Monopoly Milk Chocolate Edition Review! Real Chocolate Pieces! | Board Game Night -

Monopoly Milk Chocolate Edition Review! Real Chocolate Pieces! | Board Game Night

Board Game Night
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We review the Milk Chocolate Monopoly board game with real chocolate pieces!
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  1. Belgian quality means best chocolate quality worldwide 🙈

  2. You guys are really cute reviewers. Was trying to figure this out so I could play with my 5 year old. Thanks for your video 🙂

  3. Reviewed this game back in February it's a unique version. Monopoly lovers here too!! Didn't know there were others like Uno or a Scrabble. Only knew about the Monopoly and Candy Land. I'll definitely have to check that out!

  4. 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
    This'z a pretty neat novelty idea~!!!;"3

  5. You should review the monopoly secret vault

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