Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly -

Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly

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Ever wonder what the shortest possible game of Monopoly would look like? Well, it’ll only take 21 seconds to find out. After our recent attempt to play the shortest actual game of Monopoly on record, we started to wonder about what the shortest THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE game of Monopoly would be. That is, if everything went just the right way, with just the right sequence of rolls, Chance and Community Chest cards, and so on, what is the quickest way one player could go bankrupt? After working on the problem for a while, we boiled it down to a 4-turn (2 per player), 9 roll (including doubles) game. Detail on each move given below. If executed quickly enough, this theoretical game can be played in 21 seconds.

Player 1, Turn 1:

Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Electric Company
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Illinois Avenue
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again

Roll: 4-5, Lands on: Community Chest “Bank error in your favor, Collect $200”
Action: Collects $200 (now has $1700)

Player 2, Turn 1:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Income Tax
Action: Pay $200 (now has $1300), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 5-6, Lands on: Pennsylvania Rail Road
Action: None

Player 1, Turn 2:

Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Park Place
Action: Purchase ($350, now has $1350), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 1-1, Lands on: Boardwalk
Action: Purchase ($400, now has $950), Doubles therefore rolls again

Roll: 3-1, Lands on Baltic Avenue
Action: Collect $200 for passing GO (now has $1150), Purchase 3 houses for Boardwalk, 2 for Park Place ($1000, now has $150)

Player 2, Turn 2:

Roll: 3-4, Lands on: Chance, “Advance to Boardwalk”
Action: Advance to Boardwalk, Rent is $1400, only has $1300 = Bankrupt


So many people have commented that this is “fake,” let me just say: Yes, it is a scripted demonstration of a theoretically possible game. I would think that is so obvious it goes without saying, but I guess not. So, now it’s been said, several times!


  1. fastest game:
    player 1 rolls a 3, lands on baltic avenue. he buys it, has $1440 left

    player 2 offers to trade $1495 for baltic avenue, which is accepted
    player 2 rolls a 4, lands on income tax and is bankrupt

  2. I wish my family could play only 10x as fast as this.

  3. Shortest game: Player 1 goes bankrupt on 1st turn.

    Player 1 rolls 4-4 lands on Vermont Avenue. Doesn't buy it initially so it goes to auction. Player 2 bids and player 1 changes his mind and also bids. Player 1 wins bidding and buys it for $1500.

    Player 1 rolls 5-4 lands on Community Chest. Gets 'Pay hospital fees of $100.' He hasn't got any money so goes bankrupt. Even mortgaging Vermont Avenue will only get him $50 so won't help.


  4. you know they set it up for the chance to say go to board walk…

  5. I know this is scripted but the chances of this actually happening is about 1 in 254 trillion

  6. this is great. I cant believe ive never seen this in my life

  7. rather than 21 seconds, go by number of moves

  8. No. 3 doubles would put you in jail

  9. Sorry he buys five houses and lands on boardwalk this bankrupting himself I don’t get it?

  10. OMG I never in a Million years think that can happen.

  11. Poisson Fécond avait raison !

  12. Does this method deliberately ignore the auction mechanic, and therefore a scenario where one player uses every penny they have to but the first property put to auction before landing on something that requires them to pay more than the mortgage value of that property? Or is that factored in?

    Edit: Auctions make it faster. 2 rolls. 1st Role: Player 1 roles a 3 and lands on the second property, buy puts it for auction. Player 2 ends up spending every penny they have on it due to the auction. Player 2 then roles a 4 and lands on income tax, goes bankrupt, game over.

  13. I've got a better one. 2 rolls. 1st Role: Player 1 roles a 3 and lands on the second property, buy puts it for auction. Player 2 ends up spending every penny they have on it due to the auction. Player 2 then roles a 4 and lands on income tax, goes bankrupt, game over.

  14. The happiest "I AM BANKRUPT" that i ever heard of my life

  15. The chances of this game are over 245,000,000,000,000/1 …
    Now watch it again and see they faked it

  16. the chances of that are 1T to 1…

  17. Damn didn't think it was possible

  18. robber: any last words?
    guy: acctualy im going to play something insted of saying
    robber: well you only have 1 minute

  19. The odds of this happening are 1 in 1,624,959,306,694,660.
    Approximately 2.9 million games of Monopoly are played each year, meaning that this would occur every 565,485,839 years.
    That is 1/24th the age of the Universe.

  20. Bro to me it tok 5 days and I owned almoast evrything💀💀

  21. The problem with this method is it ignores the official rule that landing on an unowned property can only result in one of two actions:
    1) The current player purchases the property
    2) The bank auctions the property off to the highest bidder among all players

  22. Like a Tim and Eric skit

  23. can we get an any % nmg category of monopoly?

  24. Guy: I'm bankrupt
    Also guy: 💪😂

  25. I really like how that man says, “I’m bankrupt!”

  26. I flipped a board arguing about who’s banker, I think that game ended quicker lol

  27. Actually, this isn't the fastest way to win Monopoly. During Player 2's 1st turn, he or she rolls 1-3, and the last roll is 1-2, and the Chance card is "Advance To Boardwalk.

  28. Reminds me of the monopoly NES TAS.

  29. in my game you could only buy houses while you were standing on the same plot

  30. I got sent here from another video

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