NEW! Ranked Monopoly Games begin on Xmas! -

NEW! Ranked Monopoly Games begin on Xmas!

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Starting on December 25th, we’ll be playing Ranked games, as part of the first season of the Unibro Monopoly League. First season will run through March 31st – and players will both have seasonal and Lifetime stats.

If you want to toss your dice into the ring, players are selected from our pool of Twitch subscribers (at least 32 days in a row as a sub). You can earn a Twitch sub or just pay for it. Info on earning here:

So here’s the run down:

When: Starts Saturday December 25th at 3pm EST
Where: but games will also be posted here
Ranked games everyday for the first week of the Unibro Monopoly League!

I’m sure I missed stuff, so feel free to ask questions in the comments!



  1. Let's go swifttt, we love these videos, please don't ever stop making them, I hope they continue to support you!

  2. Super excited to see these ranked games!! The only thing left to do is remove Jimmy from ruining the fun of the games.

  3. Ubisoft should actually pay you for what you're doing for the game!! I'll drop in at some point hopefully. Cheers for this!

  4. Hope this goes well, monopoly everyday is a charm👏👏

  5. I don't have a pc so can't join unfortunately

  6. For the ranked games, all of the requirements apply, but for the unranked games, are there less requirements?

  7. This is gonna be amazing

  8. Will you be posting all the game on YouTube too or just have them on twitch

  9. Thank you for doing this swift I love the content and will always keep on supporting

  10. Looking forward to jumping in at some point. Just a little nervous about having to actually vocalize my trade offers instead of pressing the buttons.

  11. Maybe there can be some consideration in the rankings if somebody gets robbed (like Vida last night) but to the extent that they lose against lower ranked players.

  12. Anyway i could join in these lobbies ? i used to host monopoly lobbies on xbox. could definitely get some cool people to come on

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