A Summarization of My Thoughts On Monopoly Cheaters Edition (VOLUME WARNING) – I Mess With Games
Massacre’s Mansion
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Yeah… I don’t like it very much.
After I received so many comments asking me to make this video I knew I had to make it. I didn’t realize how many people wanted to know what I thought of this game.
I hope you’re able to endure me ranting about Monopoly Cheaters Edition for nearly 48 minutes, because this is the exact video you all asked for!
Be sure to check out the rest of my channel if you enjoy this video. I make tabletop games and I do other things as well!
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Coup is a really good implementation of "cheating". But rather than cheating, it's carefully planned out bluffing. You can do actions from cards you do not have, and if another player calls your bluff, you have to reveal your cards. If you were not bluffing and you actaully have the correct cards, your accuser loses a card. If you were bluffing, you lose a card and draw a new hand to replace your previous hand, one card smaller.
https://youtu.be/KhzOu-rQjB0?t=1669 Yes you can the game makes the idiotic idea of making the rent price HALF of the property price AND group color rent is double the first rent price AND the hotel price makes the group color price DOUBLE AGAIN making it super easy to know how much to pay ALWAYS making the cheat ABSOLUTE GARBAGE
As someone who has never played monopoly. Agreed Bro. 👍
your reward when you were winning those games that your friend ended is that your friend ended them early
my goal when invited to play this game is to see how quickly I can lose so I can leave the game, but that's true of original monopoly for me as well.
the best version of Monopoly is the Lord of the Rings version because it has the Ring Rule where when the ring makes it around the board the game is over. No reason to gut the original mechanics to speed up the game. And the best part is you can do it with any version because you just get like a pen cap or something to represent the ring and tell everyone that when a one is rolled you move the pen cap too and when it passes Go the game is over.
My dude, you need to learn to talk to people. Your friend wasn't "forcing you" to play monopoly. This is how resentment builds up and explodes… Your friend isn't in the wrong here, they can't react to what they don't know. Use your voice.
I played this with my family a few christmases ago. My wife knocked a plate of rice off the table and I went to clean it up. After sweeping up the rice, I roll and my wife claims to have cheated by stealing my best properties. I destroyed everyone that game, but all anyone remembers from it is my wife tricking me into cleaning up her mess while she stole from me. I don’t play this game anymore.
I noticed u replied to every comment on this video (very impressive) so I challenge you, either don't reply to this comment at all to show your restraint or try and not reply to this message for as long as you can, I will edit this message saying how long it took for you to reply if you fail (very cringe). Good luck
Edit: it took him 3 hours smh
omg did he say gritty
Just remove the reward mechanic. Getting away with cheating is already a great reward, so the risk-reward ratio is far more balanced.
Monopoly has caused more devoices than cheating.
Your first mistake was letting the cheater pick up a Monopoly that rewards cheating while being by the book
I got an ad for monopoly go right before this video, theyre onto you
Monopoly is only fun with role play anyway. As just a game there's 0 strategy, just buy everything, whoever bought more at the start will win. It's only fun if you roleplay and pretend you don't know this and actually want to stay in the game. It could come with some reward, like, whoever is still in the game can eat candy from a bowl or drink or whatever.
We have this IRL in Oregon, it's called "Squatters Rights"!
I've got two things to say about this video:
1. One of the few positives about the game that you neglected to mention is the fact that the custom tokens made for this game are absolutely adorable. They're all re-themed to be criminals, such as a cat burglar, a getaway car, a dog burying his taxes, and a hat with money stuffed in it. The custom tokens are probably my favorite aspect of this otherwise godawful game.
2. There's a Calvin and Hobbes strip where the two of them are playing normal Monopoly that I think perfectly sums this whole thing up. Hobbes catches Calvin stealing from the bank, to which he starts to steal money from Calvin. Calvin then steals Hobbes' deeds to Park Place and Boardwalk, to which Hobbes then puts all the houses and hotels on Baltic to make Calvin owe him $250,000. It just goes to show that letting everyone cheat willy nilly just ruins the game in a perfectly succinct way.
They shoulda just named the game capitalism
I want to try to empty the whole 500 in the bank like angela did
Just play normal monopoly or one of its thousands of reskins, and I think you will have much more fun
after reading the comments, i think i enjoyed cheaters edition was because my family and i were not creative enough
Dude, care this much about something that actually matters
They should call the game “Monop: poopy color that is the direct opposite to neon no skill anti-wrist lightspeed bankrupting da bank exploits insta win limited cheating no mercy 0%FUN raigquitting 2 part rant made by a guy who goes by Massacre’s Mansion edition”
The Anakin meme of "not admiring" was really funny. The whole context of that cheat was really funny and i can hear the annoyance.
I think you missed a tiny point. The cheats arent set from the start and permanent for the whole game, once you do a cheat you take it off the board and replace it.
Fun thing my family did, in regard to the "Just ask to see the card": We made it a house rule that if you ask to see the card, you're automatically saying that the other person is cheating (which counts it as an accusation).
6:36 sounds like you just need to be direct with your friends lol, explain it and in a way that gets across your intentions
istg good friends will understand and stop doing something you dont like. you have self-actualization, you dont have to go along. you can just be honest.
1. Team up with a player
2. Move their piece
3. They move yours to an unowned property
4. Repeat
Rather than incentivizing cheating and hiding your cheats to get away with them, it just incentivizes scrutinizing EVERY. SINGLE. ACTION. anyone takes. Someone draws so money from the bank "let me see you take each bill one by one and show that there's nothing stuck together." need to pay rent "let me see the property card" get payed rent "Let me count each bill". Chance card "let me see" etc. etc. Slows the game and increases tension between people since you cant trust anything anyone does which makes Monopoly even harder to play with others since it will be an even more awful experience. While regular Monopoly ruing friendships through skill and random luck this version just ruins friendships due to lack of trust and tediousness. Like how do you counter the steal money from bank cheat? It's impossible without knowing how much money each player has at all times because nothing is stopping you from just claiming you stole money from the bank when you didn't. If they say you didn't you can just claim you were that sneaky about it which will lead to fights.
i liked this game 🥺
(My friend stole the bank)
I have vowed never to play Monopoly ever again.
I played it once and rage quit like 10 minutes in
So far sounds like monopoly for little kids who dont wanna learn the rules or strategies and dont have the patience for a full game of monopoly
If the same chest was being used on you every turn, then they were cheating with the cheating. After the first person passes or gets caught, the card is supposed to be removed from the game and replaced with another from the deck. The game still isn't balanced though, the bank heist card that let's you steal money doesn't have you return the money if caught, so one guy I played with just stole all the 500s and went to jail openly
You gotta try Monopoly Animal Crossing. It’s straight up just not Monopoly at all to the point that it feels exploitative that they would even call it Monopoly. Also, the game has so much potential to be good, but it’s so clear that very little thought went into creating it and that there was very little if any playtesting that the game is so painful to play. Give it a try!
I remember first seeing commercials for MCE and went "…wait, is it even really cheating if it's part of the game?" And just generally feeling like it would have problems. And not only was I absolutely right but it's even worse than i imagined lmao
Never played monopoly in my life but boy oh boy I'm strapping in
Guys, Monopoly wasn't even good to begin with
I find this very interesting. I played Monopoly Cheaters Edition a couple of times, and found it enjoyable. I think the reason our views are so different probably boils down to our view of games and competition, and our view of the original Monopoly. I don't like regular Monopoly, and on the few occasions I play it I don't do so competitively. I suppose I make some effort to win, but when so much can come down to a single die roll I just can't seem to care that much. I enjoyed Monopoly Cheaters Edition because it was shorter, and leaned further against the not taking it seriously angle. I definitely agree that if everyone is trying hard to win, then the mechanics break down. I think the same thing applies to lots of games though. I am reminded of Apples to Apples or Monikers, which breakdown when the players are too competitive.
At the end of the day I agree that we can have different opinions on this, but I will say that your take on actual cheating is awful. You shouldn't cheat in games. I can have some grace for unintentional mistakes, but no one should intentionally break the rules.
I am also surprised that you didn't mention that the game ends when all of the properties are obtained, which definitely makes the game shorter.
Ngl I saw 'Cheaters' and my first thought was the goddamn TV show 😭😂
I don't understand the point of a "cheater's edition" is since that's what the regular version is in my eyes. Me and my friends agree that the game is capitalism simulator and robbing someone blind and gaslighting is part of the fun. It's as much a strategy game as it is about social manipulation.
I watch this playlist every once in a while (or when I'm missing my Uno Amalgam fix). It's really cool seeing you still replying to people who are just discovering this video.
I don't know if anyone said this, but purples are brown in the UK/London version of standard Monopoly. Old Kent Rd. and Whitechapel Rd.
But they'd absolutely look better in neon purple.
2:09 BAHOTH Is my number one favorite game
To be fair, Monopoly was originally a social experiment trying to teach people the ills of capitalism. This game teaches the ills of cheating.
What does ultimate cheaters mode do btw
Added note, I wouldn’t mind seeing you roast other bad board games/versions of board games as you delve into what makes them bad games overall or inferior variants of the original
Within the timespan of this video I have come up with a better version (imo) of this. Take a normal monopoly board and don’t change anything other than having the back in the center so everyone can see it (removes the swapping of it). Everything’s the same as normal monopoly. The addition is that the cheat cards aren’t mandatory or only a few are chosen. You get like 15 cheats that anyone can do anytime. The incentive is to 1. get away with the benefit of the cheat and to 2. eliminate that cheat so no one else can benefit from it. so if I take any extra money from passing go and the next player plays. that way of cheating is eliminated and technically no one else can do it (trust based system like normal monopoly). If you get caught cheating or do one that was already eliminated you get sent to jail without being able try to roll out and have to pay a double fine. it’s not perfect but it’s just extra mechanisms on the base game
26:20 this is the sound of a broken man.
Love the video, thank you for sharing this so I never need to play this game for myself
15:44 either my monopoly board is defective or that is a disgusting luxury tax space. WHY THE HELL IS IT 75 I swear it’s supposed to be 100