no such thing as a friendly monopoly
Finally a Halo 2 fan!
Oh poor little Airoah, you should know that a friendly game of Monopoly doesn’t exist.
Economy, where you dont care.
Monopoly… Friendly