Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly -

Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly

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Ever wonder what the shortest possible game of Monopoly would look like? Well, it’ll only take 21 seconds to find out. After our recent attempt to play the shortest actual game of Monopoly on record, we started to wonder about what the shortest THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE game of Monopoly would be. That is, if everything went just the right way, with just the right sequence of rolls, Chance and Community Chest cards, and so on, what is the quickest way one player could go bankrupt? After working on the problem for a while, we boiled it down to a 4-turn (2 per player), 9 roll (including doubles) game. Detail on each move given below. If executed quickly enough, this theoretical game can be played in 21 seconds.

Player 1, Turn 1:

Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Electric Company
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Illinois Avenue
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 4-5, Lands on: Community Chest “Bank error in your favor, Collect $200”
Action: Collects $200 (now has $1700)

Player 2, Turn 1:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Income Tax
Action: Pay $200 (now has $1300), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 5-6, Lands on: Pennsylvania Rail Road
Action: None

Player 1, Turn 2:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Park Place
Action: Purchase ($350, now has $1350), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 1-1, Lands on: Boardwalk
Action: Purchase ($400, now has $950), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 3-1, Lands on Baltic Avenue
Action: Collect $200 for passing GO (now has $1150), Purchase 3 houses for Boardwalk, 2 for Park Place ($1000, now has $150)

Player 2, Turn 2:

Roll: 3-4, Lands on: Chance, “Advance to Boardwalk”
Action: Advance to Boardwalk, Rent is $1400, only has $1300 = Bankrupt


So many people have commented that this is “fake,” let me just say: Yes, it is a scripted demonstration of a theoretically possible game. I would think that is so obvious it goes without saying, but I guess not. So, now it’s been said, several times!


  1. Ah, another person who understands the rules. Thanks! It's nice to see that some people actually care about control, instead of neglecting things they don't like in favor of chaos.

  2. Isnt this how to lose rather than win?

  3. All is about the number of moves, the speed is not that important

  4. When you land on a property, you must buy it, or at least someone must in an auction. You can't just "do nothing".

  5. Well the other guy won.

  6. They don't have to pay you but if you're playing a friendly game of monopoly, or any game for that matter, it's just common courtesy to say hey buddy I just landed on your spot, here's the money I owe you.

  7. Yeah when I play Monopoly we all trash talk each other and it gets really ridiculous and hilarious. I think we made a video sometime in our teens and it's probably still out there and probably still funny (to us).

  8. what are you smoking? sure that IS a base rule but honestly NO ONE goes by that.

  9. I didn't make the rules. Frankly I see that rule as preventing people from dismissing unwanted property, meaning that they don't only spend a small amount of their starting cash on what they want and have tons left over. If this is a proper way to win in the shortest possible way then they would not include a house rule like that, at least auction it for $1 or something.

  10. That may be so, but it's really not something to be expected, because then you'll have people thinking it's a rule that you have to pay rent when the owner doesn't ask for it, which is exactly opposite to the official rule on the matter. I play with a bunch of home rules myself, but I don't ever forget the official rules. If you're trying to set a record like these guys, it really goes without saying that the official rules should be respected.

  11. Well first they aren't going for a record, if you read the discription then you will realise this is the shortest THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE game of Monopoly, so no they do not have to be assholes to eachother to try and bullshit their way to not losing, i can't believe you even care about this, you do realise that even in pro poker games some of the "official" rules are relaxed, as long as everyone agrees on the rules before hand you can play the game however you want.

  12. youtube took away the video responses feature

  13. If you land on an unowned property and don't want to buy it, it gos for auction.

  14. Lol is Bryan Cranston playing Monopoly?

  15. Here's a video of a theoretical win in 8 dice rolls.
    It's played on the NES version of Monopoly against a CPU but doesn't rely on the CPU's AI making dumb decisions. The strategy is to build 11 houses on the orange properties and then have the opponent roll a double and land on St. James Place ($750) followed by New York Ave ($800).

  16. The shortest possible game of Monopoly:

    Step 1: Player 1 trades all his money to player 2 before even rolling his first roll.
    Step 2: Player 1 rolls a 4 and lands on income tax and becomes bankrupt.

    Done, THAT's the shortest possible game.

  17. The shortest run I can figure out:
    Player 1 rolls a 3, lands on Whitechapel Avenue. Chooses not to buy it, it goes up for auction, and Player 2 wins the bid for $1500 (ie all the money they have).
    Player 2 then rolls 2, lands on Community Chest, and draws "Doctor's Fees, pay $50". Since Player 2 has no money, and their property only mortgages for $30, they can't afford the fee and are bankrupt.

  18. Most predictable, and pretty short, game of monopoly: 1) Be among the wealthiest .001% of families, thus inheriting say, the amount the Walmart family heirs, or the Koch brothers have inherited, or like Fox News, partner with a Saudi billionaire. 2) Buy everything you land upon. 3) Everyone else goes bankrupt in about 5 minutes.Β 

  19. That is a legit point. Why was there no auction on Electric Company and Illinois Ave (which is the correct way to play)? You could probably do a quicker game with player 1 lands on Baltic Ave, refuses to buy, player 2 wins auction for $1,500, player 2 lands on something that bankrupts him.

  20. Wow Nice, that was fast! Next challenge is to make one the same length of a vine πŸ˜‰


  22. This is a good video and all, but did you really have to make it so fast? It would be nicer if you called it "How to Win Monopoly in 9 turns" instead of 21 seconds. Also, I can show you how to win a game of Scrabble in two turns.

  23. That was certainly interesting, not.Β 

  24. You Β can't do quite a lot of things shown there. For example I'm not sure but I don't think you can buy on first go around but that might just be an added community rule?

  25. That's the happiest "I'm Bankrupt!" I've ever heard

  26. He said the numbers before he saw them.

  27. He said the numbers before he saw them.

  28. Too bad you can exchange the streets gor money so you're not bankrupt. Gotcha.

  29. If you don't buy the first property, you have to auction it. Video is misleading

  30. The only flaw is that original game rules say you can't make purchases or have to pay any fees before you pass Go at least once

  31. Buzzfeed video…

  32. 'I'm bankrupt' sounds like all the games of monopoly ive played xD

  33. Statistically speaking, it would happen "once every 253,899,891,671,040 games," Josh Whitford, an assistant professor of sociology at Columbia University, says.

  34. This isn't right… If you get four doubles in a row, you go to jail.

  35. This was almost faster than me blowing my load while watching porn

  36. If you land on something, then you must buy or it will go to auction READ RULES, IF YOU DON'T BELIVE

  37. The actual shortest game of Monopoly.
    Turn 1: Player 1 trades $1,500 to Player 2 for nothing. Rolls 4 and lands on income tax.
    The end.

  38. omg they are speedmonoping

  39. hey to many doubles go to jail

  40. Yeah slowing it down would be nice looked as if you were fumbling around just to move tokens about

  41. it can actually be easily won in one turn, step one: shoot your buddy in the head, take his money he's bankrupt now! wooo! yeaah!

  42. I was curious of the actual odds of this scenario, so I did the math for it.(Feel free to try and correct a problem if you see it.)
    Die roll with specific numbers are 1/36
    32 cards in chance and CC, 2 duplicates of every card. 1/16
    (Rolls(9)(1/36))(Cards drawn(1)(1/16))
    1/(101,560,000,000,000) (one in one-hundred-one,five-hundred-sixty trillion)
    Pretty close odds of being struck by lightning 3 times in your life.

    Still, Roy Sullivan was struck by lightning 7 times in his life.
    The odds of that are 1:10^28

  43. So it's a tool assisted speedrun?

  44. You guys plan wrong. Auctions are required

  45. βš€βšβš‚βšƒβš„βš…

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