MONOPOLY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP – 2023 Edition: The All Star Game of Champions.
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Spoilers kinda, Question Ian,
would you have eventually realized that you could've bought a hotel and then more houses if it wasn't basically flat out explained to you lol
Bro this was fantastic! All the power house boys are here and it's awesome👍 Big business brotha!
Ooohhhh maaaaa goodness this is how the week is supposed to end ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Happy 616 Everyone 🎉🥳 Congratulations Ian On Your 1,825 & Counting Days As The Undisputed World Champion Of Monopoly 👑
🎉Happy 6/16 Day🥳
Awesome Video and game, my Dudes! I really appreciate it. Luv when Yall get together and film. Amazing chemistry between Yall❤🎉 Congrats to the Champ, had my money on U Bro🤘💙
Dude I was DYING from laughter when Nigel tried to arrange that 5 way deal! I look forward to 6-16 more than Christmas!
Great game, great banter, the business deals were out of control. Thanks to everyone involved for nearly 4 hours of great entertainment.
Wait, Matt Knicks wrestled Cody Rhodes on #AEWDynamite ?
That was suchhh a long game
but glad to see Ian on top as always happy 6/16!!!
As a man who's never played Monopoly, I'd rather watch you guys play it than play it myself.
Those promos were absolutely fucking amazing…and speaking of amazing, it seems we’re in the presence the Roman Reigns of 616 Monopoly! There is no other! Hahaha amazing. Who would’ve thought one could win 5 games of monopoly in a row!
Great game Dan Dans…I like how my fave came in 2nd and the game just kept us guessing…one Man's wheelin' and dealin' are another man's stealin's.
Damn man Monopoly brings back so many good memories of chillin with my friends.. specifically 2 of my best childhood friends, brothers Juan and Anthony who stayed 2 blocks from me in a nice house with a backyard the size of a park i mean it didn't even look like it belonged in the south bronx and their family was real tight knit and we'd always be doing some cool shit there just having fun and board games like Risk and Carmen SanDiego or of course Monopoly…i really miss those times..thanx as always for the video and the memories bruh
Alright I'm ready for this. Happy 616 everyone here's to the 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time monopoly world champion. Maybe we'll get a spinaroonie after Ian's victory today!
Tht was good game Nigel had some hilarious one liners
The Reign Of Terror continues!!!!
5x5x5x5x5x five in a row congratulations
Great win Ian 5 years in a row unbelievable 👏
The whole video can be summarized in a couple words. The art of the deal
Ian is unstoppable!!
Fuck monopoly 😤😤
This is more impressive than Bruno Sammartino’s title run🎉🎉😂😂
Ian the tribal chief of monopoly
the only reason you're still the champ is cuz i haven't had an invite to take your title from u lol
If I were Ian I would build hotels and then build those leftover houses on the reds 2:51:56
Just a tip for next time 😉
what website or game is this and how do i get it
It's really hard to like IAN, He's a scammer, the way he plays!
Sorry for being late but dayum is ur channel amazing, first thing i started watching from ur Channel was the dcuo retrospective, all the superman videos, and some awesome stuff like this, ur literaly in top 5 of my fav Channels of all time! My only problem With ur channel is that all these videos ends! 😂, literaly we need more youtubers like u bro, sorry if i sound like some sort of Dick rider or anything but Just wanted to say something i wanted for u and ur channel from a long time, cant wait for more comic book related stuff along With these types of fun stuff, keep up the great work and peace dan dans! ✌️
I’m new to this channel so I really thought they were world champion players but all the rules, and strategies they didn’t know and trades they made make me doubt that.
why is palestine been talking about here?
Is this one monopoly plus?
This is not monopoly, boo you sir. Boo You!
Hi. How do I purchase this electronic version? Or is it proprietary to the channel? Thanks.
2:12:57 was that a Giant Claw reference?!
Which version of Monopoly software are they using?