Why I HATE Monopoly - zigjogos.com

Why I HATE Monopoly

The Dice Tower
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Tom Vasel explains why he does not personally enjoy the classic board game of Monopoly!

00:00 – Introduction
01:46 – Game overview
06:37 – Final thoughts


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  1. My problem is with all the reskins of monopoly and all the missed potential.
    When other games gets a reskin, they usually change or add some new rule or gimmick (ex Star Wars Carcasonne, Ticket to ride Europe ect), something to make them unique and potentially interessting to buy for fans even if they own the original version. But Monopoly got thousands of reskins but never changes the rules att all. That's so lazy that I find it a bit insulting. The most change I've seen is a version that used a card reader instead of the paper money, but the game plays all the same anyway.

  2. I play monopoly the other day and I didn’t realize it, but it took 3 hours! My 6 year old son loves it cause he beat me but man that game drags.


  4. Thank you, Tom. Nuff said.

  5. To be fair, the Mario and Mario Kart versions of Monopoly are pretty fun. They're a decent departure from the core game though.

  6. Whahaha I agree so much 🙂

  7. The game of 'Life' is far better than monopoly.

  8. Actually our real life money is made of cotton…it more fabric money 😉 that's why its so strong and can be washed in washing machine etc.

  9. How would you improve it? maybe have a mechanic similar to Scythe where you gain rent from your props every turn, but you cant gain from a prop you chose last turn.
    if you land on your own prop you gain a bonus,
    If you own two or more Rails, you can move between them if you begin your turn on them, or pay the owner of the two to move between them.
    Taking inspiration from real TTGs, those are just a few ideas.

  10. One time i played for like 5 hours, and i LOST. It was for the dmbest thing also, i felt bad for someone who didnt have enough cash for paying a hotel, so i bought one of his propertys. Then i was out of cash. Then i dropped onto his hotell and was out of money. ;(

  11. There's one humongous flaw in this dreadful game. There is a limited supply of houses, so if you only buy houses without upgrading to hotels, you prevent other players from obtaining those houses. If you upgrade your houses to hotels, then your old houses become available and you end up paying more rent to players who now have your old houses on their properties and you've opened the probability for them to upgrade to hotels.

  12. Three more sins:
    1. The Chance and Community Chest cards are mostly lame. There are a few good ones such as the "get out of jail free" cards and one give you $200, another $150. But that is it, most are pointless. Lose $10 or $15… big deal.
    2. There is really one one strategy in the game: buy every property you land on. I've tried other strategies and combinations and they don't work. Just buy everything. What fun is that?
    3. It teaches poor capitalism. Capitalism is more than just running everyone into bankruptcy and one person owning everything. At least, it should be. Unfortunately many people seem to think that poverty for the 99% while the 1% live like kings is the proper way to run society.

  13. "I've heard of big family arguments over Monopoly…"

    Oh, well, look on the bright side. It wasn't Diplomacy.

  14. Why do people put great games like chess and scrabble, and even mediocre but playable games like risk and cluedo in the same 'shitty Old games' box with Monopoly? Like… Literally all of those are 20 Times more fun than Monopoly at least. And chess is infinitely better, of course.

  15. Monopoly is the Macdonalds of board games…gross and and fueled by capitalism

  16. I agree with some of your points. But i think hasbro can tweak these shortcomings in future versions

  17. I play monopoly when I was a kid and then when I get 12 years old I played eldritch horror Arkham horror werewolf and game of thrones and exploding kittens etc… and then I can see that I hate monopoly when I play other boardgames. (Bad grammar sorry)

  18. Actually i like some parts of Monopoly.
    Reason i think many people like Monopoly:
    1. The rules are very easy to learn.
    2. Almost no downtime.
    3. Almost no AP.
    4. There’s a lot of interaction
    5. You can socialize.
    6. Don’t spend much effort thinking. People play games just for socialize without spend much effort thinking. That’s why they like Bingo (for me not a game) or even roulette or poker without money involved.
    7. You see your empire growing. People like that when playing a game. Monopoly gives you that feeling, you watch your empire getting bigger and bigger, and i love that (only if you are extremely unlucky you get nothing). The thing is, your grow is based on lucky but many people don’t care or don’t realise that.
    8. You control (or you feel you control) your empire (lands) because it depends on your negotiation skills. It’s true when you have them but many of them you got them by luck.

    Remove the luck factor of the game and probably wouldn’t be so bad.
    You can do some house rules to mitigate that luck on the dice.
    “For example: If you roll 2 dice the most common move is 7 steps. It would be better if the game gave us the choice to roll 1, 2 or 3 dice. You still went to prison with 2 equal numbers. Maybe that would change the strategy I don’t really know.”

    I know people who watch Dice Tower love modern games and hate Monopoly in general.
    I don’t like to be one of those fundamentalists who realised that there are much better games now that Monopoly has to be despised. And because everybody in the world plays it and they sell the game like McDonald burgers due to their marketing it’s a game to be hated. And is cool to hate the game, specially who know the “truth”, the people that played Monopoly thinking it was the best they could get but now they know that there are much better games.
    I understand that’s annoying to watch a bad game selling so much and to be the most known.
    But I actually have some respect about Monopoly. It’s a very old game so you should take that into account, and just because they sell a lot is bad? If Monopoly succeeded why can’t others do the same.

  19. Monopoly and Risiko are the two old-style games that everyone played around 20-30 years ago. Funny memories (have you ever conquered the entire world with black armies? xD), but to me they simply became absolutely unplayable.

  20. When the best space in the game is to do nothing (Free Parking) or do nothing at all (Jail) it’s a bad game.

  21. One of my happiest moments recently was walking through a Target and realizing that while they still had the obligatory selection of Monopoly/Risk/Scrabble/Clue, they also had started stocking Catan, Ticket to Ride, Codenames, and Pandemic. Here's hoping the next generation of children grow up on those games and we can all finally escape the stigma of Monopoly.

  22. As with most trading games, you need to allow any type of deal. The real fun starts when you hand someone a piece of paper that says "Parkway option to trade in 5 turns for $300, cost $50." Creative and economically inclined people will instantly be having a good time.

  23. I completely agree with every single point. That's the way I always felt and up until now I wasn't a big fan of board games. Now I'm knowing more options, watching your videos and stuff. Just as the cherry on top of the cake I would've been nice to finish the video with 3 recommendations of games that could be a good alternative to Monopoly.

    Also, I bough Xia last week, and while I watch many videos around, even in Spanish, I loved the your review and the fact that you liked it.

  24. You should check out Fortune Street on the Wii. It has taken the spirit of Monopoly and improved it immensely! I've had so many great games with my group.
    Player elimination: gone, or at least causes the game to end.
    Time: the game does eventually end. Even if nobody goes bankrupt, you win by reaching a certain amount and getting to the bank (start) with that amount.
    Luck: there, but diminished. No need to trade for a full set. You can develop your properties easily. You can just make them better with more in the set.

    I know it's a video game, but I think it would be of great interest on your channel.

  25. Yeah, I prefer Catan!

  26. You shouldn't ALWAYS buy a property if you land on it. Always always auction off the utilities because they're overpriced. Sometimes you might want to pass on a property in order to keep cash in hand for a later property or if you're about to land on something scary.

  27. i hate Monopoly too. i'd rather play like 5-min dungeon or exploding kittens or risk (lol) or apples to apples or codenames or

  28. Monopoly: the card game is so much better..it is actually kind of fun and I don’t like the original version, so I think that says something.
    Also, it doesn’t take you 3 days to finish it.

  29. Well to be fair you can make a lot of the same criticisms about Settlers of Catan.
    – Components: Well they're mediocre for a $50 game. It's better quality than Monopoly or Sorry!, but you expect better quality for the price.
    – Gameplay: It's roll and see if you get resources. Yeah, there is trading but it's the usual "hey I have wood, do you have stone?" and getting shot down.
    – Decision making: The only things that matter is what cards you got from dice rolls. Can I build a road? No. Can I build a settlement? No. Can I build a city? No. Can I get a development card? No. Does anyone want to trade with me? No. OK, next person.
    – Early elimination: Well I got cut off in the initial placement and I have no places to go and no places where I can get good resources. The game is over before we even get to the first dice roll. Now I have to sit through an entire 2 hour game knowing that I'll max out at 4-6 victory points and there is absolutely nothing I can do.

    So it's really a matter of attitude and perspective if you ask me.

  30. I am adding this video as one my 10 favorites of all times.

  31. The fact in this game is that it does not end. It always drags on and on and on and pretty much after two rounds around the board tells you who won… It is just dragging its feet to the inevitable conclusion for hours and hours.

    And the amount of luck involved is crazy. And it determines the winner. There is very little skill involved here… Ot decision making either. That "to buy or be a complete idiot" isn't really a choice at all… So the game basically plays you, for a fool.

  32. The luck element in Monopoly isn’t so much that it has dice, it’s that so much can turn on a single good or bad throw. Chance is very granular in the game. Lots of war games have dice, but generally speaking any given roll has a small impact. You’re often playing the odds, and that works because one or two outliers aren’t going to determine victory.

  33. My dad used to set the kitchen timer and we would count our money and property after a certain amount of time. Highest total won. We hardly ever played more than 45 minutes. So, while I’m not a huge fan, everlasting games didn’t happen for us.

  34. Actualol does a hilarious video on why you should never play monopoly again…great vid too Tom! Nice music 👍🎸

    Also you should’ve demolished the game with your hammer…or maybe it wasn’t even worthy of the dice tower hammer?!

  35. I played Monopoly probably once, went straight to jail, missed the returning-to-starting-point bonus and lost the game. And that’s probably the last Monopoly I’ll ever play

  36. monopoly needs to be purged from all houses and burned.

  37. The best house 2 rules for Monopoly are : "After roll you may go left or right. If you land on area where opponents pawn is you remove it and eliminate that player from the game". You may play with 20 players and more and game ends in 3 minutes. No one is interested in buying properties anymore 🙂 Summary – Trouble is better then Monopoly 🙂

  38. Hahahaha! I love when the metal riff kicks in at the beginning! That really sets the tone in a great way!

  39. Monopoly is the worst board game of all time.

  40. I love playing Monopoly personally but I agree with your criticisms. Also you earned yourself a subscriber.

  41. Monopoly sucks😎 deal with it Monopoly lovers try a different game that’s not random

  42. I think people forget that Monopoly was never supposed to be a "fun" game. It was originally called "The Landlord's Game" and it was intended to show the horrors/problems of greed, capitalism, and monopolistic ownership.

  43. 0:35 I'd be curious why people "like" Monopoly. 😛

  44. Monopoly is a great game and one of the few games which truly deliver its message with its game mechanics….

  45. I agreed, I played Monopoly occasionally well in to my adult years. But once I discovered more Morden games I realised just how boring monopoly was. Don't mind if others like it and still play it. But I personally will never play it again…

  46. Most board game is about optimization. Basically at any given moment you need to make decision to optimize the result. For monopoly, it is quite simple, the optimization goes as: BUY EVERY PROPERTY YOU LAND, REFUSE EVERY TRADES and the rest is all luck. You would gain from a trade but that only happens if there is bad player on the board, otherwise people will never let you gain from trade, therefore never trade with anybody. Simple.

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