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Should we play Monopoly for MoreSidemen?

Check out @VizuaLizah., @Ellum and @Randolph2


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  1. You should play rento fortune

  2. Is monopoly plus cros play Xbox one to ps5?

  3. What a coincidence
    I have been binge watching all the previous monopoly videos of JJ 😂

  4. You guys were confused over Viz paying Simon 200 instead of just 100 despite him not owning all stations. The card which took him there told him to pay double the amount.

  5. Fucking yes, used to watch you play these. This is gonna be a banger 😂😂🎉

  6. am i the only one who find ellum annoying af, gives me alexwasabi vibes

  7. i see Viz is one of THOSE Monopoly players, them ones that cause chaos at Christmas

  8. Where can i find this game to play ??

  9. Simon really is the meanest sidemen

  10. This was amazing, top tier

  11. The chance card that sent him to your train station said double rent if owned, if unowned can buy

  12. Don't you know you can mortgage properties not just trade

  13. craziest thing is while i was studying for finals i was on a old sidemen monopoly kick and now this comes

  14. I love how none of them mortgaged at all

  15. Yo what is viz up to man😂. Man gave randy 2 reds for 35 when he could’ve mortgaged it for like 300😂

  16. I just watched this whole entire video because I literally have nothing else to do

  17. monopoly 🙂
    randy and ellum playing 🙁

  18. Finally MONOPOLY TIMEEEE😂🔥🔥

  19. Imagine not mortgaging property before selling the houses

  20. I loved sidemen monopoly I pray it comes back 🎉

  21. All the trades that happened hurt my brain so badly

  22. Is it a coincidence Simon is acting as is he’s a puppeteer whist wearing that T-shirt

  23. Do a sidemen monopoly with jj that would be funny

  24. The irony of everyone saying Randy doesn’t know the game but their board awareness hurt me😂

  25. Bro please do it with any Sidemen instead, this episode is a pain

  26. nah viz is right, yellow for orange is a good trade

  27. viz got scammed by the chance card it said if owned pay double that's why simon got 200

  28. someone goes around a corner

    Randy – WATERWORKS!!!

    they land the other side of the board.

  29. mortgage left the chat

  30. its crazy hes wearing a puppet tshirt lol

  31. Does Ellum collect Pokémon cards because I’m looking to trade

  32. Bro i just finished the mm7 monopoly now you upload that you my g you know 🎉

  33. the worst cards made randy money XD

  34. Ellum is the most cancerous little rat I’ve ever seen.

  35. give me a 2 hour monopoly video PLEASE

  36. Highkey , just want to see the sidemen . They're home. Not when it's their friends and not each and every one of them 😵

  37. the fact nobody just mortgaged a property when needing money hurt my brain 😂

  38. You know the guys are entertaining when you don’t even feel an hour and 40 mins

  39. Randy be stupid af at times

  40. Recently I have been watching all the old monopoly vids and this appears 😂

  41. In my childhood i actaully was smoking and me and my bros persuaded a girl to strip for us and even made another girl give me lap dance grade 8 and 9 was good years

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