Her laugh is the best 🥺 Ang, you bring joy to this world 💙🫶🏼
If Monopoly didnt burn friendships and familial relationships before… lol
Piper Chapman vibes
Angela winning felt so good this episode, it really felt like everyone else was sorta looking down on her as someone who couldn’t pull off the cheats. The other 3 having to deal with her gloating was amazing.
That was a very impressive slight of hand. The reactions on the other 3, was just too priceless lmao
She did it again💀💀💀
That's my girllll 😂
As if I ever had a doubt Angela's the queen of cheating
How does Angela steal insane amounts of money every time
"Honestly, keep it! I don't need it"
She called them poor! She's like "fucking peasants!"
The Best actor ever
And no one thought to take it away from her?
🌘 very upset there’s no bare bottom emoji
Angela is sent to jail Few minutes later… *Angela steals a stack of 500 secretly after being sent to her cell
I had to rewatch just to be sure lmao
The best part is, shes so slick with it that in real time you can barely see it, even when you know to look for it, so smooth with ut
Chance looks right at her and at her hand and he didn't see it 😅
See this is why Angela is my favorite lol
just know i will forever be rooting for angel
So if she has all 500 its 10,000 dollars but it seems others have some 500 bills so I would say she got about 90,00 right there
Made me think of Dane Cook, where’d you get the pink 50s grandma?!
The fact that they each give her $100 out of admiration right after she admitted to cheating when no one noticed is hilarious. It’s like they’re admiring her for her top level cheating skills.
I’ll build a nonprofit 😂😂😂 Angela is the best.
The fact that she gets away with this EVERY TIME is wild 😂😂😂😂
Bro thts me!😂😂
This is the same energy as question master Angela 😂
did they allow it 😭
That was so smooth wtf
And that's why I want Angela as my wife 😊❤
why does nobody talk about Chanse and the vroom vroom?😂
Hot Ian era ❤
Seeing it one second time is hilarious she did it so well props to her
Ian looks so proud.
She has to be a pickpocket in her past life
chance looks right at her hand as she takes it. he def knew
this is what monopoly is all about baby
"Dammit…dammit…dammit." As she pockets, like, seven grand.
This feels like how capitalism works currently yea
Angela terrifies me.
And in the next one she does it again Succesfully
Angela is my favorite chaotic gremlin, lol.
Angela is Ian and Chanse is Anthony
Isn’t the point of cheating to not get caught? I would not rob a bank with her
That sleight of hand though. Pickpocket Angela moment
Her laugh is the best 🥺 Ang, you bring joy to this world 💙🫶🏼
If Monopoly didnt burn friendships and familial relationships before… lol
Piper Chapman vibes
Angela winning felt so good this episode, it really felt like everyone else was sorta looking down on her as someone who couldn’t pull off the cheats. The other 3 having to deal with her gloating was amazing.
That was a very impressive slight of hand. The reactions on the other 3, was just too priceless lmao
She did it again💀💀💀
That's my girllll 😂
As if I ever had a doubt Angela's the queen of cheating
How does Angela steal insane amounts of money every time
"Honestly, keep it! I don't need it"
She called them poor! She's like "fucking peasants!"
The Best actor ever
And no one thought to take it away from her?
🌘 very upset there’s no bare bottom emoji
Angela is sent to jail
Few minutes later…
*Angela steals a stack of 500 secretly after being sent to her cell
I had to rewatch just to be sure lmao
The best part is, shes so slick with it that in real time you can barely see it, even when you know to look for it, so smooth with ut
Chance looks right at her and at her hand and he didn't see it 😅
See this is why Angela is my favorite lol
just know i will forever be rooting for angel
So if she has all 500 its 10,000 dollars but it seems others have some 500 bills so I would say she got about 90,00 right there
Made me think of Dane Cook, where’d you get the pink 50s grandma?!
The fact that they each give her $100 out of admiration right after she admitted to cheating when no one noticed is hilarious. It’s like they’re admiring her for her top level cheating skills.
I’ll build a nonprofit 😂😂😂 Angela is the best.
The fact that she gets away with this EVERY TIME is wild 😂😂😂😂
Bro thts me!😂😂
This is the same energy as question master Angela 😂
did they allow it 😭
That was so smooth wtf
And that's why I want Angela as my wife 😊❤
why does nobody talk about Chanse and the vroom vroom?😂
Hot Ian era ❤
Seeing it one second time is hilarious she did it so well props to her
Ian looks so proud.
She has to be a pickpocket in her past life
chance looks right at her hand as she takes it. he def knew
this is what monopoly is all about baby
As she pockets, like, seven grand.
This feels like how capitalism works currently yea
Angela terrifies me.
And in the next one she does it again
Angela is my favorite chaotic gremlin, lol.
Angela is Ian and Chanse is Anthony
Isn’t the point of cheating to not get caught? I would not rob a bank with her
That sleight of hand though. Pickpocket Angela moment
Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/oTRRjaifMlg