How To Get The Monopoly Backblings EARLY! (FORTNITE X MONOPOLY) -

How To Get The Monopoly Backblings EARLY! (FORTNITE X MONOPOLY)

Tabor Hill
Views: 147708
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We’ve got ourselves a collaboration with Monopoly, of all things. You can get the backblings early by purchasing the new Monopoly game.

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  1. Ya I also already have the og one so I’m ad

  2. I'm sad they didn't make the thimble as a backbling

  3. You are the best youtuber ever TaborHill ❤

  4. I pre ordered the game but when will the backlings come to item shop?

  5. When it comes to the itemshop I'm getting battleship. It's the one I use in monopoly all the time

  6. '08:45' 😉 I've always got mine from 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐀𝐏𝐏.𝐂𝐎𝐌 ^^ 💎

  7. Be aware, this is a Monopoly game in name only. We own the original and it's so bad we don't even play it anymore. Sucks because we love Monopoly. They rooned it! 🤪

  8. monopoly is my life dude, its so cool and im supper competitive just like in fortnite

  9. It’s always good seeing Goku Banana’s videos in my home page

  10. I already got the original fortnite monopoly bruhhh

  11. Be cool for a nightmare before Christmas skin

  12. that's pretty cool, I already own the other one.

  13. We now have to vote for the mechs or the infinity blade wich one is worst also mechs will be able to float on water and have a better charge wich is worse

  14. Thanks tabor your such a good YouTube love waking up to a new great vid

  15. i thought fortnite monopoly already happened

    edit: but it was bad

  16. Expires August 30 2014 never seen this game

  17. Fortnites engagement is incredible, they can sell anything and it will be out of stock in minutes. No wonder why it gets so many collabs

  18. I love monopoly but none of my family ever wants to play cause they say it takes to long

  19. They should of Been doing this 2 year's ago

  20. I have the old version of this game from 2018

  21. I think 200 a peace would be good

  22. I've never seen the T-Rex or Penguin, but I remember all the others plus the Thimble and Wheelbarrow

  23. do they only have this in the US I'm in the UK and I cant find it on Game

  24. Since hasbro owns power rangers i hope ethey come to the game i already have a concept for it all reds will have the human version and morphed version and all the 6th rangers will have their human version and all of them will have a built in emote but tommy oliver will have w human versions and 5 morphed versions it will be included in the 6th ranger skin

  25. theres going to be 3 fortnite x monopoly sets now.

  26. I don't know about y'all but Target has started selling these a week ago. I was able to cop one during their $10 off toy purchase of $50. Haven't opened it but will soon!

  27. Where do you enter code can I enter it on ps4 cuz I can’t get in my epic account

  28. I got the fortunate monopoly game but I forgot my password for my account 😓😿😥

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