Monopoly Deal Card Game: Rules & Instructions | How to Play
If you would like to skip around here are some Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction
0:11 Set Up/On Your Turn
0:52 Playing Cards
1:28 Money
2:02 Properties
2:26 Action Cards
2:47 Important Rules for paying other players
3:39 Action Cards in Detail Introduction
3:59 All Action Cards in Detail
4:52 Houses & Hotels
5:11 Property Wild Cards
5:40 Ending
Check out more Monopoly Deal Videos here:
Monopoly Deal Play Through:
How to Play Monopoly Deal:
Numbers Behind Monopoly Deal:
Deal Breaker | Tips and Strategies:
Just Say No | Tips and Strategies:
Rent & Double the Rent | Tips and Strategies:
It’s My Birthday & Debt Collector | Tips and Strategies:
Monopoly Deal – My Favorite Things:
Here is a brief description of the rules:
To win: Be the first to Collect 3 Full Property Sets of different colors.
To start: Deal 5 cards to each player.
On your turn: Pick up 2 cards (Unless you have none, then pick up 5.)
Play up to 3 cards: Play any combination of cards, here are some examples:
A) Put money/Action cards into your own bank.
B) Put Properties down into your own collection.
C) Play Action Cards into the center.
Types of Action Cards: (All can be banked as money if you choose)
Deal Breaker: Steal a full property set.
Just Say No: Play any time to cancel the effect of an action card played against you.
Sly Deal: Steal a property set from another player (Not part of a full property set)
Forced Deal: Force a trade of a property from another player (Not part of a full property set)
Debt Collector: Demand $5 from another player.
It’s My Birthday: All players pay you $2.
Multicolored Rent Card: Charge one player rent of any color property you own.
Rent: Charge all players rent for property/properties you own that match one color on the card.
Double the Rent: Play with a rent card (Doubles the amount you charge for rent)
Pass Go: Pick up 2 extra cards from the draw pile (You can play more than one in a single turn)
House/Hotel: Add these to a full property set to make it more valuable
Property Wild Cards: Can substitute for property cards.
2:22 Are you even allowed to have more than one set of the same color?
EDIT: That player has the cards they need in order to win. Just swap Illinois avenue with the property wildcard in the first set and change all of the wildcards in the second set to yellow.
How many players comfortably play with one deck? If there are more players, could another deck be combined to accommodate the larger number?
THX I just started playing
Hi. I have a question. If we are out of Money and can only pay from a full set of properties with house and hotel, can we pay with the house/hotel card?
If yes, where do the receiver keeps it?
If no, what happen to the house/ hotel card when we broke the complete set to pay the other player?
Thanks in advance!
How about if i have 9 cards ,so its not allowed where should i put the 2 cards to make it 7 cards?
How bout u said that u cant put a house in a utility ,why is it there's a house in water / electric bill?????
Does the "double the rent" card count as one of the three cards you can use in one turn?
I have a question. A big problem we got today while playing monopoly cards..
I asked a larger amount of rent. One of the player intentionally gave me his two red cards (One double color wild red card, one single color red card) bcz i had one red already on table.. he gave me to make my deal so that he can use deal breaker.
I said i will put red wild card separate with yellow side up. But he said i can not do this. And its must to make a deal. We got debate on this. But found no result.
Can u guide on this?
This was great thanks:)
We are having a house argument in regards to the “wild property” (the one with no value)
. Can you use sly deal or swap property and take the wild card if it’s not in a set?
I say yes because it’s a technically a property XD but my whole family disagrees with me. Help.
Heyy i have a couple of questions ! As you said that we can drop any cards in our turn , i have a question . If a player drops a property card , can we take if we want it ????
2nd : how many cards we can drop in our chance ?
3rd : if we drop couple of ones how will they effect
Do you pay for the properties you keep
Extremely helpful thanks a million
This is super
Question, can the wild 10 color property be stolen with a sly deal, force deal, or deal breaker when it’s on a complete set.
Can u steal a set if one of the cards of the set is a wild card
This video really helped me out a lot, thank you so much dude 😊
Can you steal a wild with sly deal??
The only thing I don't agree with is about action cards being placed in your bank. I believe that if you place an action card (Just Say No excluded) into your bank as money, then later, you should be able to use one of your 3 turns to turn it back into an action card.
Pretty short and crystal clear guide! 👍🏻
Just wanted to clarify on “Pass 2 Go” card. Once we are using that card as our final actions (3/3 actions). Do we entitled another 3 actions or it goes to the next player turn? Really appreciate if you could advice me on this 🙏🏻
Question: I use a forced deal to swap my red property with a purple property. But my opponent has their own red property. Can they combine their own red property with the red property I just gave them immediately or do they wait for their turn?
Can i SLY the Property Wild Card?
Questions. Need help interpreting your thoughts on these scenarios:
1.) property wild card on board – can I charge rent on it?
2.) two property wild cards on board – can these be combined to complete a property set (ex. Dark blues, utilities, purples / brown colors)
3.) does it count as a move (out of your 3 moves) to change colors on property wild cards
4.) can you play a just say no on someone else’s just say no and if so does that count as a move?
Can 15 people play Monopoly deal together ?
if you switch a wild property card around does it count as one turn? So lets say you were using it as an orange and now you have an orange and want to out the orange down and use the wild on another set would that count as one move (putting the new orange card down) or two moves putting orange card down and moving the wild from the orange set of properties to another color set of properties.
What happens if yo I run out of cards to draw from?
Hi brimley one question if I play a forced deal or sly deal can I take any property card which I want from him or is it that he can give whatever he want ? Anyone can answers
2:09 I think you cannot buy houses or hotels in utilities and railroads??
Is there a limit to how many times you move wilds around during your turn? Like theoretically could I charge rent then move the wild to a different set, then charge rent again, and end my turn by moving it into an incomplete set to avoid a deal breaker being played on a full set?
QUESTION Player 2 owes player 1 but only has a full set and not $ in their bank. Do they have to break up their full set? or is a full set locked and only taken with a deal breaker.
For example, A, B, C are playing, A plays a “deal breaker” to B, now B doesn’t want to give A that full property set, therefore B can play a “Just say no”, now the “deal breaker” lost its effectiveness. “Just say no” is an action card too, so it can be “Just say no” too
Who goes first ?
Where can I buy this game?
Okay for the Sly Deal.. I have 2 yellow properties: a property wild card and a regular yellow property on top of that. Does the person using the sly deal take the card on top or they have a choice to also take the property wild card underneath?
Does Double the Rent counts as one of your 3 actions by itself? Or is it included in your previous rent card action?
I received Monopoly as a gift today but I don't know how to play Monopoly game. I am still not clear with some concepts of Monopoly game. The guide that was in the box was not useful.Pass go cards still not clarify me. Please upload another video and reply me, please
If I have park place and boardwalk down and i play a double rent card and pick blue …is it double.rent for both cards or just the one?
do we start with each property carf
What if you have to pay rent, have no bank, but have a set? Do you give up the wholr set, or just piece off property from the set to pay?
Does double the rent card, count as one card ? Also when you say you can place as many properties as you want throughout the game, what does that mean because you can only play up to three cards on ur turn
Do I need to lay out all the properties i have in my hand? Or i have the choice to keep them instead?
I don't get the "Pass Go". What happens if I use it as my third move? I get to draw two cards then is it going to be my turn again with 3 new moves?
Thanks for the explanation it really helped me to understand the game🦸🏻👍🏻
Excellent content. Thank you.
when i swap wild property for another card is that considered one turn ?
How can we hide cards then
Question : Is a property set consider completed if we used Wild card ?