Monopoly For Nintendo Switch Gameplay -

Monopoly For Nintendo Switch Gameplay

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Get double 3 times, go to jail. Let’s play Monopoly For Nintendo Switch! This game usually takes hours to finish. We still prefer playing the real game though, since it brings back memories. #Monopoly game on #NintendoSwitch

Who plays this game in real life?


  1. Is it the same as game night?

  2. Where i can find this game?is it at playstore?

  3. select a language: pierdolcie się

  4. How many local co op together

  5. Is there any different with hasbro game night monopoly?

  6. Is there online and team play with family?

  7. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s harder to tell what cards you have

  8. Who wants to be friends on switch my friend code is SW-3773-6702-2219 anyone can friend me and Ill accept my only friend is my sister XDDDDD so pls friend me u dont need to tell me ur friend code just say ur user and Ill accept cause u friend me

  9. Can anyone explain to me how the house auction works and just what the rules are? I understand the street auction but I have no idea what house auction is or how it works.

  10. Wait is this a 2-4 player? You can’t play by yourself

  11. Who is still playing this? It's hard to find online matches

  12. Do people still play this game?

  13. What happens when the host leaves does the game end like the console version?

  14. New subscriber and I really enjoyed it and congratulations on 60K

  15. The announcer quotes are so random

  16. Every time I play this in switch the frames drop.

    the frames drop

  17. I hope far cry 6 release on switch….

  18. Is there a 1 player option

  19. I keep getting kicked out every game, mid game actually. Also players leave mid game all the time to only be replaced with bots.

  20. I love monopoly and wheel of fortune

  21. U should play family feud

  22. Nice winning there Coouge

  23. They came out with monopoly madness instead of upgrading this one

  24. seems to be both the sims and monopoly

  25. Do they have Chinese language? I couldn’t see it in the first page.

  26. They need to make a candyland video game

  27. I’m disappointed there’s no fast mode, computer takes so long to take turns. It’s so slow that I would not have bought the game if I had known that. Even the old gameboy version had a fast mode.

  28. How player 2 joined PLS tell me

  29. can anyone find a clip of him saying “i love what you’ve done with the place”

  30. But can you play against the ai?

  31. I really hoped this game would be a mild relaxing experience. Oh God, this game sucks so bad!

    So I play against an AI, and I play on "really easy" mode because I just want to play for like 30 min, not trying to spend three hours on a stupid video game.

    So I'm thinking, super easy means the AI will be really daft, I'll take his money, and go to sleep.

    This became one of the hardest monopoly games I've ever played. Every single move I made, he'd make one better. He'd get triple rolls of the die, never go to jail. Never even landed on jail. Would never land on my properties. Any time he had to draw a card, it was CRAZY positive, like getting $200, going to go and collecting $400 (house rules). He'd only land on his properties and if he landed on mine, it was only for cheap ones. I'd never land on anything new, I'd only land on things when out of money. There was a moment where I landed on the same 5 squares around the board, twice in a row. And the AI never lands anywhere but where it's beneficial to it. It's literally like you're playing a cheater on the other side of the screen, and theyre getting everything handed to them and you're getting messed with.

    So I played anyway. I thought, I'll work through this. I play for TWO HOURS and it never changed, nothing got better, this super easy AI was not going to be easy at all, and in fact, acted pretty spitefully toward how I was playing. How is that possible? It's sposed to be a fake player! It's absolutely absurd. It's supposed to be a fun game and instead all it does it mess with the player.

    Don't buy this terrible laggy
    game. I got it for 10 dollars and I don't agree that it is even worth that price.

  32. Why can u select amercian as a language? Its an accent not a language. All amercian people speak English with an American accent 🤣🤣 what idiot designed this game.

  33. DO NOT buy this game. I recently did and it was the worst game I ever played. I never and I do mean never got past the "go to jail" space no matter how many games I played. I would start a new game, get a few turns and land on the go to jail space. I would get out of jail, get a few more turns and land on the go to jail space. I thought it was just my bad luck but I played 5 Rounds of this game on very easy to try and avoid it and it was always the same landed on the go to jail space and never got past it. If you bought this game, I would ask for a refund

  34. They could have just called it monopoly plus for Nintendo switch

  35. Monopoly for nintendo switch kinda sucks because I was actually expecting it too look exactly like the Xbox and PlayStation version but turned out to be way different when I searched it. Like at 4:49 of this video the token Doesn’t even have that animation whenever it’s moving the amount of spaces the dice rolled! The font is also larger than in Xbox and PlayStation, the theme is also sunset instead of morning, the results screen is different and the main menu screen has made lots of changed compare to the Xbox and PlayStation ver…

  36. If anyone is wondering how to get the plane token, you have to play with speed dice and roll three of the same number on each dice.

  37. How do you save the game of monopolu

  38. Monopoly Go is much better

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