Monopoly Madness - A BRAWLING BOARDGAME?! (4-Player Gameplay) -

Monopoly Madness – A BRAWLING BOARDGAME?! (4-Player Gameplay)

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Stumpt tries out Monopoly Madness! You’ve gotta suck up money, power, water, and power ups. And then use those resouces to buy up and upgrade property!

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  1. Hmm… is it okay for me to say I'm not really inpressed with this game? It's like if Overcooked decided to be simpler, and… involved real estate. I feel like it doesn't do anything inventive with the Monopoly I.P. (which, credit, it's hard to change the formula, but…), just take something that already works and paint it in the board game's colors.

    Watching Stumpt play it makes it interesting, and I like what you guys put out, but… by itself, the game is kinda meh.

  2. Is Ubisoft the next LJN?

  3. Not sure how I feel about this one?

  4. When I saw this game I couldn’t wait to see you all play it! But I got to say I’m a little bit disappointed. Definitely a game I’d rather pick up on sale.

  5. More like Monopoly Sadness. This is the bass-tard child of a Kirby game and traditional Monopoly.

  6. That was . . . not a good game.

  7. When Monopoly is a battle royale instead of just a board game.

  8. I thought it was that mobile monopoly that you guys play a few days ago and I'm really happy then I was like "oh nevermind"

  9. Suck and blow aye 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Hmm… not sure about this one chief, ubi, man, soft.

    edit: fun video tho.

  11. I'm not a fan. Don't want to see more. Yet if you made more I'm stupid enough to watch them.

  12. This is cute , but I really like the last monopoly you guys played. Nostalgic bargaining , cut throat plays, and GO TO JAIL!

  13. I can't even understand what's happening.

    Ubisoft just can't make a good Monopoly game.

  14. Too crazy. Calling it madness seems to be rather fitting for this game.

  15. I disliked this video because I don't care to listen to these guys complain the whole time. I will not recommend this video to anyone because it is a real downer.

  16. Is it just me or does Anne look like they should be in Ouran Host Club?

  17. Hated it……. All of it

  18. The monopoly man’s eyes make me want to tear mine out

  19. this is not monopoly, this is just disgusting how they ruined their formula.

  20. I wish we would get a good Classic Monopoli for PC.

    So far every digital Monopoly s** hard. 🙁

  21. This was kinda cool. Maybe once you get to know the mechanics better, your gameplay will evolve to be less "what the heck am I doing" and more of your guys's fun banter and take-that moments.

  22. Can you play it Coop and online with friends at the same time? Like overcooked or sackboy…

  23. That has gotta be the worst game ever and I love monopoly

  24. jas silently bid two houses for 2M

  25. This is one of the most unique and fun party games I’ve played in years. Looking forward to playing with friends and going nuts without a huge competitive cutthroat feeling you get from Mario party or Mario kart

  26. so they've made it twitch-based as a board game on console is lumbersome and boring, but this just seems chaotic. Maybe it's the right direction though.

  27. What next? Monopoly punch out; where you face off against Mr Moneybags in a pseudo Mike Tyson's punch out game using gold bricks as power ups instead of stars? I get jealous of some of the games Stumpt plays, and then there is this and I'm thankful they played it so I don't have to.

  28. I am gobsmacked at what I just watched 😂 I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not!
    Hey still happy to watch y’all 🥰

  29. Downloaded it and played it, the mechanics feel a little bit like Overcooked. It DOES take a little while to figure out, but I'm hooked. A great change of pace from Anno, Assasin's Creed, Doom Eternal or StarCraft 2. I'd give it a shot if you like a kind of "Unreal Domination-style"' approach to Monopoly.

  30. that ginger girl is so annoying…

  31. why are you nagging so much ? just shut up and play the stupid game

  32. Thanks for the review. That's just saved me twenty quid!

  33. I don't understand how to buy hotels in this game. I see options for houses but I don't get the hotel aspect

  34. I really hope you give it a try ^^. it looks interesting and funny. nice day all

  35. I learned how this game works, but lost brain cells watching you four play it out.

  36. wait what's wrong with the classic monopoly plus? I think it's greats it literally monopoly just on a system instead. but this game does look horrendous, I'll say that much.

  37. To be perfectly honest, you 3 "presenters" talking over each other, desperate to be the one who is heard, is by FAR more annoying than the Monopoly man talking.

  38. Bought this game last night, and we love it.

  39. It's Mario Party if Mario Party sucked.

  40. Monopoly Streets way better.

  41. Monopoly Plus is the best Monopoly, great graphics, a great city board, you can even make your own

  42. What a terribly bland looking title. Monopoly doomed to be bad in video game form.

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