How to play Monopoly Rivals
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The object of this 2 player monopoly game is to buy all the properties on the board and bankrupt your opponent. Layout the board and shuffle the community chest and chance decks and place them face down on the board. Each player picks a color and receives all the colored houses of that color along with 8 $100 bills and 4 $50 bills. The remainder of the money stays with the bank. Each player picks a token then places it on go.
The player with the closest birthday goes first, then turns alternate. On your turn, doll the die and move your token exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board.
If you land on an unoccupied property, you may place one of your houses on it to claim it, but you do not need to pay the bank any money for it.
If you land on a property that you already own, AND you own the entire property colored set, then draw 1 chance or community chest card.
If you land on a property that you already own but the other matching colored set property is un-owned then you auction that unowned property to the highest bidder. The winner of the auction pays the bank and places their house on the property
If you land on a property owned by your opponent, then you must pay them the value of the property as indicated by the board or negotiate another deal by offering to trade them properties in exchange for rent. You may not postpone payment to a future turn, you must pay them that turn.
If you land on a property that is part of a full color set owned by your opponent, then you must pay them double the amount shown on the board.
If you land on Go to Jail, then you move your token to the jail space, and lose your next turn, then you are released. Only 1 player can be in jail at a time.
If you land on free parking or just visiting, then nothing happens.
If you land on a chance or community chest space, then draw the top card from the corresponding deck and follow its instructions. If you draw a “Just say no”, Skip the rent, double rent, or triple the rend card, you may keep them face up on the table to use later. You must play all other cards immediately. After playing a card, place it back on the bottom of its deck.
If you owe rent and are unable to pay, you may sell properties back to the bank for the listed price or you can sell the property to your opponent for an amount they are willing to pay. In either case, remove your house, collect your money, and pay the rent you owe. If you are unable to pay rent or if you don’t own any property, then you have lost the game and your opponent is the winner.
pvp monopoly
pvp monopoly
"…then you have lost the game."
D'oh! I just lost The Game!
I am the 666th liker
All is well and good until twins play the game. Jeez, there is a fight even before the game has started 🤣
What if your birthday was yesterday and your opponent's birthday is tomorrow?
monopoly (competitive ranked)
R.I.P. the fallen properties.
Reading Railroad
Oriental Avenue (Cyan)
Electric Company
States Avenue (Pink)
Pennsylvania Railroad
Tennessee Avenue (Orange)
Illinois Avenue (Red)
B. & O. Railroad
Ventor Avenue (Yellow)
Water Works
Pacific Avenue (Green)
Short Line
Your best friend of several years gives this to you with a very upset looking expression. What u do?
Could have used better figure instead of hat, like car and boat or smth
I have a question: What if I land in a property space that I have owned, but my rival owns the other same-coloured property, what happens?
Has anyone else wondered how many board games this guy has and how much he spent?
It hurt watching you shuffle board game cards like a playing card deck D:
This is Diet Monopoly.
I’m So Confused
Hmmmm 100$ 50$
This game was my introduction to monopoly. I loved it and decided to play the original and I like it just as much.
Monopoly 1v1 edition
The player with the closest birthday goes first? What does that mean?
A variant of this game that I came up with:
You have to pay $50 to get out of Jail or be stuck in there until the next turn.
If you would be bankrupt and your opponent doesn't own all properties, then you are still in, just hang in there until next GO. You only lose if both conditions are met.
Behold, Monopoly: "1v1 me noob"
0:34 good luck whit 2 people born the same day!
These simplifications seem similar to Monopoly Junior.
Someone please help me I got the chance card to take any complete property set from my opponent but he doesn’t have a complete set !! How can this be solved ?
00:23 – 00:25 along with 8 $100 bills and 4 $50 bills
00:48 You may place one of your houses on it to claim it
i just had an idea for a monopoly mod.
war monopoly.
instead of money, there are troops.
instead of properties, there are territories.
you can battle an opponent. to battle, check the amount of troops. whoever has the least gets removed from the game, their territories given to the other player.
the rest of the game is the same.
Monopoly:Friendship breaker edition
Thank you so much this helped a lot!
Hello! Had a quick question. Can a player just keep claiming property by placing their house and never have to pay the bank throughout the game?
i read that as monopoly royale for a sec
I'm thinking of Mario and Sonic playing this.
0:33 – I wonder what would happen if both players were born in the same day…
I got this for kids at church dollar had them at $1.20
Closer birthday to that day
So the oldest rolls first or closer birthday to the day your playing the game
Can we just roll and see who gets the highest roll closet birthday sounds confusing
I wonder how that first rule works for twins or people with equidistant birthdays
I guess if I want to destroy one of my friendships FOREVER I will be glad to buy this game
Where is global village
It's interesting that it is not just a smaller, simpler monopoly, it has its own rules too. It's a nice game.
The problem with regular 2 player monopoly is that the first to play has 78% of winning while the other one has 22%
1v1 me i have the game
At school today one of my best friends had that game and I was like oh my
The Houses Are Hotels
There’s one more. Pass go, collect 200. If all money from selling and passing go has been collected, then get nothing. If selling, you must sell property to another player
The closest birthday goes first
Me and my brother 💀 0:34
What if each one of us own a property of same colour and land on it do we pick up a card or just do nothing
Fun idea to add onto Monopoly: Longest Game Ever!
When two players land on the same space, they must play a full game of this.
Before playing, they both decide on an amount of winning money.
The winning player must then recieve the amount of money (from before) from the loser.
Out of all the time that I've played this, whoever plays as blue always wins. I don't know why.