“Best Buys” Most Boring Monopoly Game EVER? Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel
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2002 “Best Buys” USA Electronics Retailer Monopoly easily one of the Top Ten most Boring and Senseless Custom Special Edition Monopoly Games Ever Produced. Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel on YouTube. In the USA, Best Buys Electronics Stores are well known for LCD and LED Televisions, Commputers, Laptops, Ipods and other MP3 Players, Cell Phones, Color Printers and Other Consumer Electronics and Gadgets.
Ur sarcasm voice is funny xD
He speaks funny
Because the police want to help you escape from the boredom.
We're pixies! Pixies! We play best buy monopoly! (Because no one wanted it!!!)
i told best buy i wanted to buy best buy monopoly.they said they don't have best buy monopoly.then they where rude to me. for threaten me by saying
if you mess with my employes the manager of best buy will hurt you.
they hurt my felling what am i going to do thanks for the video mike.
When Mike Mozart plays this game,he feels 'board'.
Can't show real customers because of legal reasons. They could have gotten some actors in the store for the cover shot though.
OMG this makes me want to punch an executive and pat the Parker Brothers on the back for going ahead with this order so we could all know a full spectrum and understand that things could be worse. "Hey quitchur bitchin! I could have got ya BEST BUY Monopoly for your stupid birthday!".
Since you clearly don't like it can I have it?
Wow, this is boring!
Next up on weird Monopoly,
Monopoly predator edition
Monopoly terminator edition
Monopoly alien edition
Wow he predicted it
Even the Target monopoly had more creativity.