How to play Monopoly Jurassic Park
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The rules are the same as regular monopoly except for these changes. During setup, layout the board and place every title deed card face up next to its matching board space. Place the t rex token on free parking. Place the electronic gate near Go. The chance and community chest decks are now called Storage cards and impact tremor cards. At the start of your turn you may pay to repair any damaged properties you own, then you roll both the white and amber dice. Before moving your piece you must move the t-rex clockwise around the board based on the amber die. Then you move your pawn clockwise around the board based on the total of both dice rolled.
If the t-rex lands on or passes YOUR token, then you must pay the bank $50. If you pass the t-rex, then you pay nothing. If you are in jail when the t-rex passes you, then you do not need to pay. If the T-rex lands on a property space, owned or unowned, then that space is damaged and that space’s title deed card is flipped facedown. However, if that property is owned and part of a complete color set, then it is not damaged. If a property has a fence on it, then instead of damaging the property, remove the fence. If the property is already damaged then nothing happens. If every property is damaged at the same time, then the game ends and everyone loses.
No rent may be collected on damaged properties. Unowned damaged properties can still be bought and auctioned, but they must be repaired before the new owner can collect rent. To repair a property, the owner, at the start of their turn, must pay the repair cost listed on the card to the bank, then flip the card faceup. If you received the damaged properties by a bankrupt player, then you may repair them immediately if you wish. Also, any property that is in a complete set automatically repairs all damaged properties immediately for free.
There are 3 types of properties: Dino Paddocks which replace colored sets, park roads which replace railroads, and utilities. 4 park roads is a complete set and both utilities are a complete set. There are no houses or hotels instead there are fences. Fences may only be built on dino paddocks and you may only build one fence per property. You don’t need to wait until you have a complete colored set, you may build fences on any property you own. Fences are the only way to charge more rent.
Whenever you land on or pass go, press the Jurassic park button on the electronic gate. If you hear the movie theme song, then collect $200. If you hear the roar of a dinosaur, then collect $100 instead. The last player in the game once everyone else goes bankrupt, wins.
Seems cool!
Hand it over🔫
This is seems Interesting Game, i wish i can buy it….
Damaged properties are interesting as a T-rex destroys a property after landing on it.
kann you 1 do frotnit monopoly?
3:14 If you wish want to be a faster game, then use the "collect rent from the bank" rule instead.
Chess pls. I haven't had my daily dose of chess. I don't want to sound rude.
Thanks dude, me and my family didn’t know how to end the game because no one was getting eliminated
Can you do anti monopoly
"Pay the fees or I'll feed you to the beasts"
no houses or hotels, what a cool variant because people with more money will not be able to snow ball very easily
So once you have a full colored set, the fences become obsolete for that set right?
"If you hear the movie theme song, collect $200." WTF
"If every property is damaged at the same time, then the game ends and everyone loses."
Has that ever happened? It seems almost like everybody would have to be trying to make that happen.
damaged properties could be cool in regular monopoly too… maybe there could be a chance card that causes an earthquake to damage two random properties on one side of the board
I am going to ask for a release date of pokemon trading card game every day until it is revealed. Day 1
If T-Rex passes you, you must pay 50 dolars to the bank.
So, T-Rex works for the bank? Maybe as tax collector?
This is a certified nerd classic
I love it when games have an “everyone loses” condition
As the crooner said.. Don't fence me in…
Monopoly Pizza Maker and Monopoly Lion King, please.
The person that wins: owns Jurassic Park
Everyone else: Took the helicopter out of there
The people who got bankrupt early on: Dino-meat
Where is the Axis and Allies?
Its been 3 vids since this ez request
Pls do monopoly fnaf edition pls
Now this looks interesting
Can you do Monopoly Millionaire?
It makes me want to host a board game night at home ! In addition, I could trap my frends to play my local multiplayer game… ehehe
Hard mode idea: if the t-rex destroys all the properties of a color set and no one owns it, then that color set will no longer be in the game
Uh ah no!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:39 Why would everyone lose if all the properties are damaged?
i wonder if the trex can go to jail
😥😥😥I HAITE THIS FACT! E! V! E! R! O! N! E! L! O! S! E! S!!!!!!!!!!
1:08 I'm sorry the visualization of the T-Rex shaking down a guy in jail for his money is probably the best visualization I've had all day. A shame it doesn't happen in game.
“Pad-DICK”. It’s pronounced “Pad-DICK”.
If the dead cards stay beside the board how can you keep track of what you own ?
A variant of this game that I came up with:
If the T-Rex passes you, you miss out on your turn, instead of paying. This is signified by toppling your token over. When it's your turn, you miss your turn and put your token back up.
If you pass the T-Rex, you go 1 extra space.
If the T-Rex passes you while in Jail, you miss out on your next Jail turn.
If the would be damaged property is part of a complete color set, then it is still damaged.
If the property is already damaged, put the title deed card back in the box. It is gone for the rest of the game.
If and only if every title deed card has been put back in the box and not if every property is damaged, everyone loses.
Properties whose title deed card is in the box may not be bought or auctioned.
Being a part of a complete color set does not repair damaged properties.
If you hear a dinosaur roar after passing GO and pressing the gate, then you do not collect GO money, and the T-Rex moves with both the amber and regular dice immediately.
1:44 NO!!! Instead, if every property is damaged simultaneously, then each player must pay $50 to the bank before then you can repair any property you wish and the game continues.
Who is buying all these monopoly variants? I know someone must be purchasing them, otherwise they would not be made, but surely by now every household has a copy of monopoly – are their people who are buying multiple sets a year?
Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly Jurassic Park quickly and concisely.
If T-Rex passes you, you must play $50.
"everyone loses!" "What!?!? there is NOTHING you can do to prevent everyone from losing and continue playing!! I took a screenshot and I am going to keep it secret.
Can you do twilight struggle?
Hi Can you please make a video about Builder-opoly?
Thank you… and please do Jurassic Park The Game of Life as well 🙂
I bought this but I don’t see the proceratosaurua
🦖 ♟
I still don't understand if I have to pay 50m to the bank when the T-REX passes or lands where my token is but IS NOT my turn. So if there are like 4 players and the T-rex passes them all, do they all have to pay?
So there’s really no incentive to repair damages (mortgages) or buy fences (hotels). Just get a complete color set