If you have to play Monopoly you might as well win, right?
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How do auctions slow down the game? I mean if you do it slowly maybe. But you actually speed up the pace of buying up the board which means more money exchanging hands, more chances to develop spots that will bankrupt your opponent…
OMG youtube auto played. I'm only 5 seconds into the video. Is Jim Halpert about to teach me monopoly strats. I could totally see this as one of his Dwight pranks/ jokes
In some ways the free parking rule actually speeds up the game, especially in a low number of players, someone lands on and gets a windfall of several hundred, they likely spend their windfall on a ton of houses
Bruh this Danny Duncan
1991 my friends thought I was nuts for buying Monopoly for the NES.
Eventually we had a tourney of about 50 ppl.
The real fun begins when all the property gets bought out and the trading starts.
my team have developed algorythims for OPERATION../ POP UP PIRATE./ BUCKAROO & TWISTER… we have spent 10 years alone on HUNGRY HIPPO,S & hope to have a full working algorythim by 2027 "GUARENTEED" to QUADROOPLE YOUR CHANCES BY %25 ..1 IN 4 USING THIS METHOD WILL WIN 4/16ths of the time meening 3 ppl WILL LOSE EVERYTIME U WIN …LOL
great! i want to play
This guy should play Ludo
Death row or coffin corner. 2 sets next to each other is almost always a W
As A wise man once said: If ur playing monopoly, remember you gotta be the capitalist pig. Have money, because when everyone is poor after buying everything you have the money
The most efficient strategy for winning monopoly is to gain power early. Buy every single property you land on. Trade to get at least 1 property in each color group. Once this is achieved, you have complete control of the game. Total power. Nothing happens without your involvement. Nothing. This leverage is essential. After this point, never make any deal unless you have the cash to immediately develop, but your opponent does not. Stick to your guns. Be patient. Eventually your opponent will take the deal even though it is disadvantageous to them because they want to get the game moving.
The downside of this strategy is that eventually no one will want to play with you anymore because you ALWAYS win. Seriously. Every time.
Just like real life, money is a product of power. Without power, it means nothing. Gain power, win.
At some point in the video, I started to re-evaluate my life choices of buying the new house
I always forget to do auctions
I had the weirdest game yesterday. Had gone 15 rounds around the board, payed 13x 200$ tax and 1×100$ (how is this even statistically possible?) then I owned light blue and red fully, 3 houses on each street. for 10 rounds I did not get anyone onto even one of these streets – not even once. they all stepped always on the other space where they didnt need to pay. I lost the game although I was the first one to play extremely defensively and getting the houses and streets first.
Since yesterday , call me crazy, but my monpoly board is manipulated or haunted. something aint right.
Does anny one plays Monopoly on playstation?
Wheelbarrow is definitely the best piece. who picks a tophat?
played with the real rules for the first time in 50 years and it's so much better to play with the real rules… the house rules (not auctioning properties, $400 or $500 for landing on Go, all money paid to bank going in the middle for free parking, not collecting rent while you're in jail, unlimited houses and hotels – using legos) makes the game last too long (and I've had a few times when the bank gets bankrupted) and are all based on luck
Absolutely Dahmer
My strategy that has won a fair few games is throwing everything on blue, idc if its bad its funny. Putting hotels and bankrupting people in one go will never not be hilarious
Something else that’s important to know with the 32 house limit: you can upgrade to a hotel if you also plan on buying back those 4 houses for other lots immediately to prevent other players from snatching them up.
What about a good strategy when there are only two players?
Battleship piece supremacy
My only nitpick is that you should go to 4 houses, not 3…to create (potentially) a housing shortage
A variation on the free parking jackpot my family used: It stays at $100. A break, but not a break that allows a complete change of status in the game.
@8:30 Could you remake this with the British names please?
Free Parking is fun
The game that will make you fight with friends and family
Here's a hypothetical rule that could make Monopoly REALLY nail-bitingly interesting……..
Playing by the rule of winning money on FREE PARKING via income tax, Luxury Tax, bank payments AND the original $500 bonus money, that once the entire board is filled with hotels, adding 1 second hotel to any Monopoly portioned property like with Boardwalk for example. Thus increasing the rent to a whopping $4000 instead of $2000. I'd hate to see how someone would react by landing on Park Place, then Boardwalk by rolling snake eyes, then advancing to Chance with the top card being of "Advance Token to Boardwalk". THAT would be utterly…..INSANELY SICK!! Not to mention that person having one helluva profanity city-like HISSY FIT🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!!
Fun fact: there's a spin-off version of Monopoly with cats called Catopoly and it uses the free parking home rule in its official rules!
My pro tip: If an opponent is about to roll and land on an other opponent's property that would bankrupt them, do a trade where you "give" them enough money to survive a bad roll. This way, your opponent's don't get the properties after someone goes bankrupt. You want them to come around the board again, to land on your properties so they go bankrupt to you.
he didn’t blink the entire cideo
he didn’t blink the entire video
8:31 don't agree on this one. 1. Orange and 2. Light blue for sure the best 2. But 3. Red not at all. The chances to land on the first 5 tiles are way lower than the last 5 tiles. This makes yellow way better than red. I would say 1. Orange 2. Light blue 3. Yellow 4. Pink 5. Railroads (depends on how many you own tho) 6. Dark blue 7. Brown 8. Red 9. Green
To make the game simple when i was a child, my parents took out tons of rules like auctioning and trading. When that was the case, the browns were some of the best places simply because it was so rare to get a full set and being able buy houses. We also never used to play long enough to win by bankruptcy so we would usually end by 10 turns. Nonetheless, the game was still very fun, and my dad always lost.
I agree, Fire Emblem Three Houses is an excellent game you should always buy
Today I played Monopoly with my sister I landed on boardwalk and I put it up for auction so I put a 10 and she withdrawal so I got it for $20 lol😂
great content man! thx!
Why does bro lowkey look like Jeffrey dahmer
You sound like connor from detroit
I love boardgames, but I try to be the best at everything I do I lost the first round of monopoly. I played in like 10 years I never really played by the rules. So I get together and play with my brother now I’m watching Monopoly videos, adding all the statistics in my head while playing and I ruined the fun of monopoly trying to win 😂😂
This is truly the complete guide to monopoly strategy. Thank you!
9:09 I’m actually trying to do the math for house building increases.
12:30 I will say this. It's kind of like winning the lottery. And how often do we get to do that?!!! I kinda like this rule.
14:37 what are you talking about?? Yes they take a bit to do, but they definitely speed up the game.
The properties are all bought much faster – instead of waiting for the player who lands on it to have enough to want it.
Great video, in spite of the disagreement I had on that part.
🎲😉 Thank you very much for your video!
A house rule I use is for jail, instead of getting 1 role on your turn to get a double, we use all 3 roles in 1 turn then pay if we dont get it. That way it stops stalling for late and mid game, helps in early game, and is mostly used so you don't get your $200 for passing go amd having to go through the jail half again.
Business-Rex 🎉
the 4 stations have decided the outcome of every game of Monopoly ive ever played
These Are Some Of The Strategies Used By My Youtube Friend Kidd Perfeck He Has The Highest Game Score I have Ever Seen Before!!!🙃
How do auctions slow down the game? I mean if you do it slowly maybe. But you actually speed up the pace of buying up the board which means more money exchanging hands, more chances to develop spots that will bankrupt your opponent…
OMG youtube auto played. I'm only 5 seconds into the video. Is Jim Halpert about to teach me monopoly strats. I could totally see this as one of his Dwight pranks/ jokes
In some ways the free parking rule actually speeds up the game, especially in a low number of players, someone lands on and gets a windfall of several hundred, they likely spend their windfall on a ton of houses
Bruh this Danny Duncan
1991 my friends thought I was nuts for buying Monopoly for the NES.
Eventually we had a tourney of about 50 ppl.
The real fun begins when all the property gets bought out and the trading starts.
my team have developed algorythims for OPERATION../ POP UP PIRATE./ BUCKAROO & TWISTER… we have spent 10 years alone on HUNGRY HIPPO,S & hope to have a full working algorythim by 2027 "GUARENTEED" to QUADROOPLE YOUR CHANCES BY %25 ..1 IN 4 USING THIS METHOD WILL WIN 4/16ths of the time meening 3 ppl WILL LOSE EVERYTIME U WIN …LOL
great! i want to play
This guy should play Ludo
Death row or coffin corner. 2 sets next to each other is almost always a W
As A wise man once said:
If ur playing monopoly, remember you gotta be the capitalist pig. Have money, because when everyone is poor after buying everything you have the money
The most efficient strategy for winning monopoly is to gain power early. Buy every single property you land on. Trade to get at least 1 property in each color group. Once this is achieved, you have complete control of the game. Total power. Nothing happens without your involvement. Nothing. This leverage is essential. After this point, never make any deal unless you have the cash to immediately develop, but your opponent does not. Stick to your guns. Be patient. Eventually your opponent will take the deal even though it is disadvantageous to them because they want to get the game moving.
The downside of this strategy is that eventually no one will want to play with you anymore because you ALWAYS win. Seriously. Every time.
Just like real life, money is a product of power. Without power, it means nothing. Gain power, win.
At some point in the video, I started to re-evaluate my life choices of buying the new house
I always forget to do auctions
I had the weirdest game yesterday. Had gone 15 rounds around the board, payed 13x 200$ tax and 1×100$ (how is this even statistically possible?) then I owned light blue and red fully, 3 houses on each street. for 10 rounds I did not get anyone onto even one of these streets – not even once. they all stepped always on the other space where they didnt need to pay.
I lost the game although I was the first one to play extremely defensively and getting the houses and streets first.
Since yesterday , call me crazy, but my monpoly board is manipulated or haunted. something aint right.
Does anny one plays Monopoly on playstation?
Wheelbarrow is definitely the best piece. who picks a tophat?
played with the real rules for the first time in 50 years and it's so much better to play with the real rules… the house rules (not auctioning properties, $400 or $500 for landing on Go, all money paid to bank going in the middle for free parking, not collecting rent while you're in jail, unlimited houses and hotels – using legos) makes the game last too long (and I've had a few times when the bank gets bankrupted) and are all based on luck
Absolutely Dahmer
My strategy that has won a fair few games is throwing everything on blue, idc if its bad its funny. Putting hotels and bankrupting people in one go will never not be hilarious
Something else that’s important to know with the 32 house limit: you can upgrade to a hotel if you also plan on buying back those 4 houses for other lots immediately to prevent other players from snatching them up.
What about a good strategy when there are only two players?
Battleship piece supremacy
My only nitpick is that you should go to 4 houses, not 3…to create (potentially) a housing shortage
A variation on the free parking jackpot my family used: It stays at $100. A break, but not a break that allows a complete change of status in the game.
@8:30 Could you remake this with the British names please?
Free Parking is fun
The game that will make you fight with friends and family
Video starts at 2:12.
Here's a hypothetical rule that could make Monopoly REALLY nail-bitingly interesting……..
Playing by the rule of winning money on FREE PARKING via income tax, Luxury Tax, bank payments AND the original $500 bonus money, that once the entire board is filled with hotels, adding 1 second hotel to any Monopoly portioned property like with Boardwalk for example. Thus increasing the rent to a whopping $4000 instead of $2000. I'd hate to see how someone would react by landing on Park Place, then Boardwalk by rolling snake eyes, then advancing to Chance with the top card being of "Advance Token to Boardwalk". THAT would be utterly…..INSANELY SICK!! Not to mention that person having one helluva profanity city-like HISSY FIT🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!!
Fun fact: there's a spin-off version of Monopoly with cats called Catopoly and it uses the free parking home rule in its official rules!
My pro tip: If an opponent is about to roll and land on an other opponent's property that would bankrupt them, do a trade where you "give" them enough money to survive a bad roll. This way, your opponent's don't get the properties after someone goes bankrupt. You want them to come around the board again, to land on your properties so they go bankrupt to you.
he didn’t blink the entire cideo
he didn’t blink the entire video
8:31 don't agree on this one. 1. Orange and 2. Light blue for sure the best 2. But 3. Red not at all. The chances to land on the first 5 tiles are way lower than the last 5 tiles. This makes yellow way better than red. I would say 1. Orange 2. Light blue 3. Yellow 4. Pink 5. Railroads (depends on how many you own tho) 6. Dark blue 7. Brown 8. Red 9. Green
To make the game simple when i was a child, my parents took out tons of rules like auctioning and trading. When that was the case, the browns were some of the best places simply because it was so rare to get a full set and being able buy houses. We also never used to play long enough to win by bankruptcy so we would usually end by 10 turns. Nonetheless, the game was still very fun, and my dad always lost.
I agree, Fire Emblem Three Houses is an excellent game you should always buy
Today I played Monopoly with my sister I landed on boardwalk and I put it up for auction so I put a 10 and she withdrawal so I got it for $20 lol😂
great content man! thx!
Why does bro lowkey look like Jeffrey dahmer
You sound like connor from detroit
I love boardgames, but I try to be the best at everything I do I lost the first round of monopoly. I played in like 10 years I never really played by the rules. So I get together and play with my brother now I’m watching Monopoly videos, adding all the statistics in my head while playing and I ruined the fun of monopoly trying to win 😂😂
This is truly the complete guide to monopoly strategy. Thank you!
9:09 I’m actually trying to do the math for house building increases.
12:30 I will say this. It's kind of like winning the lottery. And how often do we get to do that?!!! I kinda like this rule.
14:37 what are you talking about?? Yes they take a bit to do, but they definitely speed up the game.
The properties are all bought much faster – instead of waiting for the player who lands on it to have enough to want it.
Great video, in spite of the disagreement I had on that part.
🎲😉 Thank you very much for your video!
A house rule I use is for jail, instead of getting 1 role on your turn to get a double, we use all 3 roles in 1 turn then pay if we dont get it. That way it stops stalling for late and mid game, helps in early game, and is mostly used so you don't get your $200 for passing go amd having to go through the jail half again.
Business-Rex 🎉
the 4 stations have decided the outcome of every game of Monopoly ive ever played
These Are Some Of The Strategies Used By My Youtube Friend Kidd Perfeck He Has The Highest Game Score I have Ever Seen Before!!!🙃