How To Play Monopoly Millionaire Board Game -

How To Play Monopoly Millionaire Board Game

Board Game Museum
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A Review On How To Play Monopoly Millionaire Board Game #boardgame #ads
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  1. I dont Get the house and hotel rules

  2. This is great ! Always a great review!

  3. The upgrade price seems so low. You can upgrade to the max level the first time around the board!

  4. I really can't see a reason why you wouldn't upgrade your piece instantly because you will make back the cost when you pass go.

  5. Very hard to understand…smh…

  6. Wait… How many money for each player?? Specifically???

  7. do you have to do the auction

  8. This version of the game is easy… I just buy all the properties, sell all the properties to idiots who give me 200 or something and use a bunch of forced and sly deal

  9. That black and white dice looks nice. I'm seeing other people's video about this, they had a standard white and black dice.

    Could those black and white dice only came in the first few batches?

  10. Why does yours have black dice. Mine has regular dice… I’m upset

  11. No one can be a bankrupt when they have no money, they still continue playing if they still have no money

  12. How long do you play this game?

  13. I have a question – How much money does each player start with?

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