I paid $5 dollars for a rip off monopoly game and it was actually good
Drew Durnil
Views: 121758
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This game is called Rento and it might be more fun than the original monopoly board game. I’m still wondering why they valued certain countries more than others though… Artist Gets Rejected From Art School (1908 – colorized) .
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June 2020
Chantell G
Elphie C
Elijah Senpai
Maxy G
Imagine_carrying_a_baby_for_9_ months_just_to_name_him _Drew
Knock Knock. Who’s there. Make a. Make a Who. Make a Discord Snowflake
Ben Dover
Some Guy From Iceland
Splendid Savage
Popcorn 2008
Anyone else notice how the Baltic’s were above Russia and Poland?
So the UK and US are both a train station and a property. Favouritism, maybe?
The Eason Qatar is so high is because they are the richest country in the world. They earn 145k each their that's more than 20k more than luxembourg
Why do all of the property combinations make sense except for Qatar and China? Do Chinese people really despise their neighbors that much?
F, Drew bought the UK. Time to move to Ireland…
7:17 he knows if he messes up he going to get that criticism
Day 3: Drew make a discord server
Just waiting for that EarthMC video
I have committed multiple war crimes
Why is the icon 4 Chan
I am from libya lol though right now it is probably the worst time for our country my current city, since the tides are switch, is being invaded now in the battle of sirte (2020) many of my relatives from the outskirts of the city have come to where I live in the farm land.
I don't like the video's with editors
im from turkey and he loves it
Drew do you have friends
Rento is free on Android
Frank onlyfans
Sweet home Alabama
Where the sky’s are sky blue
Sweet home Alabama
It’s kinda weird watching Drew socialize is that just me?
Officer Sanchez on video? I believe he was accused of police brutality
They should have played it when it had the Russian roulette feature.
If you are considering playing more Monopoly type games, you should try out Business Tour. It is free and fun and the game options I would suggest is Quick Game and No Gadgets (The Quick Game makes the games 20 mins long maximum)
When your editors have better personalities than you.
Do another roblox strategy game
Alternative title
How to buy a nation whit 60 dollars
Where is my eu4 1.30 patch spectator boi Drew?
Not early but not late
I remember when Dubai and Hawaii where instead of Qatar and China
I just love Frank's accent
yeah my cousins dont even have the original monoply they just play with this lmao
Drew just flexing his money on Sanchez
4:00 se le vino lo Méxicano con ese no mames 😂 (por qué un comentario en español? Por qué quiero y puedo 😊✨)
sports hat
They made Greece 26 times its value if this happened it would still be 2.3 times less than China
Cheeki Breeki
I just found out that there is a Chinese rocket called long then some Chinese thing
What is name of this game?
Today I bought a new phone. I went for a Nokia 6,2 (I don’t like to have the newest of the newest). Way better than my 4 or 5 year old huawei p8 lite. (I watch and write a lot of negative ccp and China stuff, and my phone is starting to act weird, I think there could be relation between them)
Good video but when discord
This is just a Anarcho-Capitalism Mapgame
Quien recuerda turista? El monopoly mexicano
anyone notice how Qatar is more expensive than then every single country besides china
This new Uno mode looks amazing.
Monopoly but it’s Jeff bezos with third world countries
Drew should play Command and Conquer with his friends
should we tell drew that it’s free on mobile
I just saw this video on Frank's channel.
This video was so fun to watch. One of my favorite videos of yours in the past month
Frank is a great Mexican! I'm so proud. VIVA MEXICO!!!