How to play Monopoly The Mandalorian -

How to play Monopoly The Mandalorian

Triple S Games
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Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly the Mandalorian quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to protect the child and have the most credits at the end. Layout the board and place each hideout card next to its corresponding space around the board. There is no cash but instead imperial credits. Copper is worth 10 credits and gold is worth 50. Give each player 5 copper and 2 gold credits. Shuffle the signet cards and place them face down on the board. Place the child on just visiting and its character card nearby. Place the Red incinerator stormtrooper here, the black death trooper here, and the grey moff Gideon here. Place Moff’s enemy card here. Sort the enemy cards, and arrange them in sequence from 1 to 4 with 1 on top. Use cards from the top for each player, for example 1 through 3 for a 3 player game, and place each pile next to Moff’s card on the board. Each player chooses a token and matching character card, and places their token on go. Pick a player to go first then play proceeds clockwise.

On your turn if you have the child, roll the green die. If you do not have the child roll the silver die. Then move your token exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board and perform the action based on where you land. If you land on or pass the child, take it with you around the board. Also, take its character card and place it in front of you. If any other player lands on or passes you, they take the child from you.

If you land on an unowned hideout you may buy it from the bank for the price listed on the board and put the hideout in front of you, or you must auction it. The auction starts at 10 credits and increases in increments as little as 10. The highest bidder pays the bank and puts the hideout in front of them.

If you land on a hideout that another player owns, the owner must ask you for rent. If they do, then you pay them the price indicated on the hideout card based on whether they own both hideouts in a colored set or not. If they fail to ask for rent by the time the next player rolls the die, then you do not have to pay.

When you land on or pass go, collect 20 credits from the bank. When you land on Imperial advance, roll the silver die and move the incinerator stormtrooper and death trooper tokens out of their imperial outposts and clockwise that many spaces clockwise around the board. These tokens do not take actions based on where they land. Once all the hideouts have been purchased or if there is only one incinerator stormtrooper or death trooper card left in their respective deck, then you move the Moff Gideon token in the same way. You may never have more than one imperial enemy token on the same space, if you do, move the token that didn’t begin the turn on an imperial outpost (faded ghost effect) one space forward. If an enemy lands on the same space or passes the child while it is alone on the board, then the game ends and everyone loses.

If you land on a signet space, draw the top signet card from the deck. If the card tells you to keep it until you’re ready to use it, you may do so, otherwise immediately do what it says then return it to the bottom of the deck. There is no limit to how many signet cards you may have or how many you can use in a single turn.

If you land on a hyperspace jump space, immediately move to the next unowned hideout and you may buy it. If there are no unowned hideouts, move to the next hyperspace jump space and end your turn. If you pass go, collect 20 credits. If you pass an Imperial enemy, do not battle. If you pass the child, you may not take it.

If you land on imperial credits, collect 30 credits from the bank. If you land on free parking and you do not have the child, then you take the child from wherever it is. If you land on just visiting after the child has been taken, then nothing happens.

If you land on jail, go immediately to jail and go not collect 20 credits for passing go. If you have the child, place it on any hideout you own. If you don’t own any hideouts, leave the child on the go to jail space. While you are in jail, you can still collect rent, bid on auctions, and trade. To get out of jail you may pay 50 credits at the start of your next turn to roll and move like normal. Or you can roll a 6. If you do, then use that roll to move. If you don’t roll a 6 by your 3rd turn in jail, then you are released for free and move your token to the just visiting space and end your turn.

Each character has a 2 unique abilities that may be used throughout the game. Their standard ability is always in effect, and when you have the child you get to use an enhanced ability instead…


  1. "You may not trade the child"

  2. So you’re saying if IG-11 has the Whispering signet card along with The Child he instantly kills Moff Gideon when landing on him? Even when rolling snake eyes.

  3. Don't know it this video helped to play the game or not, but it does look fun.

  4. Can you create a video with monopoly super mario?

  5. How dare you say a 900 year old yoda is a child ???

  6. When you land on a owned hideout due to the enemy being in that space not due to the number of moves shown on the dice, do you still have to pay rent? And after the battle do you continue the to move to complete the number rolled in the dice before the battle?

  7. They made this so different from normal Monopoly, but they still have Mr Monkey Man in jail.

  8. "You may not trade the child"
    God damnit

  9. Monopoly with boss fights.

  10. Why are there Imperial Credits? This is in the New Republic era.

  11. you know this game is inaccurate because imperial credits are a valid currency

  12. "Protect the child"
    Anakin Skywalker: you sure about that?

  13. The money look like a chocolate🍫

  14. Can you make how to play monopoly millionaire?

  15. Nothing could have prepared me for "The object of the game is to protect the child"

  16. This sounds like one of the best Monopoly adaptations

    I just wish all the other characters except Mando were other bounty hunters as to make sense why they aren’t working to help the mandalorian,

    And to make sense why there is a winner by credit count and not just by defeating all 3 imperials

  17. Why can we not trade the child

  18. One question if I may. If the condition exists whereby the Moff Gideon token comes into play, since you have just landed on an Imperial Advance square, do you STILL move the other two enemy tokens with the same roll of the silver die. so that all three tokens are moved? Or do you JUST move the Moff Gideon token and leave the other two where they are?

  19. Hasbro: How do we milk even more money out of Monolopy?
    Disney: This is the way.

  20. "if you have the child"

  21. They’re using the galactic credit sign not the imperial credit sign

  22. this game is such a cash grab

  23. Moff Gideon has a 1/6 chance of being beaten in battle, unless you have the child, in which case that increases the chance to 5/6 chance, but introduces the 1/6 chance of losing due to the child being captured.
    Edit: the real probability is 13/18 (26/36) which worsens the odds than I first thought.

  24. The fact that Moff Gideon captures the child if you have it and he defeats you in battle…thus causing everyone to lose…so basically I want my opponents to lose, but not THAT badly.

    Also, you may not trade the Child.

  25. A variant of this game that I came up with:
    You use all enemy cards regardless of how many players there are.
    If you have the Child, roll both dice.
    If you pass the Child, you roll and move that number of additional spaces after your silver die roll.
    If you roll doubles, take another turn. Roll 3 doubles in a row and you go to Jail, leaving the Child behind on any hideout you own or, if you don't have any, leave the Child on the space.
    If you land on Imperial Advance with the Child, roll both dice to determine their movement.
    Enemy tokens take actions based on where they land, with a couple of changes:
    They cannot buy or auction.
    They move like normal after going to jail.
    On signet cards, they act as the bank, and as such cannot lose money unless it awards or harms a specific player or the card moves them.
    With Moff Gideon, only move him with the green die if the player on the Imperial Advance space has the Child.
    You may trade the Child, but under a certain price that varies as the game goes on.
    For each enemy card a player owns, look at the number indicated on the top left and add 10 times that to the price for trading the Child. If Moff Gideon is out, double the trading price.
    For example, if Death Trooper was defeated twice, and nothing else, then the price for trading the Child would be 30 ((1+2)*10) credits.
    If you can't pay off your debts, go directly to Jail. If you pass GO, you may collect 20 credits (unlike other times where you go to Jail)

  26. The clearest instructions yet ! I read through the instructions multiple times , googled , and couldn’t figure out what to do with the imperial enemy (when to move it, when to battle) until your video. Thanks !!

  27. I don't like games where everyone can lose due to things that aren't any player's fault

  28. You covered pretty everything except for how and when do the troopers/gideon move after you roll and their out.

  29. "You may not trade the child."

  30. Yoda is the child!?

  31. I am just now realizing that you can't roll any higher than a 3 if you roll the green die.

  32. The rules are the same as regular Monopoly, except for these changes.

  33. Can you do the new version? Please

  34. Would be cool, if you can be evil and kill the child

  35. Question. Is there another version of this game cos I have a white storm trooper instead of a red incinerator figure

  36. Need clarification. Player 1 with the child lands on GTJ. Has no hideouts. He goes to jail leaving the child on the GTJ square. If player 2 lands on GTJ does he go to jail or does he take the child. Theres no mention of this in the rules. If both players go to jail the game's a dead end, as only stormtroopers ignore the space rules. TIA

  37. Another quandary 😂 Had a player 2 game by myself (I was player one) Player 2 defeated Gideon, ending the game. It says winner is player with most credits win. After all the rewards/rents were given out ta dah – it was a draw 😂. I declared myself winner (player 1) as I had the child

  38. This is too much haha🤣

  39. 3:19 Maybe the enemy could kill the child because of that

  40. *everyone immediately go to JAIL. Do not collect 20 credits for passing GO. If you have The Child, it is also sent to jail, then everyone loses.

  41. *Roll 13 or higher to win.

  42. My variations:
    You can give the child to another player if they are in one of your hideouts when you have to go to jail for any reason.
    You can use up to 3 signet cards per turn. You can only hold up to 5 signet cards at a time. You must discard or use the excess cards if you have over that amount of cards.
    If you have the Child, roll both dice.
    If you roll doubles, take another turn. Roll 3 doubles in a row and you go to Jail, leaving the Child behind on any hideout you own or, if you don't have any, leave the Child on the space. (Follow the first variation if the conditions are met.)
    4:15 If you already have the child when you land on Free Parking, collect 10 credits instead.
    If an enemy (No, I do not mean Players, I meant Imperial ones) lands on a space you are in, you must battle them.
    5:22 You may choose to stay and battle for bonuses, or Escape. It's up to you.
    If the child is taken, the game ends. If it was lost because of losing to Moff Gideon, only the player who lost to Moff Gideon is eliminated. The rest count their assets as usual to declare a winner. If it was taken because of it being unguarded, everyone loses.

  43. Hello, good video but I don't understand one thing, how many spaces does the stormtrooper move after rolling the die and moving it, after doing that at what point in the game can you move it and what spaces does it advance?

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