Heinz RARE Monopoly Board Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart TheToyChannel - zigjogos.com

Heinz RARE Monopoly Board Game Toy Review by Mike Mozart TheToyChannel

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RARE Heinz Ketchup Monopoly Board Game toy review by Mike Mozart on TheToyChannel on YouTube. Please check out ALL Mike Mozart’s Other Rare Monopoly Board Game Reviews including the Best Buy Monopoly, The Jim Henson’s Muppets Monopoly Game, The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horrors Monopoly, the first Monopoly Game and Tokens ever and More!


  1. Heinz?…
    A game featuring ketchup…running low on ideas, Mattel?
    Please thumbs up if you agree that this is strange and random… ;=/

  2. were you high when you made this video? lmao

  3. I love monopoly and I love hienz that's my perfect game!

  4. @BigRandomPerson1012 You can buy one on ebay brand new for 200 dollars!

  5. In the beginning, on the box it said trucking fee, i thought it said fucking tree.

  6. Monopoly Man on community chest card: Drinking a bottle of pickle juice? Challenge accepted.

  7. if there so rare howd you get one then

  8. Ketchup monopoly? Really? I think this is a wail yes a wail a win and a fail!

  9. I totally call being that truck, pickles are lame.

  10. dude, you should do one on Monopoly: Metallica, please?

  11. Thumbs up if you immediately went to eBay and searched Heinz monopoly after this

  12. "duuuuude I love tater tots!"

  13. How did you get this?

  14. "OoOoOo Tator Tots!" LMAO Dude I need this!!!! I love ketchup!!! And I collect Monopoly!!!!! I have about 65 editions including all the rarities like UPS, FedEx, General Mills, Hershey's, M&M's, Red Hot Chili Peppers………..yup I'm a dork =-P

  15. @Donzacuceron 69 from what i found

  16. @MrDip02 I wrote it 2 weeks ago it might have gotten down

  17. lol its only 5.00$ for regular ketchup

  18. Heinz Monopoly? Now I've seen everything.

    Although this IS pretty neat.

  19. 100$ For a jar of pickles. wat.

  20. Forget to exclude high fructose corn syrup in products – go to human safety jail.

  21. Plz review the Doctor Who Anniversary Monopoly set!

  22. In the year 2010, we still hear Napoleon Dynamite quotes.

  23. napoleon:im hungry grandma: go make ur self a quesadilla

  24. It would cool to play the new tokens with the old Monopoly game. It would be such a fun game to see different tokens to play with. This game is funny.

  25. I think the chocolate edition would be the most tastiest version, it's made with real chocolate.

  26. Am I the only one who would choose the pickle?

  27. what are tater tots :s

  28. Me likey @___@ —— Me gettie lol like if you agree there should be muppet monoply —-oh wait… its already designed !!! sheesh things we waste our money on hah

  29. wow i have no life i just watch your reviews O.O 🙁

  30. Put in actual tomatoes.
    Get punted out of the factory.
    Do not pass go.
    Do not ever return.

  31. it was very hard to find. I looked it up in the internet and found nothing. I looked in ebay and it was only two. one of which was going for one hundred dollars. very impressive details though.

  32. it was very hard to find. I looked it up in the internet and found nothing. I looked in ebay and it was only two. one of which was going for one hundred dollars. very impressive details though.

  33. Give me your tots man. Reference to Napoleon dynamite

  34. I've got a 1936 super gold set. Never been played, and still has the crepe paper between the board. Is it worth holding on to it another 10 years?

  35. found a set like this laying in my closet and noticed it wasn't the original, huh strange

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