This is absolutely beautifully done Classic Game. 💰
Is the drawer coated with velvet?
Wow! That is a beauty. I love it.
Very Nice thanks for sharing Norb👍
Wow that’s beautiful I’d love to play that. 🤩
That look nice
Definitely dope.. I remember I used to get a Monopoly board every Christmas from an aunt/uncle/cousin… so many stacked in the closet, lol, but that's definitely a nice one there!
OMG… Monopoly game for executives💎💎
I feel like i had a set like that, hell if I know where it is years later lol
This is beautiful wow😍😍
Cool! Looks like a great luxury board. I have seen similer ones for sale on places like eBay & Amazon in the $200-$600 range but I have never seen an actual luxury board in person as these things are pricy. All my personal Monopoly boards are basic cardboard.
Good afternoon BigNorb,this is a great find. We have family night with the old school monopoly game. Thanks for sharing 👍🏽
I bought one bro cause 270 dollars
Franklin mint the original with glass top is a higher quality piece this is a good replica of the 1991 Franklin mint Monopoly
Is the drawer coated with velvet?
Wow! That is a beauty. I love it.
Very Nice thanks for sharing Norb👍
Wow that’s beautiful I’d love to play that. 🤩
That look nice
Definitely dope.. I remember I used to get a Monopoly board every Christmas from an aunt/uncle/cousin… so many stacked in the closet, lol, but that's definitely a nice one there!
OMG… Monopoly game for executives💎💎
I feel like i had a set like that, hell if I know where it is years later lol
This is beautiful wow😍😍
Cool! Looks like a great luxury board. I have seen similer ones for sale on places like eBay & Amazon in the $200-$600 range but I have never seen an actual luxury board in person as these things are pricy. All my personal Monopoly boards are basic cardboard.
Good afternoon BigNorb,this is a great find. We have family night with the old school monopoly game. Thanks for sharing 👍🏽
I bought one bro cause 270 dollars
Franklin mint the original with glass top is a higher quality piece this is a good replica of the 1991 Franklin mint Monopoly