Top 10 Interesting FACTS About the Board Game MONOPOLY -

Top 10 Interesting FACTS About the Board Game MONOPOLY

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Monopoly was first produced in 1935 by Parker Brothers, and has been ruining friendships and tearing families apart ever since. Despite how frustrating the game is, it’s considered the world’s most popular and, as of 2009, over 250 million copies have been sold.

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Text version:

Coming up:

10. Are You Playing the Game Correctly?
9. Three Most Landed on Spots include Illinois Avenue, GO, and B&O Railroad
8. The Characters
7. People Have Killed Each Other Over the Game
6. You Can Win a Game with 2-players in 21 seconds
5. Best Way to Win
4. The Real Creator was a Woman Who Didn’t Get Credit For Her Invention
3. The Unusual Story of Marvin Gardens
2. Monopoly was Rejected by Milton Bradley and Parker Brothers
1. Escape Maps Were Smuggled to British POWs during WWII

Source/Further reading:


  1. There's actually a Lord of the Rings theme in which you have an interesting way of playing pretty fast.

  2. This video, and in fact all of your videos, could be made better if you didn't add background music. Playing the same half dozen bars of some irrelevant tune over and over is annoying and distracting. Hearing impaired people like me have difficulty understanding the dialog when we have to filter out intrusive sounds like background music. I find your videos interesting and entertaining and would like to hear everything said but I can't, the music makes it difficult to impossible. Thanks.

  3. in west Philadelphia born and lived

  4. My longest Monopoly game this year 2017, was 6 almost 7 hours long!
    This was written on Thursday, September 21st,2017 at 8:17pm

  5. In 2014 I was playing with three generations of my family. My grandniece was on the Community Chest space between Mediterranean and Baltic and got ready to roll.

    She rolled 2, landing her on Income Tax. Because she had doubles, she rolled 3, landing her on Chance. The Chance card said Go Back 3 Spaces, landing her AGAIN on Income Tax!

    Income Tax twice in the same turn!! In c. 65 years of playing Monopoly, I had never heard of that happening before.

  6. His name is Rich Uncle Pennybags or Mr. Pennybags.
    Edit: I commented to early.

  7. Top Ten fact, where is that shirt from???

  8. Parker Brothers didn't create Monopoly. They bought it from the game's original designer — only after it became a hit.

  9. The Landlord's Game is not identical to Monopoly. You need to fire your research dept.

  10. We had a house rule that if you went bankrupt you were allowed to rob the bank one time. We had games over the summer holidays that would go for weeks.

  11. I play by the official rules aand…

    4 hours still going strong. He he. It's not really helpful.

  12. But I love Monopoly

  13. Here is a tip to make everyone angry. Collect every $1 or $5 then let the mayhem commence.

  14. Another house rule I like to use is the one where if you land on GO either by rolling the dice or by getting a Chance or Community Chest card that says "Advance to GO" you get double the salary so instead of getting $200 you would get $400 but that's only if you land on GO if you go pass GO you only get $200.

  15. I got monopoly for my birthday and my family had no idea how to play it so we read the rules and we played.

    It took long so we made some house rules like dont collecr 200 while passing go and no auction and no hotels or houses


  17. Even if you're out of 'houses' in the box, you can still pay for motels directly, if you have the money. You can skip the house phase

  18. I hate to playing with people who do not follow the rules

  19. In the UK the best property is Mayfair

  20. 4:09 Uncle Penny Bags? Call me when Uncle Dime Bag shows up

  21. i have a 1935 monopoly so i might be richhhhh

  22. We've nailed down out board.

  23. Soooo Maggy was getting what she WANTED. To not monopolize

  24. Some of the things he said were kinda confusing…

  25. monopoly is cool, but have you ever played Jenga on meth?

  26. When my family play Monopoly we always go around the board once before we can buy properties, if we also land on Free Parking we would get all the money in the middle of the board. We also play a 50 dollar to start the game

  27. I notice the video makes a slight error while describing the 21 second game and doesn't show all the info so here it is

    Player 1 rolls double 6 and lands on Electric Company, they do nothing and roll again and get another double 6 landing on Illnois Avenue, they again doing nothing and roll again and roll a 9 and land on community chest, taking a card saying "bank error in your favor collect $200" (they now have $1700)

    player 2 takes a turn and rolls double 2 and lands on Income tax and pays $200 (they now have $1300) roll again and get 11 so move to Pennsylvania Rail Road, and do nothing

    player 1 rolls double 2 and lands on Park Place and buys it (now has $1350) rolls again and gets double 1 so lands on Boardwalk and buys it (now has $950) rolls again gets 4 so lands on Baltic Avenue and does nothing.

    They collect $200 for passing go (now $1150) buys 5 houses, 3 for Boardwalk 2 for Park Place.

    Player 2 rolls 7 lands on Chance "Advance to Boardwalk"

    the rent for 3 houses is $1400 and they only have $1300 so they are bankrupt.

    the mistakes were saying player 2 lands of Park Place and Boardwalk (instead of player 1) and saying 2 houses for Board walk and 3 for Park Place when it should have been the ther way round

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