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the world comes crashing to a halt and the wealthy still find a way to get even richer smdh

this compilation covers two curbstomping games of Monopoly featuring halloween boards and sad turtles


  1. Purchase, roll, purchse, roll, purchase, roll, what?

  2. ! TRADE OFFER !
    Dan receives: $550
    Arin receives:

  3. Arin doggedly trying to get that one green is just amazing.

  4. 2:41 i love the visual of arins fart being the thing that knocked dan over.

  5. "I'm GOnna FUcking GIve you… a lobotomy" caught me off guard

  6. 30 minutes of dan curbstomping arin at monopoly

  7. Why does Dan always excell at games that involve money… ๐Ÿค”

  8. Thing to remember about Monopoly is was originally "The Landlord Game" and was supposed to highlight the exploitative and ruthless nature of private land ownership. This game brining out the worst in people is basically the point of it.
    Also: 2:41 – a grown and financially successful man said this & 24:15 always makes me do the BIG EXHALE out from my nose

  9. Dan is just as bad as Arin when he starts winning/losing. Still it's funnier when Dan wins.

  10. Lesmo, I know it's been 2 years now, but I just want you to know that the name of this video is so fucking perfect xD

    Between the two, there's a pretty decent reason why Dan typically wins at Monopoly. And yes, it has everything to do with Arin being a wonderfully irresponsible idiot <3 It's why I love him.

  11. Arin: "The money's gonna go in your favor, dipshit."

  12. Something with Arin is just triggering for me now. I used to watch them all the time but now I just find him so annoying with him constantly doing the same joke over and over or having to try really hard to be funny

  13. 12:30 No, no, the game is about being an asshole. It's the entire purpose of the game, is to be the biggest, richest, most selfish asshole that owns everything and makes everyone else poor and miserable. YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME CORRECTLY, IT IS JUST A SHITTY ASS GAME THAT WHEN PLAYED CORRECTLY, RUINS FRIENDSHIPS.

    That's how you win. But the way to keep your friends is to not play.

  14. Something beautiful about their friendship is that sometimes Arin is being an absolute loon and Danny just stands back and appreciates it genuinely.

  15. Monopoly is in the top 3 of games that make Arin spiral into a panic without any prior reason. Right up there with Grumps Dream Course and any version of chess he has ever played, and closely followed by Mario Party

  16. Just to be clear, the Monopoly thing was where I clued into Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour not actually referring to a reunion tour I didn't know was happening.

  17. The music in the Halloween map really adds to Dan's fictional villain arc as he goes mad with power once his plan unravels before him

  18. @17:35 how arin says fak ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. eating a banana and watching this and when dan said "im the railroad guy im the one who…." i said "conducts!" at the same time as him and almost sprayed banana all over my monitor laughing

  20. Honestly, Dan's counter offer where it was Arin's two Magentas + $200 for Dan's single green was probably the best shot Arin had at winning this.

    Dan's absolutely right that your position in the game plays a big part in how fair the trades are. Green is the worst color group on the board, but even it can win you a game, and when you're as far behind as Arin was, any deal that gives you a chance to win is a good one.

  21. I love how suprisingly good the vibes are, given that Arin is capital L Losing.

  22. Dan really said I saved my savage competitiveness for two games, this and Mario party while Arin just sobs ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ’€

  23. โ€œDanโ€™s Jewing me on the rentโ€

  24. Every single Monopoly game goes like this:

    Arin makes trade proposals to Danny

    Danny does not take the trade

    Arin says that's a dumb idea because they would be in his favor

    Danny wins

  25. 7:03 The way he said "dipshit" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  26. Dan is absolutely in the right for not hearing our Arins litany of deals

  27. 2:41 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ this made me laugh

  28. Dan was evil to make deals to let Arin eke his way through the end longer lol

  29. I will 100% admit that I am one of those fans that sees Arin winning ALL THE TIME and whenever Dan starts to win or get under his skin I'm just like "yeeeeeeeeees Danny you deserve it!"

  30. In..dans defense, this game isn't ment to be played by two people, so it makes sense to not trade if youre winning ๐Ÿ˜‚

  31. what i love is arin gets salty over dan not trading yet danny is play perfectly in terms of what you can control in monopoly in trying to force arin to take a unfair deal on paper but dan as he said arin's not in a position to push a trade in his favor

  32. … you know it's legal to own a hand gun in L.A. …

  33. Arin is so Donald Trump in this. A constantly losing petulant child.

  34. Arinโ€™s very specifically triggered โ€œFlorida Realtorโ€ persona

  35. "The money's gonna go in your favor, dipshit!"
    "C O R R E C T"

  36. โ€œI am altering the deal! Pray I donโ€™t alter it furtherโ€

  37. "you know its legal to own a handgun in LA" fucking KILLED me

  38. Of course a jew is good at business

  39. A collection of my personal favorite moments, starting with 2:06 "i KNEW it! Ill BUY it. And then ill MORTGAGE IT!!"

  40. That's what he gets for being a jew

  41. Danny Jewwing Arin is by far the most hilarious thing when it comes to Monopoly ๐Ÿ˜‚

  42. Dan always be winning and is salty every step of the way

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