Feminist Ms. Monopoly Reviewed in Board Game Playthrough | NowThis
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In US news and current events today, NowThis staffers put the new Monopoly known as Ms. Monopoly to the test in this board game review. With Ms Monopoly, Hasbro is attempting to address the gender pay gap with a feminism bent. Miss Monopoly is the new version of the game that follows such newsworthy twists on Monopoly like Monopoly Cheaters Edition, Monopoly for Millennials, and Monopoly Plus. Watch NowThis go through this board games playthrough. What are some other interesting board games 2019 will have in store for us?
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fix sexism with more sexism
The one on the right is a perfect example of a beta male. He looks euthenized.
these people actually agree with this game? lmao the wage gap isnt that men and women make different amounts at the same job, its that less women push themselves to do the super stressful jobs that make more money. women arent paid less for being women and they dont even understand the issue properly. this video is a joke
3:40 oh the hyprocrisy
Me: How is possible to combat inequality with inequality
Goes to show that feminism is not about gender equality, it is about females having privileges over men.
Just like the majority of self-proclaimed feminists and the feminism movement doesn't help bring equality where men are disadvantaged.
notice how almost all the inventions have something to do with food, children, cleaning, shopping or makeup
is there another option on the gendered cards for the other 70+ "genders"?🤣
What's with the like ratio? They clearly thought it was sexist. Watch till the end, people.
Plot twist: the man there is a simp
Who would not be angry with a game like this (when you are a boy)
Well this is sexist
The guy
monopoly feminist edition
m surprised they dont make men pay more for the game than women.
Funny thing is that in making a game that's supposed to make you think about equality they intentionally or unintentionally made the only monopoly game that is not equal. Literally every other monopoly game treats all players regardless of gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity or religion as equals but not ms monopoly.
Them Says it's bad that men make more. Also them. in this game women make more.
imagine trying to solve sexism with even more sexism
"I would've rather cards like, 'Oh, because of the gender gap, you lost 'x' amount of money."
This being the gender pay gap that doesn't exist, that would be genius
I may be a feminist in my future cuz i am 12 in my vision
But men and women deserve the same amount
feminists: Lets create something new to show that we are as capable as men.
feminists: slap ms. on the front of a game designed by men
You did not create, you merely appropriated a very fair, gender neutral game, and gave it a weird twist that is supposed to magically make women legally equal to men.
Even though they all ready are.
The players in this video have a combined IQ of 60. NowThis News is TERRIBLE!!!
This is the dumbest game I’ve ever heard of
Oh yeah 5 year olds go on dates and also it puts the idea that you should always favour women rather than pay all equally
Please read "Economic Facts and Fallacies" by Thomas Sowell to learn the truth about the wage gap. The wage gap myth has been debunked for over 40 years. Wage gap statistics are based on median annual income or hourly salary regardless of career, education, hours worked, continuous years of employment, marital status, age, geographic location, etc. When you control these factors, the wage gap disappears.
How to lose money as a business 101
"How much more badass can you get?"
WW1, WW2 generation. "Did you say something?"
This is why this channel is dying
“As it should be” scary stuff gents 👀
So it's a sexist game vs monopoly where it's fair all across
the funny
O so feminist made this game
Saw this game on clearance today. Lmao
Someone needs to Google
"The Equal Pay Act Of 1963".
Someone needs to Google
"The Equal Pay Act Of 1963".
Imagine when a guy wins against 3 female players. So… is that still unfair?
Y’all so upset over a game lol
1:22 Coffee filter is a…..life saving tool??????
The game is addressing the wage gap although $40 to close it isn’t enough so when the wage gap something nonexistent. Becomes more for women than men it is still not enough what do you expect women to be payed 300% more then man that’s sexism and companies would only hire men
I’m just gonna identify as a female and so would every other male
So the wage gap doesn’t exist and even the channel recognizes this as we can see in the description the game fixes the wage gap which is to say feminism is not about equality it is about women having more rights and privilege than men
In the first game we dont have problems with sexism,
Now we have
Wage gap does not exist, that man is a soy boy, if a woman didn’t make those things men would of and this is straight up propaganda
Modern feminists dont want equality, they want superiority
Ironic how monopoly was invented by a woman
It's funny how this dude desperatly tries to agree with the females just to one day hopefully get layed by them….
This game is so sexist and has NOTHING to do with "Equality". True Equality means You do X you get payed Y.
Why do Woman "earn less" because they DO LESS!!
Most "Feminist" cry for more Woman in leading positions but I've NEVER, NEVER EVER in my entire live heared a Woman shouting for equality in jobs like plumbers, construction workers, soldiers…. Woman "want" easy jobs, Woman want free time for babys sure thing they gonna earn less…
When will we get Mr. monopoly?
You know what makes me angry. The fact that men make the same amount of money as women in monopoly
Something about this seems cringy
Ms. Monopoly is a joke.
If this isn't sexist, I don't know what is