"Best Buys" Most Boring Monopoly Game EVER? Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel - zigjogos.com

“Best Buys” Most Boring Monopoly Game EVER? Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel

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2002 “Best Buys” USA Electronics Retailer Monopoly easily one of the Top Ten most Boring and Senseless Custom Special Edition Monopoly Games Ever Produced. Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel on YouTube. In the USA, Best Buys Electronics Stores are well known for LCD and LED Televisions, Commputers, Laptops, Ipods and other MP3 Players, Cell Phones, Color Printers and Other Consumer Electronics and Gadgets.


  1. AHHHHHHHHHHH its burning me!!!

  2. @GreatBritishGamers – Considering I left there in 2007, I'm not that worried.

    And when I was there, my Supervisor from 200-2002's nickname for me was "Time Bomb."

  3. @TheToyChannel – Thanks.

  4. zzzzzzzzzzzz. Huh? Is it over? Did our team win? Btw, did they ever make 'Cars' monopoly? If they didn't, they should.

  5. holy crap i'm 1337 to lolz leethaxxorz

  6. I wouldn't mind a Target Monopoly if they made one, although it would probably end up similar to this :p

  7. @warriorcat119 yhea that happens people leave stores.

  8. Where's a "Geek Squad" card? arn't they mentioned

  9. wow thats sad they never put their pple on the board. that saids if u work here, u don't exist.

  10. That's actually quite interesting that they made one with the districts and such being part or a store

  11. @birca04 he said it was made in 2002 and bestbuy wasn't that bad where they would rip off technologically impaired people like they do today

  12. good store.. horrible game

  13. @KillaM701
    It's stuck again, like it tends to be in the 300s. So I'm 1337 too.

  14. @vannoah i didn't even notice the yellow dice LOL ^_^

  15. "Hey Kids, who wants to play a fun edition of the classic Game Monopoly"
    Kids Yelling "ME ME, I DO"
    "Well to bad. You're stuck playing this crappy version, I got instead of my Christmas bonus"

  16. Hey Mike Do you Happen to Have the Nintendo Monopoly Board and if you do can you make a video about? Thanks id you do.

  17. I have the Nintendo version of Monopoly at my house. WAAAAAAAAAAAY better!

  18. AHAHA that looks super boring…it needs colour, not just black and yellow

  19. Awful awful game! What were they thinking???

  20. it is boring, but i think its stupid how u insult them for having the same "go" "go to jail" etc when u thought it was nice on the other boards

  21. I was yawning throughout the whole video. *yawn*

  22. dude you're a freaking idiot! ITS MONOPOLY!!!! granted that Best buy probably isn't the best choice but dang man monopoly is monopoly so stop just trying to make videos like that and get back to your good stuff of reviewing toys gone wrong! hehe I like those 🙂

  23. hmm what is the most boring monopoly of all time?

  24. Wow, that game sucks just as much as Best Buy itself

  25. That's….terribly………boringgggggg hahahahaha xD

  26. Actually this is kinzzzzzZZZZZZZ zzzzz zZZ ZZ ZZzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz…

  27. This thing is like something out of Dilbert.

  28. @ukpkmkk you mean black friday? lol

  29. Best buy cashier 1: omg! bob! last night i saw this review for monopoly best buy addition! in the future we wont be here because of the internet!
    Best buy cashier 2: Oh no! i wonder when that will happen
    *best buy is dark and no one is in it*

  30. they should give this free on black friday

  31. i don't know if it's just me, but i'd be thinking "Cool, free monopoly"
    cuz it's still played the same way, it's just all supernerd-ifyed
    which idk if its just me, but i kinda like.

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