Drunk Monopoly - Beer and Board Games - zigjogos.com

Drunk Monopoly – Beer and Board Games

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Decide what beer we drink!

The first 3 beers of a 6 beer game. ALL THE LINKS YOU NEED: Drunk Family Feud:

Drunk Cthulu Card Game:

Drunk Talisman:

Drunk Magic The Gathering:

Drunk Dark Tower
Part 1: “Glissade”
Part 2: “Monty Python’s Holy Grail Ale”
Part 3 “Poet Oatmeal Stout”
Part 4 “Shocker”

The Blame Society Facebook App:


  1. I adore you guys. You've give some fantastic laughs to me and mine!

  2. @JamesSonOfBaboonzo Yes, if I can get this to go through, then it will be posted on this channel, and each episode will most likely be a video response to a Beer and Board Games epsiode.

  3. i foresee much anger from this series

  4. @mgabbard If it was the fridge it would be great if it was bigger on the inside ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. you guys play monopoly better drunk then my friends and i playing sober

  6. Fuck this was the best one yet…

  7. Fantastic! I laughed all the way through this one!

  8. 2 000 now, and 15 000 when we finish the game.

  9. People that are circoncised have less sensibility, which is bad in that situation… And at my knownledge if someone doesn't clean his dick, I presume he never wash himself.

  10. I love that you guys are dressed up to play monopoly ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I could'nt stop laughing!

  12. i love this show so much. never stop. ever.

  13. Nice work guys this series Rulez.

  14. You guys are the greatest. You should do a Beer and Boardgames with the main characters from Chad Vader.


  16. 6 beers each and play a video game? WOOOOOOOOOW. I'm swedish, that's what I frigging drank for breakfest when i was 5. Yanks…

  17. Reding rail road (prenonciation)

  18. THIS video is the GREATEST but its proobably only because im driun klol im laughing so mcu

  19. you ruined the cigars by lighting them with a lighter D: you should've used just matches

  20. i want to visit rail world now ๐Ÿ˜€

  21. @thegamemuseum I came up with the title actually. ๐Ÿ˜›

  22. What happened to what's his name's brother?

  23. In the first 45 seconds i was sure you were already drunk … im just worried about the ending now

  24. I want a free balloon.
    Can I haz a free balloon mister?

  25. mildly entertaining. did have a small smile through out most of it.


  27. @K155fan Where is it? I don't see it.

  28. monopoly… i would drink scotch with that XD

  29. I really would like to see a B&BG with only Belgian beers!
    Would really be awesome.

  30. can you guys do risk next? seeing you do that stratigic game would be very entertaining

  31. Surprisingly hilarious. I've never played monopoly and didn't leave miserable and hating all my friends. Note to self: drink even more when playing board games.

  32. Yes, Risk should be next! I don't care how long you'd need to play, or how how many episodes it'd need to be split into, give us some drunken world-conquering shenanigans! You could turn it into a drinking game, drink a beer for every territory you win. ๐Ÿ˜€

  33. Beer and Board Games brightens my day.

  34. @WNxXcutioner Louie's Demise Ale.

  35. Hilarious, as usual guys. Can't wait for the next episode!
    Where can I purchase one of these awesome collector's edition hobo–stained monopoly sets? My friends and I are just so jealous of your protein and poo dollars hahaha

  36. You Guys are the coolest dudes in the history of dudes.

  37. oh man, as much as I love Beer and Boardgames, this is not the show to watch with an awful hangover….

  38. this is my usual Saturday night.

  39. circumcism in your 50s eh? They might be onto something

  40. Commander Wickstrom! And the dissatisfied customer! They fell into money and became ty-COOOONS!

    I love Monopoly so much. Never stop this series.

  41. omg i love these shows so much, i had to share this one on FB. cant wait for the 2nd half

  42. What happens when you're playing Monopoly and the housing market crashes?

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