Monopoly - Game 1 Part 1 - Slaying the Dragons (Xbox One Let's Play) -

Monopoly – Game 1 Part 1 – Slaying the Dragons (Xbox One Let’s Play)

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Just a short little three part series of a Monopoly game I played with Brock and some of his friends on Xbox Live! These guys are hilarious, hope you all enjoy!


  1. TmarTn2 you put your facecam in the worst spots. 😒

  2. How much is this game for the xbox1

  3. Trev, did that one guy say Pensacola? Do you live close to there?

  4. I laughed so hard I cried XD

  5. i dont like it it is boring

  6. C'mon Trevor, more MLB15!  Also waiting on the last Super Cooper Sunday video you didn't upload.

  7. Trevor some guys are breathing into there mic its irritating

  8. I'm not sure if any of you know but I think he spilt some Mountain Dew!

  9. Aye I'll play with you I've had this game haha. Always fun

  10. Did anyone Try To Get a Full Set Of a Colour ?

  11. Play the elder scrolls online on ps4

  12. It doesn't seem right watching this without all the London properties…

  13. You really do Monopoly and not COD like you said you would

    Or bully??

    But this is cool I guess I would prefer those though ^^

  14. Lol this was good funny people

  15. I finally think TmarTn is finally changing his mind to be more kid friendly😂

  16. Dude, Brock was so right, one of the funniest things ever 😂😂😂 "slay some dragons" I died trev, I died 😂😂😂 loving the uploads bro

  17. I live in Pensacola….

  18. Where the hell is the intro? I have no idea what's going on! Laziness

  19. Upload super cooper sunday

  20. Trevor talks a bunch in his live coms but not in a stream
    Maybe he has social anxiety? lol

  21. "when really all your doin is watching porn"

  22. I wish u could make this a big series! 🙁

  23. I live in florida to zepherhills close to tampa

  24. its quite slow and a little boring :'(

  25. Your face blocks the property cards.

  26. I don't even care about the game, their conversation was hilarious! xD

  27. How do you play this

  28. its a hard brock life for us 
    its a hard brock life for us

  29. I live close to you guys

  30. Talking about the Minnesota Wild.. This video is from so long ago

  31. Monopaly is so much funner to play in real life

  32. Why would anyone buy boardwalk? nobody land on it so its really useless

  33. These graphics are CRAZY. Mind blown.

  34. I live in mn and listening to them talk about this is cool

  35. sndbmbasdmbmnbdsn


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