Why I Built The Largest Game Of Monopoly In Minecraft Hardcore! - zigjogos.com

Why I Built The Largest Game Of Monopoly In Minecraft Hardcore!

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I Recreated Monopoly In Minecraft Hardcore

This is the 5th episode of my 1.19 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play series! In this episode, I built Monopoly, one of the most popular board games ever.

Watch The Last Episode: ( Why I Built The Entire Universe In Minecraft Hardcore)

Guardian Farm:
Concrete converter:
Mini ocean monument:
Mini desert temple:
Mini mini desert temple:
Mini nether fortress:
Mini bastion:
Mini woodland: mansion
Mushroom house:

Most of the music used is licensed by Epidemic Sound

Feel free to use my link: (It helps A TON)

This series is inspired mainly by Wadzee and aCookieGod!

👍Thank you so much for watching the video! I hope you have a fantastic day👍


  1. "How did this chicken get all the way out here?"
    *cow sound

  2. This series is awesome!!! The builds are so cool! Can I be on one of the empty spaces please? If you do, can you put the name as bellatrix lestrange?

  3. Pls put my name on one of the blank spaces XD

  4. Can I get my name on the board?

  5. You hurt the Mooshrooms. Why? Why. WHY. WHy wOuLD yOU do tHIS. Jk I know I’m one of the only ones who likes ‘em (at least from what I’ve heard)

  6. This is very different to the version of monopoly (still the old one) I’ve played. America vs the rest of the- I mean Australia?

  7. I like the brown squares. Just cause their cheap easy money, not much but still…

  8. love this idea how long did it take irl time and i would love if my name went on a card ❤️

  9. It would be cool to see it on maps

  10. Can you make a word download for the board?

  11. I just cant belive how u do that kind of stuff no youtuber comes to your level in big projects like that your so underated its sad your are one of the best youtubers I know you deserve better

  12. Stopped playing Runescape to watch lol

  13. Pls put me on the railroad!

  14. I dare you to put my name on it 😂

  15. Great video ! But a little short in my opinion 🙁 I was a see more !

  16. The french Monopoly is better 😭

  17. When i saw this video, i thought u atleast had like 300K subs, keep going 💪 the videos and editing are so good, keep it up!
    And can my name be a street: its Jurian

  18. It already looked really good, when you had only done the black outline!

  19. Lmao i cant stop lauging at the 15 second timelapse😂

  20. the free parking look like a Monster

  21. No dirt house on the Poop squares? Missed opportunity.

    For real, this is astounding!

  22. If he was gonna place the concrete in the water then he didn’t have to convert it 😂😂

  23. The beast space is sparkling starfields

  24. That chicken mooing cracked me the hell up

  25. This guy deserves more subs. Vid3os are ausome ❤

  26. i love u can u put plz antr
    my name

  27. You could just shorten the names. For the railroad just do penn or PA rr for Vermont just do VT Ave and for Connecticut just do Conn or CT ave.

  28. this dude needs more than 11 k subscribers, keep up man!

  29. You earned my sub for listening to real men's music. Proud for you 2:04

  30. This is such a great video keep it up man

  31. I play with rules get jackpot from free parking always at least 500 in free parking and 400 landing on go

  32. You are better than most youtubers who build one farm and call this a video, you crazy bro

  33. Anyone else notice that he misspelled electric? He spelled it eletric company lol. Can see it at 7:09

  34. You are too underrated! The videos are so professionally made, I love them!

  35. I subbed to be in a blank space 😀 since my name is still too long, you can do 'Luke'

  36. love seeing new Minecraft hardcore youtubers, but i wish they where original, like the ideas are but alot of them are the same

  37. would be cool to add some statues like a hat, horse, car and a thimble around the map and some scatter money on the middle of the board

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