How to play Monopoly Cheaters Edition -

How to play Monopoly Cheaters Edition

Triple S Games
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Learn the rules to the classic board game Monopoly Cheaters Edition quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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0:00 Object
0:29 Setup
1:35 Play
5:35 Cheating
6:39 Hotels
7:57 Ending

The object of the game is to cheat to get ahead fast and to try to catch other players cheating as you try to collect the most properties and money. The game ends with all properties have been purchased and each player has made it back to go. Then the player with the most cash wins. There are very specific ways for how you can cheat, all other forms of cheating are not allowed.

Layout the board and give each player 1500 dollars divided into 2 500s 4 100s, 1 fifty 1 twenty and 3 tens. Players must keep their money spread out in front of themselves and not in a single stack. The rest of the money goes in the bank tray. Put the hotels in the bank tray. Place 1 hotel on Connecticut avenue. That hotel is free for whoever buys the property. Shuffle the community and change decks and place them face down on their spots on the board. Shuffle the cheat cards and place them in the bank tray. Draw 5 cheat cards and place them face up in the center of the board. Place the title deed cards next to their matching board spaces. Each player picks a token and places it on Go. Place the dice and handcuffs by the board.

Each player rolls the dice and the player with the highest total goes first, then play proceeds clockwise. Give the first player the bank tray and dice. On your turn, check the face up cheat cards so you can plan how and when you can get away with a cheat. Roll both dice then move your pawn exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board. If you roll doubles, then you get to take another turn, unless you’ve rolled doubles three times in a row; in that case you go to jail and do not complete your third turn. Once your turn is finished pass the dice and bank tray to the next player. Once the next player rolls, then your turn is officially over.

If you land on an unowned property, pay the bank the amount listed on the board then collect the title deed in front of you. If you don’t have enough money or don’t want to buy the property, then the property goes up for auction to the highest bidder. The Bidding starts at 10 and can increase in increments as little as 10. Whoever wins the auction gets the property and pays the bank. If no player bids then the property remains with the bank and no one gets it.

If you own all the streets in a colored set, then you own a monopoly. Rent is now increased for those properties and you may build hotels. When you land on a property that someone else owns, the owner must ask you for rent. If they do, then you must pay them the proper rent price as indicated on their card based on the condition of the property. If the property owner fails to ask you for rent before the next player rolls the dice, then you do not have to pay them. Some cards refer to a property’s face value. The face value is the price listed on the board space, unless it has a hotel, then the face value is the rent price of that property with a hotel.

When you land on or pass go you collect $200 from the bank. When you land on chance or community chest. Draw the top card from the respective pile and if it says to do something immediately, then you read it aloud and follow the instructions. Otherwise you may hold onto the card until you’re ready to use it later. You may only have 1 change and 1 community chest card at a time, if you draw a new one you will need to play or discard one of them to the bottom of the deck.

Railroads are not for sale. If you land on a railroad, then you move to the next railroad space and end your turn. If you land on free parking you draw either a chance or community chest card. If you land on “go to jail”, then you move your token immediately to jail, you do not collect $200. Put the handcuff on and place its base underneath the board near your seat. Your turn is over, but you may still collect rent, bid on auctions, buy hotels, and trade while in jail. You may also catch cheaters and cheat; but you may not play chance or community chest cards except for get out of jail free cards. If someone is already in jail when you go to jail, then they are released to the just visiting spot and you are given the handcuff. There may only be 1 player in jail at a time.

To get out of jail you may pay $50 at the start of your turn then roll and move like normal. Or, instead of paying, you may use a get out of jail free card. Or you can roll doubles. If you do, move your token that many spaces and end your turn. If you fail to roll doubles by your third turn in jail, then you must pay the $50 and move based on your last roll….


  1. Monopoly was meant to teach kids about how awful capitalism is, now it teaches them that if they can cheat and get away with it, they'll go home richer and happier lmao
    It's true, but it still hurts

  2. This is monopoly with different edition and no cheating (cheating is essential here and apart of the game)

  3. 6:05 CHEATER! You clearly took the cheat card named "Squatter's Rule" from the cheat deck, but placed the cheat card named "Price Gouging" on the board!

    I'll take my $100 in monopoly money now, please.

  4. This honestly sounds a lot more fun than normal monopoly.

  5. How do you cheat in a game all about cheating, please tell me.

  6. The game has an ultimate cheaters edition where you cheat anyway, anyhow

  7. even putting aside the cheat cards, this seems like a great variation of the game! A little streamlined in play, a point where all players know the game is soon to end – fabulous design!

  8. I thought with the cheater cards you just take the card without getting cought that's how I played cheaters edition?

  9. Monopoly but this one is bound to destroy friendships.

  10. "How to be a real life Corporation"

  11. There's loads of monopolys.i wish that I will play every Monopoly.

  12. I like cheating in some Monopolys

  13. It could be good that I will put a hotel in parkplace and boardwalk

  14. My brain lagged when he rolled doubles three times

  15. This isn't cheater's edition

    It's reality edition

  16. Finally, Monopoly If Charles Darrow Wasn't An Idiot

  17. How did you do the slight of hand

  18. Linus Tech Tips for board games

  19. I played cheaters edition with my friends, in fact i didnt even play real monopoly before.

  20. When will monopoly cold war come out?

  21. I remember finding a loophole, so I took a stack of 500 in front of my brothers face, now we don't play cheaters edition anymore

  22. theres an official mode in the handbook where you can do any cheat any time but if you get caught you go to jail and pay the accuser 100 (i think)

  23. Trinston was here…

  24. The way my family plays.
    1. You only get $200 by passing go
    2. With free parking, you get all money in the pot, not draw a chance/community chest
    3. There is no auction
    4. When in jail, after 3 unsuccessful rolls you pay $50, you cannot pay the $50 dollar release fee any other time
    5. We don't ask for rent, we do but 95% of the time we just scream rent.

  25. "Monopoly, but against monopolies"
    "Monopoly, but for socialists"
    "Monopoly, but as a critique of capitalism"
    "Monopoly, but cheating is rewarded"
    Why do people keep making copies of the original?

  26. If you cheat in other ways, then you are the best player ever

  27. Monopoly among us addition

  28. Monopoly but it graphically looks less lame

  29. Cheat Monopoly is easy! I just wish I had the cool board, even better when the other players don't know

  30. came from a communism monopoly

  31. When you land on a property, if you don't want it, it auctions to the highest bidder? Is this a new rule for the cheaters edition or have I been making my monopoly games 3x as long as i could've?

  32. Imagine telling your friends that you cheated at “Monopoly’s : Cheater Edition” by not following the cheating rules , that’ll be consusing as hecc

  33. Finally, Railroad spaces actually work like railroads do!

  34. Monopoly: Disolve The Family Edition

  35. The real cheating are the friends we made along the way

  36. was i the only person who played until a player went bankrupt? or is that just me..

  37. Me and my friends tried to play this once and it ended in the game board and someone’s shoe getting stolen

  38. The kinkiest version of Monopoly!

  39. This is essential capitalism if it were a board game.

  40. How many takes were necessary to roll three doubles in a row like that?😆

  41. Monopoly cheaters edition aka Mr. Monopoly commits crimes and gets away with it

  42. I cant believe they made a monopoly version only for Dream 😮

  43. Finally, realistic Monopoly!

  44. This Is the Monopoly Version where Players are allowed To cheat and broke the rules

  45. I love the grin he had just while saying the name of the game

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