Monopoly but the AI make terrible business decisions -

Monopoly but the AI make terrible business decisions

MessYourself Gaming
Views: 325077
Like: 8189
Monopoly is probably the most well known board game, so lets make a video on it!
If we reach 10,000 likes I will make another video on Monopoly
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  1. messyourself ,Friday I have floor hockey I will get a goal for you

  2. Their is no school fees in America

  3. I played this the other day with my cousin, he sold me half the board for one property. Easiest game I had

  4. how do we win the game do you need the most coins or do you need to get closer to the end

  5. Healthcare nor education are free my friend. You pay abusive taxes for something

  6. Never in my life have I ever seen someone so good at Monopoly wow well done dude

  7. Wow I had no idea that monopoly was on computer sick😄

  8. The m is not million it’s she currency 💴 symbol for monopoly

  9. My favourite youtuber❤️

  10. Im with you Brandon who doesn't know what monopoly is ?

  11. play undertale plz plz pacifist then genocide

  12. Hahahaha Nice video more more môooooooôooore!!

  13. Awesome game bro

  14. Do dragon Ball z kakarot play

  15. 13:43
    Brandon: You can afford that ****?
    Iker: -_-

  16. Now I know that what have the British board :/

  17. Did anyone see the plushy‘s on the shelf

  18. I played this game for 4hrs on my nintendo switch
    I was so bored

  19. Why you not play God of war 4 bro try it's a awesome game

  20. This is how many playing monopoly

  21. Play Roblox u never play Roblox please💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  22. Does brandon still usr his Snapchat??

  23. you're so great playing monopoly

  24. messyourself plz paly brawl stars

  25. I love that game but old school style

  26. I have this clasic board i played it w my frineds and family often.

  27. Long time no see,i missed you make video

  28. bring back the would you rather series

  29. Why is messyourself always changing his office

  30. Your calculation
    is good very good

  31. We have online monoply on xbox 360

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