The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly -

The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly

Brett Gossage
Views: 74607
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I show how, in just TWO moves each, two players can have the shortest possible game of Monopoly.


  1. Even faster game than in the video P1: 6,4 – just visitingP2: 6,4 – just visitingP1: 3,3 – buys that property. 1,1 – buys that property. 3,1 – Chance, Go back 3 spaces, Buys the final Orange propertyBuilds 9 houses, 3 on eachP2: 3,3 – 550 rent. During p2s turn, p1 buys 2 more houses and a hotelP2: Rolls 1,2 – Hotel 1000 rent but only has 950, BANKRUPT

  2. Wow I have to show my friend this he wonder the odds of this when it happened when we were playing. Thanks for the great video

  3. first comment by 2 months

  4. So yeah, this will never happen because people always will by any properties they land on.
    So the chance is 0.000000% because you actually need to play into this strategy for it ever to be possible.

    I want to mortgage my time I invested in this: so please give my 90" and I'll leave the time I typed, for this time.

  5. The rules also say that if you choose not to buy a property, you go to auction and someone has to buy it.

  6. Why didn't the electric company go up for auction? Flawed from move 1.

  7. FALSE electric go to auction

  8. you need to pass go before buying properties

  9. and u cant buy five houses it has to be 2 and 2 or 3 and 3 an
    also you didn't change the 1150$ to 150

  10. Actually you can auction one thing like electrick company for like 1500 monopoly $$$ and bankrupt.

  11. cool video and demonstration; well done!!

  12. Or you could just trade the other person everything you have on your first go

  13. {__/}
    ( •×• )
    [] []

  14. I have a game that has lasted over 10 hours and still have not finished yet

  15. Thank you for breaking down that impossible-to-follow video from 10 years ago, this makes a lot more sense

  16. why cant player 2 sell the railroad?

  17. You can’t refuse to buy the electronic company. You have to Auction it.

  18. A slightly shorter game: player 2 rolls 1 and 3 on his first turn so only gets one move. On his second turn, he rolls 1 and 2 and lands on the first Chance.

  19. Interesting.
    If auctions are considered then the game can end much more quickly:

    Player 1throws a 3, doesn’t buy the property, and player 2 immediately bids 1490 pounds in the resulting auction securing the property.

    Player 2 throws a 4 and is bankrupt.

  20. Trillions or Billions, that is the question…..

  21. But aren't the properties supposed to be auction if you decide not to purchase upon landing?

  22. This is totally false if you play by the rules of monopoly. First, If you land on a property the buying decision is not for you only, if you choose not to buy it, then property is up for auction. So other player can buy or not, but I never seen a property not sell at auction. So you skipped purchases twice. Numbers are all off.

  23. I play 4 person monopoly by myself all the time. I actually created a series about how to be better at Monopoly on my channel.

  24. That’s the new board I could tell. Bc the first properties are brown instead of purple lmfao

  25. No there’s faster. You can just take your opponents money and run. Not cheating, it’s called StRaTeGy

  26. If you play by the official rules, you can lose the game on your first turn by only throwing the dice once.

    – Let's say player 1 lands on any property on move 1, but doesn't want to buy it.
    – As per rules it instantly goes to the auction which is where you (player 2) bid $1500.
    – Now it's your turn and you throw a 4. You can't pay taxes as all your money is gone.
    – Game over.

  27. You have to pass go before you can buy property so this video is technically wrong

  28. Can’t you just land on an Unowned property and auction all the money and other dudes lands on it and repeat that idk

  29. I had a game go similar to this but not this quick

  30. U already broke the rules in the first few seconds. You have to auction off unpurchased property

  31. There’s a faster way if you use auctions.

  32. Wierd that English people have different named properties in monopoly

  33. wow this is really interesting. i speedrun the video game version and theorized a perfect run that only takes a single turn from each player, however it's only possible because of the way the video game works. it's also reliant on such absurd RNG that it will likely never happen haha

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