Monopoly ( [Game 24] -

Monopoly ( [Game 24]

KRocketneo’s Retro Gaming
Views: 10622
Like: 51
My gameplay of Monopoly (


  1. you did you get 2 players bankrupt and still played?

  2. You must to get an achievment, like: "MINE!"

  3. R.I.P this monopoly flash game

  4. Litterly Dominated The Entire Board In The End!

  5. Be smart. Bankrupt players sometimes have to give up mortgaged properties. You need to unmortgage them so they can yield rent again.

  6. 30:09 3 computer players failed to roll for a double

  7. 1:01:09 if computer_4 fails to roll a double, "You're in Jail!" box comes up

  8. 1:01:08 if a player lands on mortgaged that owned his property, no "pay no rent" sound is played

  9. I played this game soooo much

  10. Is this the Jailaggedon episode?

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