THE FINAL - MONOPOLY World Championships 2009 -

THE FINAL – MONOPOLY World Championships 2009

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Four National Champions from Russia, USA, Norway and New Zealand battle it out for the title of MONOPOLY World Champion 2009


  1. Vamos eres el mejor !!!

  2. There is a Monopoly world championship? What next will it get ESPN coverage? lmao!

  3. There's a monopoly championship?

  4. If I’m not mistaken, in tournaments you only have so much time to play

  5. вху пипл тут фром раша?

  6. At 1:24, that guy dress as Rich Uncle Pennybags has a monocle. But actually, the Monopoly guy NEVER had a monocle. Mandela Effect.

  7. Well these guys are virgins

  8. do they debate over who gets to be the shoe are the car?

  9. true fact 75% of you being the car wins you the game. They forgot to mention the Norwegian guy throwing a 13 on his turn how lucky….

  10. I didn't know there were monopoly tournaments

  11. Monopoly championships…. give me a fucking break. What's next.

  12. Wow this is unbelivebale!! These guys are the Elite of a luck cube-rolling game; I would like to be as cool as these Boys , I think the girls are crazy about them.

  13. "The 4 BEST MONOPOLY PLAYERS" thats gotta be on my top 10 things i never thought i'd hear in my entire goddamn lifetime.

  14. Monopoly should
    make a spin-off that similar to Dungeon & Dragons

  15. Its very kind to call it luck based, you dont even have to plan, work strategy, or do anything like that, this "game" plays itself, while you watching it through a boring lifetime…rather watch a movie, even that has more interaction and joy.
    Tournament….my ass.

  16. but really there is a tournament of this f…ing game??

  17. How is this a thing?

  18. 0:24 never knew that new zealand is now wanting some nukes

  19. Why am I laughing at this so much😂

  20. I bet all the women are super wet

  21. Let the Greedies player win!

  22. This has to be a joke. You can't be good at monopoly

  23. okay, im apperantly a weird person because i actually like playing monopoly, but why the fuck is this a thing xD

  24. What the… did I just see? 😂

  25. Easy The norsemen live for monopoly

  26. I did not know this was a thing, but i am glad that it is

  27. How do you become a world champion at a game of mainly luck

  28. 90% Of the guys in the video went on to be school shooters.

  29. Next thing will be world championship rock paper scissors.

  30. Monopoly is a game highly dependent on luck, making a championship on a high luck game seems just silly

  31. Late VERY late squad! 😀

    Just me? Ok.. 😩😓

  32. That trophy though🤔😂😂

  33. I'm at that part of YouTube again

  34. I can’t even appreciate Monopoly as a competitive game given how luck based it is.

  35. Lots of friendships have been ruined thanks to monopoly.

  36. They are using a speed die? weak

  37. I watched this at a funeral

  38. Its stupid how some people take this game so serious

  39. Lets be honest everyone googled this after winning a game of monopoly against their family/friends

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