Best of Monopoly Plus/Funny Moments-Game Grumps VS Compilation
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I’d say this is the BEST game of Monopoly that has been on Grumps. We have finally seen what this game can truly do to a player, so rage-inducing it’s funny.
Also Arin, repent for your sins and crimes against Dan.
For this was not The Video Game Boy’s day.
Also Arin, repent for your sins and crimes against Dan.
For this was not The Video Game Boy’s day.
Also who wants a Monopoly mega compilation? Like all the Monopoly playthroughs best moments in one video, who wants it? I’ll do it anyway
Scrubblies: youtube.com/user/gamegrumps
And me too hopefully: bit.ly/GrumpMovieSub
Why was the vice for the intro jontron
11:46 Didn't know Danny listened to Arrested Development. Good on him. No one is going to get that reference.
I watched this compilation so many times that my phone broke due to overuse. I don't have a problem.
Donald Trump: Thank you Mr. Grumps: The Movie for a fantastic compilation, I believe it was a cool and amazing compilation, the best over, it's amazing, believe me, it is. I especially loved the Arin gentleman, he reminds me a lot of myself when I was younger, too bad he was beaten by this no-good Dan guy, I'll have to look into that, but good job regardless. Thanks Kanye.
Was that Jontron in the intro? That definitely sounded like him.
I can't stop replaying Dan's throat-destroying, "FUCK!!!!!"
15:01 I felt that way from something irl literally not 1 minute before
Was that Jontron singing the intro?
My family has a house rule where landing on free parking gets you all the money from community chest/chance payments, and god i wish it was official
Nice grief and sorrow reference
15:01 is where it’s at
On the first game, you should have mortgaged your yellow and reds and put houses on oranges. Gotta take chances like that
Omfg I opened up cinnamon cookies a second before they said do u smell cinnamon lol wow
Arin not knowing how to trade cash was the most infuriating thing
He unknowingly swindled Dan out of $60
This game shows you the real KARMA on every god damn roll 😂😂😂
59:21 *HOONK*
"like an IDIOT"
ok the jon intro really brought me back
Dan saying 'stayin up at places' ALWAYS Gets me!! 😂😂
Isn’t 4 considered an unlucky number in japan?
bikini haul
58:57 58:58 58:59 1:02:30 1:02:31 1:02:32 1:02:33
Why ain't I dead yet?
I made a custom monopoly board in monopoly plus and re-named park place and boardwalk to "the friendship ender" and "the friendship ender deluxe " respectively
59:21 lmao
55:57 VOICE123
I love the irony that arin lost 450 dollars on the magenta, the exact same amount dan bought it for
Daniel Avidan developing tetraphobia the movie.
59:22 BRRRRRMMM like an idiot
Yall sleeping on 56:03
56:29…that whole rant kills me every time I hear it. 🤣
Please excuse me, I'm just gonna leave my favorite moments right here.
Title should be. Best of Arin Losing to dan.
34:25 one of the funniest episodes ever
omg, the baby baluga song just unlocked a friggin shitton of repressed memories…
Just wanna say thanks for using the original Jon intro. It brought me back.
St. fucking Charles. What a God damn surprise!
Man, why you gotta use the older and crappier GGVS intro narrated by that one dumbass?
My house rule for landing on Free Parking is that you have to immediately pack up the game while everyone else just sits at the table in silence.
Monopoly really does get extreme for Dan XD either there's a game where he's literally Napoleon. Or there's a game where he's sat on the side of the street begging with a tin cup
53:47 funny
"BRRRR! Like an idiot!"
So fukkin' petty in most base and hysterical way – Monopoly really does things to people's psyches and it's so much fun to witness (definitely not fun to experience)
23:51 Did the word dingus get censored?
Monopoly is a true test of friendship. If you're still friends after it you'll be friends forever.
Absolutely LOVE this content! I would have loved to see the graphs overlaid! That would have created s great visual argument. I'm talking about the overall percentage of drawing a starter, overlaid against the percentage of drawing exactly 1 starter.
Showing these slideshows with liste, graphs and charts will boost the visual appeal of these videos too. I love that you proved that innovation is desperatelt needed and just blisnly throwing in 3 copies of engine cards isn't optimal. And multi engine decks have more versatility. I love that.