Board Game Video Games - Scott The Woz -

Board Game Video Games – Scott The Woz

Scott The Woz
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Scott’s bored.
Limited Edition Merchandise for Charity:


Music Used:
“My Horse and I” by Norman John Warren
“Temple of Time” from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
“Yoshi’s Tropical Island” from Mario Party Superstars
“BGM” from Monopoly (GBA)
“Main Theme” from Monopoly (Wii)
“Main Menu” from Monopoly Plus
“Mario Stadium” from Fortune Street
“Super Pipe House” from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
“Koopa’s Tycoon Town” from Mario Party 8
“Casino Night Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
“Mystic Cave Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
“Haunted Graveyard” from Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
“Title Screen” from Pictionary (NES)
“Mini Game – SOS Backup” from Sonic Frontiers
“Air Hockey” from Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
“Riding (Day)” from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
“Four-in-a-Row/Sliding Puzzle” from Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
“Overworld (SMB2)” from Super Mario All-Stars
“1950s Music 1” from The Game of Life (PC)
“Hollywood Theme” from Clue (Nintendo Switch)
“Snifit or Whifit” from Paper Mario: Color Splash
“No Way!” from Sonic & Knuckles
“Break In (Original Piece)” by Garrett Williamson ()


  1. 0:33 the literal interpretation of this is Super Mario 64

  2. 10:23 can really tell Scott almost breaking here.

  3. I have an issue. I actually get cravings to play monopoly

  4. That “here’s $40 000” followed by instant regret was awesome. Wonderful joke and delivery!

  5. Too bad none of the Jinsei Game titles were mentioned. It's the Game of Life, but with RPG elements and a bigger job system than the regular board game.

  6. 10:07 when someone asks me what type of animal Balthazar from Rango is

  7. WAIT there was a video game adaptation of that Battleship movie?

  8. the goatse joke LMAO, i did not expect that here

  9. its weird seeing the couch in a video where they aren't talking about the emoji movie.

  10. Does anyone else find it funny when he sprayed the mustard everywhere at 12:15 almost NONE of it hit the jenga tower itself. Hell some of the mustard got behind the tower.

  11. What’s that jenga game? I’ve played it but I think they delisted it from the app store

  12. Theres also Monopoly for certain cities, like New York and Pittsburgh

  13. Dang, I was really looking forward to Scott's impressions on Battleship: The Game: The Movie: The Videogame

  14. Monopoly is overrated

  15. My favorite Monopoly version is the City of Manitowoc. Not sure why it has one

  16. "they couldn't make a Goatzee… right?"

  17. 13:39 I love it that Scott's idea of the world is just the other US states.

  18. 17:10 Scott using a Wii U-Draw on an Xbox 360 is definitive lore

  19. Why you don’t have board games when you need video board games

  20. I hope anyone new seeing this didn’t instantly click off

  21. I wish you reviewed the Wii version of battleship because it's a proper adaptation of the board game, while the HD version you showed at the end is based on the shitty movie adaptation

  22. He probably still has a ton of mustard in his fridge.

  23. Okay, here's one. Board Games on Table Top Simulator.

  24. 7:01 Scotts commitment to doing a joke is amazing

  25. 10:18 why am i laughing so hard?? show this to someone without context and they would die laughing

  26. still waiting for video game board games scott

  27. You can feel AVGN’s influence all over these videos and I absolutely love it.

  28. This was more disappointing than I expected

  29. Boggle is good
    Boggle is great
    Boggle is my life
    Boggle Keeps me Safe

  30. The Great Pickleball War of 1931.

  31. 3:31 I just noticed that Rex spits some dice out of his mouth. Love that detail

  32. Kendrick Lamar Mustard reference

  33. “YOU FOOL! I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD!” – Rex, aka Jesus

  34. Video game board games would be awesome because he could talk about resident evil the board game and resident evil 2 the board game and resident evil 3 the board game and resident evil 4 the board game

  35. I don't know how you can make a video like this and not mention Clubhouse Games even once. It may not be licensed, but it's THE board game video game.

  36. 14:2714:42 "But picture this… … … … no~"

    Frick, that one still gets me. XD

  37. Thank you for pointing out the oxymoron. I couldnt stop laughing and will never forget this. It was so obvious, so glaring. Yet, I've been blind to it all these years.

  38. Soooo, now they have board game monopoly based on the mobile game based on the board game. What a time to be alive

  39. I didn't see monopoly for the kindle ereader in this video and im disappointed. unsubscribed.

  40. The PC Clue from the early 2000s was sweet. Had a cool soundtrack too.

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