Monopoly Is Better With Cheating (Board AF)
Ian Hecox //
Chanse McCrary //
Angela Giarratana //
Arasha Lalani //
WHO YOU DON’T SEE (usually)
Director: Spencer Agnew
Editor: Edward Vilderman
Dir Of Programming, Games: Spencer Agnew
Games – AP: Alex Tran
Games – Producer: Damien Haas
AD: Jacqi Jones
Art Director: Cassie Vance
Art – Asst Dir.: Erin Kuschner
Art Coord.: Alex Aguilar
Set Dresser: Squid Spelman
Audio Mixer: Greg Jones
Camera Operator: Vida Robbins
Content Manager: Lizzy Jones
Dir. Audience Dev & Distro: Rachel Evans
DIT/AE: Matt Duran
Dir. Of Photography: Brennan Iketani
Exec Coord: Erin Dougal
GFX: Brittany Hobbs
Post Manager: Luke Baker
Production Coord: Heidi Ha
Production Asst: Marcus Munguia
Production Manager: Jacqi Jones
Sr. Dir. Of Production: Zoe Moacanin
Talent Coord: Selina Garcia
Wardrobe Supervisor: Alicia Balderas
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Angela constantly talking about one hand was foreshadowing her breaking her arm
anyone else notice ians yellow card reference
26:33 lol ironic isn’t it now
im not even playing and im pissed
Arasha every time she got caught oo oops yeah that was an accident I didn't mean it
Welcome to Kentucky. You owe me two twenty.~
Edit: 26:27 – 26:32
12:26 with the hawk mode had me screeching right along with the sound affect lmaooooo
Hahahah i love this version!
"sorry i only have one arm to work with" (6:07) i sure hope angela will never have to deal with that in a smosh video again
10:20 i can’t even say if she was supposed to get the handcuff off
Back again after Angela's encore
They should be embarrassed by the number of mid rolls in this video. I've had 5 within a 3 minute span.
19:17 the heist of an century
Came back to watch this after the new one came out and Ian has changed so much in a year.
Why did they use ai art here….
Is no one noticing, even Angela, that sometimes Angela cheated with how she moved spaces by counting one after two spaces away and she does it by accidentally dropping the piece on the next space? Great cheating without even noticing.
1:28 The syncing was the cherry on top
12:06 A diversión, genius
22:33 Love her unwavering confidence
24:11 He was STRESSING 😭
“Okay I’ll take it I’ll build a nonprofit” I’M GONE
Angela cheated in the beginning and got caught but still won in the end
Love that I was watching Arasha take money from the bank and never get caught. She is so good!
Chase low key let Ian steel the money from the bank when he tried to distract them all. Chase was looking right at him.
Arasha waiting for Ian to do something before dropping the "I cheated." is hilarious paired with her constant "I forgot" or "I read it wrong"
Angela saying her cuff is on and then the cut to her immediately after taking the money from ian with no cuff is crazy
Angela deserved all the $500's more than anyone, she pulled ALL the stops for this vid and truly gave us the most doing every cheat
Why does Ian look so young in this
11:00 Ian is wild for that 💀
Arasha was constantly cheating fr
i cant explain it. chanse is serving twink arthur reed here
19:05, Angela lied
Monopoly kink edition is called sexopoly and it's weird
More monopoly cheaters edition!
Ian being so mad is so funny
Angela literally foreshadowing her hand cast situation at 6:07
Angela….your chance to grab a few bills at 5:08 was wild. When you're obviously cheating….sit back down lol about it and while you sit…snag a few billllllllls. Everyone is distracted by reading the rules and looking at the speaker. Its natural to look at st the person reading…its our natural instincts you gotra look out for 😅
Omg…im just…..good at magic
I’m surprised no one died or the table didn’t get flipped cause Monopoly is a bloodsport
I love how Ian stole $500 first, and Angela did it too and did it better.
Angela really embodies the business penguin
If you land on a railroad, you go to the next railroad?? What version of Monopoly is this? Does no one own railroads then??
Why is this entire board smaller than typical and missing usual properties/spaces ? How does getting rid of them affect the cheaters?
What is the series of cuts at 10:10 ???
Angela takes the cuff off, then it cuts to her clearly having it on her wrist, and then it cuts to it clearly being off again.
??? How was the game filmed or played if something that simple makes no sense?
I'm so fucking confused. How did Angela legally get out of the cuff and why was it never mentioned by anyone??
Does it bother anyone else that each side of the board is missing a space and that the trains are not evenly spaced?
Starting on each corner it is 9 spaces to the next corner, it should be 10.
3 of the spaces between the trains are equal to 8 and one is 12, they should be in the middle of the side and be 10 spaces to the next.
not gonna lie, not admitting to cheating is really annoying
Angela totally saw Ian steal. She just let him get away with it cuz she wanted more stuff to happen
I played this with a friend and she cheated in cheaters monopoly and I’ve never played it since bc I got so mad
angela’s eyes are telling me she on the grass this episode lmao
angela getting the twelve at the very beginning was foreshadowing to her second divine intervention with the 500s steal😭😭
24:12 change freaking out omfg this might be the realest smosh board af video
11:06 the way she said that was so sweet :')