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How to win the board game of Monopoly every time. Win against friends and family regardless of luck – MoneyMakers Strategies for winning any game of Monopoly regardless of luck or situation. Following the tactics in this video will ensure you win any game of Monopoly, destroy friendships and leave your friends and family to be the ones to flip the board in frustration.

This video is not a tutorial on monopoly, however assumes you understand the basic rules and are interested in winning more often. Winning a game of Monopoly will involve some luck, however regardless of luck you can manipulate a game to work in your favor. Knowing probabilities and setting up the board to favor you will always tilt the board in your favor. Key Monopoly strategies involve understanding dice and the importance of spots 7 spots ahead or near 7 spots ahead, knowing the balance of the board and where players are likely to land, building 3 houses on your monopoly quickly, defending against other players getting quick monopolies or houses, and then making a trade that involves you reaching 3 houses quickly when your opponent can’t.

Implementing these Monopoly strategies can often be subtle, and the people you play against will often believe you just got lucky or that they are unlucky. However, you will know that you manipulated the game to work in your favor and tilt the odds towards you. Use these Monopoly tips and tactics to win the lion’s share of the games you play.

Monopoly Advanced Strategies:
Monopoly Trading:

Monopoly is a board game currently published by Hasbro. In the game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels. Players collect rent from their opponents, with the goal being to drive them into bankruptcy. Money can also be gained or lost through Chance and Community Chest cards, and tax squares; players can end up in jail, which they cannot move from until they have met one of several conditions. The game has numerous house rules, and hundreds of different editions exist, as well as many spin-offs and related media. Monopoly has become a part of international popular culture, having been licensed locally in more than 103 countries and printed in more than 37 languages.

Monopoly is derived from The Landlord’s Game created by Lizzie Magie in the United States in 1903 as a way to demonstrate that an economy which rewards wealth creation is better than one where monopolists work under few constraints, and to promote the economic theories of Henry George—in particular his ideas about taxation. It was first published by Parker Brothers in 1935 until that firm was eventually absorbed into Hasbro in 1991. The game is named after the economic concept of monopoly—the domination of a market by a single entity.

Sorry not Ariana Grande monopoly.

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