Make Your Own Custom Monopoly Tutorial | Kira Goode -

Make Your Own Custom Monopoly Tutorial | Kira Goode

Kira Goode
Views: 19153
Like: 943
A quick tutorial on how you can build your own custom monopoly! All the materials, measurements, and information you need to get started!

Blank Monopoly Digital Template: No Longer Available

@ kira_goode on Instagram and TikTok
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  1. Can you make it with a normal play board and then turn it to a special one or do you neeed that paper thing ?😅

  2. Make custom exploding kittens

  3. I really wanna do this i watch your tiktoks and you are amazing you carry on being you girl BTW my tiktok is @Pigeon3311

  4. Soo easy to make and will be good for a lifetime of fun playing 👍

  5. Yasss! I finally found your video saw you on Instagram and ugh fell in love 😍! Thank you

  6. What font is used for the property cards and chance and community x

  7. Hi I don’t know if you reply but is mount board the same a foam board and if it’s not can you send me a link to buy it online thanks have a nice day xx

  8. The link isn't in the description anymore 🙁 i need sizes for the cards

  9. U can 3D print playing pieces 🖤

  10. When you do your next board can you do like a step by step or show us how you use procreate and how you come up with ideas for a the chance cards. I know I am asking for a lot but what paint do you use? Thanks!! Your amazing

  11. how big are the top colour boxes on the properties? xx

  12. I was wondering if there myb was another app other than Procreate I could use to make the templates since Procreate is only for iPads which I don't have

  13. I’m so excite. Is your board foldyble

  14. hi, this video is very inspirsational and i want to try to make a monopoly myslef. i am just having struggles to find a board so pls could you link where you could find this board

  15. I'm making one but it's hard cause I don't have a printer so I have to go to the library

  16. Ich versteh fast nichts …weiß jemand wie man das auf so eine Karte druckt?

  17. What's a good substitute for the board? I can't seem to find a mount board here in Canada.

  18. What can be used as an alternative to the mountboard?

  19. I'm starting to make my own monopoly board but I think I overestimated how much extra green paint I needed 😅

  20. I just bought the A1 paper started drawing it and I did the corners 3inches😂😭😂😭😭😭

  21. Can you create the cards for monopoly without procreate as I don’t have much money to buy the app xx

  22. Quick question! How did you transfer your cards to a powerpoint? I used canva and when I copy and paste it, it just inserts a link :(.

  23. Hi can you post your Etsy shop link for the monopoly in the comments please

  24. The big bord that you have got how do you cut it because I have got some to make one

  25. Is it easy to take to different places

  26. Gonna defiantly make my own thanks for the helpful video

  27. How many chance cards do I make, and how many other cards are there??

  28. Where did you find the blank property cards?

  29. Please do a tutorial on the cards and money please

  30. Next time please put the board size card size inches on the discrimination..

  31. I have to disagree. Best way to project cards is MS Exel or google sheets. Way more easier to build ant later to print it out.

  32. Thanks a lot for the board measurement details

  33. In instagram when you color the board there are like some kinda mold on the board , how did you do that?

  34. What thinckness is the card board? Mine keeps flopping… :((

  35. Do you mind helping me find the sticker paper to stick the game on the board?

  36. Me who only want to play not want to make custom theme

  37. how do you prent the card

  38. very informatif Kira ! Cheers

  39. This is great. I build games . I've been searching for an nfl monopoly board for a while and I can't justify the price. I've seen monopoly boards that can be customised. I'm also thinking of doing one on mystical properties

  40. Why is the template no longer available??

  41. Im doing a taylor swift one for sure

  42. Hey Kira! I was wondering what do you do with all the monopoly boards you make? Do you sell them? Thank you so much for the awesome video!

  43. is it legal to make our own boards?

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