How To Play Monopoly Empire Board Game
A review on how to play the board game Monopoly Empire.
n the Monopoly Empire game, players can own the world’s top brands. After choosing one of the uniquely branded tokens, players move around the board, and start building their empires. The game is a race to the top as players buy their favorite brands one by one and fill their towers. Players can own famous brands, including Nerf, Transformers, Levi’s, and more. Opponents collect rent from their rivals; the higher their tower, the more they can charge! For two to four players, the first player to fill their tower with billboards wins!
•Includes gameboard, 4 towers, 6 tokens, 30 billboard tiles, 6 office tiles, 14 Chance cards, 14 Empire cards, money pack, 2 dice, and game guide. Subscribe to keep up with all the latest reviews and game hunts! #boardgame #ads #ads
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Actually, after you're 3rd turn in jail if you don't roll doubles, you will have to pay 50 thousand and use your last roll to move, and if you owe money to a player and you can't afford it, you keep all of your money you do have and give the player the top most build board on your tower. If you still can't pay, you won't do anything, there's no bankruptcy in this game.
Good explanation, thanks
We have this and like it a lot.My copy is mostly black.Takes longer to setup than to play.
I have that exact same one but im missing one water biller board
Can I play a Just Say No card to prevent from paying rent?
thank you so much I keep watching this video step by step every time I forget how to play the game or if I forget a rule thank you, you have earned a subscriber😃
Do you have to get the exact tower size to win or can you go over? For example if you have one tile space left to win can you buy any size tile or do you need to buy a one tile (like water or electric )
Omg thank you so frickennnn much
How many 50's and 100's do you have to have?
Monopoly: Soviet Russia edition
Just found your channel and am loving it. Great great work! This game reminds me of a variation on the Advance to Boardwalk game (nice vid on that too) with more complexity but a similar base concept.
I played my nieces and nephews in this and destroyed them
thak you i did not now how to play with out you tehcing me
you can also buy an office billboard for 500k
Thanks u very much
I'm missing 1 electric company
I'm making captions for this rn, still working on 'em.
i finished the captions yesterday. they just need to be reviewed.
Can you explain what you mean if you throw a double by your third turn in jail you can get out of jail for free, what happens if it's after your third turn and you haven't thrown a double? Do you still get out of jail for free or you either have to pay 100k or continue to try to throw a double until you do
I win 3 but nice video😃
my only question is the no card… can the no be used against a swap on the dice or rent or just on other M cards
Can you buy multiple office tiles at once
Reason why I’m here..
IM MISSING MY MONOPOLY EMPIRR.. I use to have this game board and it’s so fun and me and my sister played it in our childhood but we moved to another countries so now I don’t have this.. j wish I can get it back