Travel Edition Monopoly Board Game Review! Grab & Go Games on the Go! | Board Game Night
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We compare and review two copies of travel edition Monopoly Board Games.
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Can someone tell me how much money you need, I lost the instruction
I have a travel monopoly too
I guled my cardboard to the box after splting it in half
It's a sticker
Peel the back of the cardboard board that just “sits there” and discover that it is a sticker😂
i was lucky to find this today in a store
The board is a sticker and you are supposed to peel the back and stick it on the board.
is that mini monopoly
The cardboards are strickers
Worth mentioning is that you don't have any Chance or Community Chest cards. Instead, you roll the dice and check a list to see what effect you're going to get.
The issue of Travel games is that the contents are so small, they're easy to lose!
I have a pocket sized version of Monopoly.
In theory it would be ideal for playing while travelling. The pieces are all magnetic so they stick on the board, the whole thing's about the size of a pocket diary… perfect, right?
Well actually, no. In practice, this version really stinks! The pieces are so small and fiddly they are all but impossible to use, and the whole thing is a shambles.
Oddly enough, I have Cluedo – or Clue in the uncivilised parts of the world 😁 – in exactly the same size, magnetic pieces etc. and it works fine. I think there are just too many pieces in Monopoly to make it work very well.
Great video guys, but that's nothing new.
This is primarily for use in something like a camper or tent not really a car, MAYBE a flight
the board is a sticker lol
The boar is a sticker
What's even the point of this? If you want to play a Monopoly game at a hotel or something, just bring the actual game.
I wish you showed more about the contents of the grab and go
2:02 actually, it's a sticker. You peel off the bottom of the cardboard, and you can stick the sheet on to the board
can any1 send me a copy of the rules sheet for the Monopoly Games To Go version the one with the keys thanks please send me a message
Bruh, the boards are stickers. Read the instructions
The one on the right, you can still get that today
3:03 That is the design of the money in 1996 until 2008
Can someone tell me how much money you need, I lost the instruction
I have a travel monopoly too
I guled my cardboard to the box after splting it in half
It's a sticker
Peel the back of the cardboard board that just “sits there” and discover that it is a sticker😂
i was lucky to find this today in a store
The board is a sticker and you are supposed to peel the back and stick it on the board.
is that mini monopoly
The cardboards are strickers
Worth mentioning is that you don't have any Chance or Community Chest cards. Instead, you roll the dice and check a list to see what effect you're going to get.
The issue of Travel games is that the contents are so small, they're easy to lose!
I have a pocket sized version of Monopoly.
In theory it would be ideal for playing while travelling. The pieces are all magnetic so they stick on the board, the whole thing's about the size of a pocket diary… perfect, right?
Well actually, no. In practice, this version really stinks! The pieces are so small and fiddly they are all but impossible to use, and the whole thing is a shambles.
Oddly enough, I have Cluedo – or Clue in the uncivilised parts of the world 😁 – in exactly the same size, magnetic pieces etc. and it works fine. I think there are just too many pieces in Monopoly to make it work very well.
Great video guys, but that's nothing new.
This is primarily for use in something like a camper or tent not really a car, MAYBE a flight
the board is a sticker lol
The boar is a sticker
What's even the point of this? If you want to play a Monopoly game at a hotel or something, just bring the actual game.
I wish you showed more about the contents of the grab and go
2:02 actually, it's a sticker. You peel off the bottom of the cardboard, and you can stick the sheet on to the board
can any1 send me a copy of the rules sheet for the Monopoly Games To Go version the one with the keys thanks
please send me a message
Bruh, the boards are stickers. Read the instructions
The one on the right, you can still get that today
3:03 That is the design of the money in 1996 until 2008
2:53 Traditional as is the 2008 design
Confused presentation
The cardboard is a sticker you have to stick it in the board
Has anyone played a full game with these? Is such a small size practical, or more suited for small children?