How To Play Monopoly Fortnite Board Game 2nd Edition By Hasbro -

How To Play Monopoly Fortnite Board Game 2nd Edition By Hasbro

Board Game Museum
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How To Play Monopoly Fortnite Board Game 2nd Edition By Hasbro
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  1. Fortnite kids be like fortnite made monopoly

  2. Monopoly Monday

  3. Good review…..thanks!

  4. Can you do a tutorial on how to play monopoly a house divided? Thank you.

  5. Man speaking like your on meth im trying to learn

  6. Hello! I have a question, what happens when you roll a boogey bomb, do you also get damage or your enemies only?

  7. I belive you did not get wall placing right. You put a wall behind you in you path. It does not make sense to put it in front. Rules are unclear here. Please advice. Thanks for the vid.

  8. Thanks! This really helped me out with the rules and hopefully when I play it with my dad tomorrow it wont be a big flop. ,:p

  9. If i have more than one loot chest multiplier card of my attack action can i use them all at once or just use the highest value one? exa: i get a rare x2hp attack loot card n a legendary x4hp attack loot card do i use the highest value always o could i combine both of them to get of 6ho, simces kinda unfair havin several of them n takin around 10 hp per attack action plus the other card that ignores ur line of sight thx

  10. what is the most simple monopoly game?

  11. Anyone gonna talk bout his thumb

  12. It’s says on the instructions do you not place all the location cards at there location

  13. It’s sad they made 2 editions

  14. Really want the cheaters edition why am I here

  15. Thx m8.Gonna get to second base tonight.

  16. Thanks now i can get my epic victory royale

  17. Thank you this helped me alot

  18. This really helped me thx

  19. I’ve watched both videos now, and I’m sure they are. But does this purple Monopoly Fortnite play the exact same as the blue one? Just with updated spaces and characters?

  20. they can actually make a premium version with figurines tokens and hard health points.

  21. these are two that I never wished to hear

  22. I question the wall rule. Walls protect you from attack so I usually build a wall on a space behind me

  23. This video made playing this so much easier. Thanks. In terms of loot cards the one time use ones are self explanatory but the others that you can keep throughout the game can you use more than once? So someone who has legendary weapon that takes away 4 hp can you just use this as many times as you want?

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