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the world comes crashing to a halt and the wealthy still find a way to get even richer smdh

this compilation covers two curbstomping games of Monopoly featuring halloween boards and sad turtles


  1. Dan: I'm not that bad about trades.
    Also Dan: I'll give you one monopoly if you give me two monopolies and two hundred dollars.


  3. 12:40 ‘Sweeten the pot’ 2021 and that’s still funny to me

  4. Arin has, in fact, beaten Dan in Monopoly. It was on the Wii version in 2014

  5. The brutal coldness of "Wanna make a trade, Arin?" Might be one of my favorite Danny moments

  6. I feel kind of bad that my Favorite Game Grumps Episodes are the ones where Arin is Losing 😆

  7. Arin = does whatever it takes to win and flex
    Danny = does whatever it takes to make his bestie suffer and drag it out for as long as possible

  8. 19:14 is easily one of my favorite moments in their Monopoly games, it's so good.

  9. I love it when Arin rolled a 7 and gave 600 to Danny. I want to know what his face was like when he went silent, and when he said "now you'll have to make it worth my while."

  10. "I want Baltic."
    Expected Dan to go "Aaaaand I want a pony. As long as we're talking about stuff we're not getting."

  11. I always wonder why Arin doesn't just fold as soon as things start going badly for him. monopoly is basically designed to make comebacks impossible, so there's not really much point in sticking it out at all

  12. Watching these videos taught me to protect railroads at all costs while playing monopoly. They are GAME ENDERS

  13. Dan has pretty good business sense, in that cock-blocking your competitors to prevent them from properly entering your market is the keystone in developing a successful monopoly.

  14. The horse and turtle monopoly game just felt so bitter

  15. It's bothering me to no end seeing them horde properties instead of trading monopolies

  16. These guys are basically living cartoon

  17. Of course Dan is good at a game about money and monopolies

    I’ve been advised to not continue this joke

  18. Might as well have been
    "Dan, I've got a joke for you: have you heard the one about two pinks for a green?"

  19. 19:09
    " liu kang noises Do you think I'm trying to trick you?"
    -Arin Hanson

  20. Dan: exists

  21. The game made Arin withdraw from the auction where he had no money. Lmao.

  22. I’m the railroad boy I’m the one who choo choo

  23. Arin – I'll make you a deal. I'll give you $50 for that railroad.
    Dan – cool
    Arin – so?
    Dan – oh I'm not giving it to you, it's just cool you'd offer me $50 for it

  24. Thank you Shoocharu, for "There's a seven *slaps Arin across the face while laughing*"

  25. 7:00 I love how Arin says "d i p s h i t" here 😂😂

  26. When dan said 'last time you called me a jew' I litterally fell out of my chair laughing

  27. I’m gonna FUH KIN give you… a LOBOTOMY!

  28. Honestly Dan does play Monopoly very smart. I understand that he was concerned about people blasting him in the comments, but personally I agree with him 100%

  29. Why do you not link the original video

  30. Funny how at one point Arin mentions giving Dan a kiss on the cheek as a joke deal and then in a recent episode they actually make that deal for 4 of Dan’s mortgage properties 😂

  31. Strategy games involving thinking are Dan's bread and butter. Arin's better at competitive games. It's beautiful to see them collide like this xD

  32. I haven’t laughed that hard in months.

  33. "Stop winning! It's making me lose!"

  34. “AWWGH CMAWH MAN AHM EAIN YAFFEH TAFFEH” is probably my favorite intro to an episode ever

  35. 11:11
    Don’t mind me, I’m just marking my favorite part for the future…

  36. Always Get in order: the oranges, the Reds, and the blues. If you're only playing 2 other person, and you have those properties, and they have literally every other one, you will win

  37. man arin sucks at monopoly

  38. Arin: *hits Dan's property*
    Dan: you can pay it off
    Game: let's see if he can survive the next one
    Arin: *survives*
    Dan: I'll help you live

  39. This 2 episodes in particular makes me want to see both of them play Chinatown (board game), and see how do the negotiations go between them.

  40. 6:53 is my favorite exchange

    Also I love that after a bit they start to play it like they are in it together and start giving eachother money

  41. I loved it when he said Dan was jewing him on the rent.

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