Really, Really Shortest Game of Monopoly: 13 Seconds -

Really, Really Shortest Game of Monopoly: 13 Seconds

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After our recent post of what we thought was the shortest possible game of Monopoly, we were challenged on that claim and thus had to come up with an even shorter one, which we now believe is actually the shortest possible game. Only 7 rolls of the dice, players only make it halfway around the board. More detail here:

Game Sequence:

Player 1:
(1) 6-4, just visiting, has $1500
Player 2:
(2) 6-4, Just visiting, has $1500
Player 1:
(3) 3-3, buy St. James $1320
(4) 1-1, buy Tennessee $1140
(5) 3-1, Chance, “go back three spaces”, buy New York $940
Buy 3 houses for each property, $40
Player 2:
(6) 3-3 St. James Rent $550, Player 2 has $950, Player 1 has $590
Player 1 buys 1 house on St. James and Tennessee, hotel on New York, $190
(7) Player 2 rolls 2-1: New York rent is now $1000, Bankrupt.


  1. I wonder what is the fastest without bonus rolls from doubles and/or without stacked chance/community chest. (either by ignoring the doubles bonus rule or not rolling doubles; 2 and 12 are only possible with doubles) Ignoring the doubles rule lets you hit Park and Boardwalk on one trip round the board, otherwise it takes two rounds to get a monopoly and you are probably best off going for a 3 property monopoly.

  2. What's the point of this…? To cheat to lose?

  3. Shortest game: Player 1 goes bankrupt on 1st turn.

    Player 1 rolls 4-4 lands on Vermont Avenue. Doesn't buy it initially so it goes to auction. Player 2 bids and player 1 changes his mind and also bids. Player 1 wins bidding and buys it for $1500.

    Player 1 rolls 5-4 lands on Community Chest. Gets 'Pay hospital fees of $100.' He hasn't got any money so goes bankrupt. Even mortgaging Vermont Avenue will only get him $50 so won't help.


  4. lyrics:

    djsjfceruiofjvceriohvo jdojv dfpjv iodjfsv iodfhov hduihsijrfgoirehiwojdfghvuodhjwjvfovog

  5. Oui je suis là à cause de Chris (Poisson Fécond) 🤷‍♂️

  6. This is illegal all its wrong with the video

  7. Me: “Hey dad, want a quick game of monopoly?”
    Dad: “Ok very quickly because I need to leave in 20 seconds”
    Me and my dad: 0:02

  8. Now that was insanely quick

  9. These people how much me and my family suck at this game. We take 2 hours and a half to finsish since we get lucky… I call that a half chug there

  10. First off, a couple of things. 1.) These discussions are centered around the shortest reasonable game of Monopoly. Scenarios where a person bids $1500 for a property at an auction are unreasonable, and should therefore not be considered. 2.) This is more of a question, but does the term "shortest" mean fewest dice rolls or smallest amount of elapsed time or fewest number of total "turns"? This scenario represents 7 dice rolls, and of course a very short amount of time. Since players can take varying amounts of time to roll dice, advance tokens, count money, fish out property cards from the bank, etc., the undisputable metric should be dice rolls, not elapsed time.

    I know this has been said before (either more or less eloquently than I'm about to repeat it), but the entire validity of this scenario depends on whether or not it is legal to buy additional houses/hotels (i.e. buildings) in between doubles dice rolls of another player. The paper rules that come with the game state that you can buildings at any time. However, I believe the spirit of this rule is that you do not have to wait until it is your turn to purchase buildings, but you DO have to wait until another player has finished their turn. In other words, you can purchase buildings other players' turns OR at ANY time during your own turn. If a player rolls doubles, you cannot arbitrarily shout out "I wanna buy houses!" You must wait for that player to finish their turn.

    * According to the rules at the Monopoly World Championships, a doubles roll is considered a continuation of that player's turn. When a player rolls doubles and has taken the various actions pertaining to that dice roll, they roll the dice again and all of this is considered a continuation of that player's turn. This makes sense, as if anyone was allowed to conduct any types of transactions in between the doubles rolls of other players, there could be a lot of chaos.

    They really should clarify/crystallize this in the paper rules. There is nothing left to guess, and they should eliminate all ambiguity in the paper rules included with each box game.

    Now one thing that I would say it totally appropriate, is if you want to buy houses in between two other players' turns, you can state to the group, "I want to buy houses before the start of the next turn." This eliminates two other players who know they are about to get hosed from deciding to end their turn quickly, pass the dice, and the next player rolls. Technically, once the next player tosses the dice, and the house-buying player has not yet indicated they want to purchase buildings, it's too late and they must wait until the conclusion of the current turn.

    In conclusion, I deem this scenario to be invalid due to the action of a player being taken in the middle of another player's turn. There are a few scenarios out there that are fully legit and take 8 dice rolls… so the challenge still exists to come up with something shorter (which may not be possible).

    Fun, right? For as much of a bad wrap as Monopoly gets sometimes for fostering ruthlessness, it is a good game to teach kids about the ups and downs of life, and the consequences for their actions (or inactions). Love it. 🙂

  11. mine was shorter on my first move i went to jail

  12. @SPEEDSTER7201 mine was even shorter on my first move I was bankrupt.

  13. Even if this was possible, one of the rules to monopoly is that you can't build houses unless 1) you own a monopoly, and 2) only on your turn. Notice the video information stated that player 2 rolled a 3-3, thereby giving him another roll. Player 1 at this time CANNOT build a hotel on any of his property. Therefore this game is VOID. 😀 I WIN!!!!

  14. @seaking020492 The rules state that you can buy houses At ANY TIME, not just on your turn. That's a common misconception about the rules.

  15. lol, look how he put down the 9 houses

  16. shortest game possible is when there is a trade made from the start. "I give you all my money I have now for immunity from rent on all properties you ever own." Deal is made. Next turn, land on income tax or a community chest or chance that makes you go bankrupt. one roll

  17. @seaking020492 You lose. And so did I, I lost the game.

  18. You can't place 1 house on two properties and a hotel on the third. All houses must be distributed evenly among the properties. You can do 11 houses (4, 4, and 3) but not 5 (hotel), 1, and 1.

  19. @heisanevilgenius You missed step 5, which purchases 3 houses on each orange property. In step six, the player is buying 1 more house each on St. James and Tennessee, and the equivalent of 2 more on New York–promoting it to a hotel, Which is allowed.

  20. @secretbonus No, when you haven't money or real estate, the income tax is $0.

  21. shortest game possible is not to have enough money to buy the game to begin with, you go bankrupt in real-life.

  22. @golondrinaflaca okay fine… community chest or chance same difference.

  23. @profdjm You even said in the video that it was fake. And also, you absolutely have to have a monopoly in order to start building houses. And, in the descrpition, part of it said "(5) 3-1, Chance, "go back three spaces", buy New York $940". New York only costs $200. And, in order to roll 2 times in a row, you have to get doubles first. Part of your description said," (1) 6-4,, just visiting." Then player one rolled again. He didn't get doubles. And, CC to the next chance is 5 away, not 4.

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