We Bet $3,000 On A Game of Monopoly... - zigjogos.com

We Bet $3,000 On A Game of Monopoly…

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Got a different kind of video for you guys today – TimTheTatman, Cloakzy, Swagg and a few more of us all bet BIG money on a single game of Monopoly, so what could go wrong? As you can imagine, things got intense quickly, with a lot of backstabbing along the way 😂 Enjoy the video, peace and love baby!

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  1. Pocket Change for all these guys! Lol

  2. Good thing Leqion isn't playing lol

  3. Damn Mercs kinda played cheap not that fun to watch when he gangs people

  4. We need more of this Nick apex is fun and I love it but we need the weekends to be game days like this it’s so fun but it sucks that the game crashed was watching the whole time and was mad it crashed 😭😭

  5. if you keep doing fresh stuff like this, I will become a regular viewer for sure

  6. i wanna play this anyone know where to find it

  7. Love this squad. Booya is the man. Love that he's starting to pick up steam.

  8. Rewatches the stream to see if dev error..worth all 3 hours of my time 😂😂😂great to see all the boys together giving eachother shit..lol

  9. Nick can you do business with me please ?

  10. Nick your content is awesome man keep it up brother you are an inspiration to me you make me laugh and want to become a better gamer man

  11. Maybe learn to play monopoly before you drop 500 bucks on a game.

  12. I bet nick plays a mean hand of poker lol

  13. need to reduce respawn time, improve loot and lobby ranked in rebirth island… reduce resurgence to a maximum of 10 seconds. putting more weapons on the ground, players fall and are left with only pistols, it's horrible… leave the more casual lobbies ranked by k.d…separate k.d from up to 0.80 from the others, from 0.81 to 1.20… so on…

  14. Got love nick. I started rolling just now when he talked them into making Tim spend 1k for Illinois 🤣

    Edit: I just saw Tim go bankrupt two seconds later. You can’t make this shit up.

  15. welp monopoly just missed out on a bag by that one crash being seen by millions.

  16. i havent watched much of anyones streams for anyone in a while but when it came one stayed for the whole thing it was great.

  17. I love that Tim gets fucked no matter what game he plays 😂

  18. Please do family fued 😂😂 loved this

  19. nick i love this kind of content you and all the boys playing different games together is always a big W and hilarious ! more please

  20. Please play Titanfall. Titanfall upload c’maan 🤷🏻

  21. A fun idea would be playing uno with Tim clock and swag

  22. Dude please do more of these!! P@L

  23. This was fun to watch. It was unfortunate Timmy got disqualified by a stupid rule and the game ended with dev error. It was fun to watch y’all have fun.

  24. PLEASE for the love of god who's got the VOD link?

  25. Nick even trying to use his controller to play monopoly 😂

  26. I lol’d at nick being tilted that his controller wouldn’t work and had to use the mouse😂

  27. I dig this type of Content Nick, it's nice to see some variety every once in a while, you guys should go back on pummel party one day

  28. I just wanna say what nick did at the end was SELLING THE GAME. There was no point and selling off the browns because they were hotels not houses. And he lost a house in the process, should have sold the red houses hoteled the pink and then rehoused the red

  29. Bro how did i miss this??? This is awesome!

  30. Why is Tim so good and bad at games? 😆

  31. Swag is disgustingly cringe.

  32. Bring back courage with y’all man

  33. imagine being a grown man and calling yourself swag.

  34. DO NOT BUY WEAPONS Do not play call of duty games they cheat you on all your money and the game is not worth anyone at all their guys die do not trust me I know what I am talking about BUY NO WEAPONS YOU PLAY AGAINST A COMPUTER AND THEY DECIDE WHEN YOU WILL DO NOT BUY AN ARMS

  35. Yo, I watched this WHOLE game on stream. Shit was actually pretty glorious. Would love to see more Monopoly.

  36. That game just got a bad rep lmaooo

  37. What version of monopoly is this ?

  38. Anyone else tilted by volume 39?

  39. I rather see him play random games than apex and warzone

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